Such is love, makes me happy we're both artists!

1.5M ratings
277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Dear Reader,🌹

I am Dr. Mohammed Aldeeb, a dedicated medical professional specializing in emergency care, hailing from the Gaza Strip. 🇵🇸 ✌🕊

For years, I poured my heart and soul into my work at Al-Shifa Hospital, tending to the wounded and the ailing with compassion and skill.😀


However, the ravages of war tore through our lives, forcing me to abandon my cherished home and the familiar walls of the hospital where I once found solace.

Leaving behind the echoes of laughter and camaraderie, I embarked on a painful journey southward, bidding farewell to the streets where I grew up, the corners where I sought refuge, and the colleagues who felt like family. Memories of my formative years and the countless lives I touched during my tenure at Al-Shifa and other medical facilities flooded my mind, as I struggled to come to terms with the sudden upheaval.


Despite the adversities that besieged me, I persevered in my pursuit of healing. My determination led me to Al-Azhar University, where I embraced the role of a teaching assistant, imparting knowledge to aspiring medical students with unwavering dedication. Dreams of specializing in internal medicine beckoned me back to Al-Shifa Hospital, but alas, the brutal onslaught of war reduced it to rubble, shattering my aspirations in its wake.


In the chaos and carnage of conflict, I sustained injuries, and the sanctuary of my home was obliterated, leaving my family and me destitute and displaced. Yet, amid the ruins, a flicker of hope persists. At Al-Aqsa Hospital, I continue to extend a helping hand to those in need, drawing strength from the resilience instilled in me through years of education and service.


Today, we find ourselves sheltering in a humble tent, stripped of our possessions and livelihoods. The loss of my job, my home, and the comforting presence of my loved ones weighs heavily on my heart. Nevertheless, I refuse to surrender to despair, clinging to the belief that brighter days lie ahead.


It is with a heavy heart that I reach out to you, dear reader, seeking assistance in securing safe passage for myself and my family from the turmoil of Gaza. With your kindness and generosity, I hope to reclaim the path to realizing my medical vocation, enabling me to provide for my loved ones and contribute to the healing of our wounded world.


Your compassionate aid would mean the world to me and my family.

With gratitude and hope,

Dr. Mohammed Aldeeb

Gaza Strip

WhatsApp: 00972599095244

I hope this version captures the depth of your story and resonates with your audience. Let me know if you need further adjustments!

Vetted by :

@90-ghost : the verification

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ive just been born into the world what are some good games for beginners



this one won goty five yrs in a row and i heard its got awesome ratings


Tier List

S Tier: Green Line - High up and long circular motions are the sauce. Absolute banger.

A Tier: Blue Line - Nothing special in terms of line structure, but the texture on the beads are what make this one so great

B Tier: Yellow Line - The Right Angled motions are honestly mesmerizing

C Tier: Orange Line - The Vertical Up and Down motions can be fun but it just comes across as clunky

F Tier: Red Line - What are you even doing


are you fucking kidding me the red line beads are a FAR more compelling texture than the blue line. “oh but the red line is booring.” the appeal is in how it interacts with and highlights the other lines you philistine. without the red line there’s no cohesion at all. read a book.


Literally hop off. Red doesn’t even use gravity as an element in the main route. Orange is one of the only three lines (with green and yellow) to actually use gravity to add complexity to the route, and is honestly an underrated pick. Have fun playing “push left” simulator with red. Idiot.


tags reading "things heating up in the pediatrician's waiting room."

via @wrenrouge



Imagine picking up up a pint of ice cream for $5 and when you get to the register it's $6. This is going to be a nightmare for everyone who works there.

If you catch them raising prices on you in the store, complain. Get a manager. Make a scene. Show them time-stamped photos of prices: "I put a $5 item in my cart and that's how much I intend to pay for it." Do it every day. Give them 1 star reviews.

Consumer backlash is how we stop this. It's the only way. Especially with companies like Walmart that have established themselves as the only option in rural communities. It's not "being a Karen" if you're making legitimate complaints and being exploited.


i made a quiz: what does your soul smell like? (friendship/ relationship compatibility in the results!)


Thanks for the tag, @noxxytocin ! I got Freshly Baked Bread (hell yeah I love bread 🍞✨)


I’ll tag (no pressure): @gioiaalbanoart , @madi-konrad , @drchenquill , @fantasy-things-and-such , @cybercelestian , @corinneglass , @corvys-clover , @wyked-ao3 , @justabigoldnerd , @pippinoftheshire , @thatuselesshuman , @jev-urisk , @theaistired , @willtheweaver , +open tag!


Thank you for the tag @the-golden-comet!


No pressure Tags to: @zeenimf @nerdytacollama @corithecorgi @namistreasure @xenascribbles and anyone else who wants to have a go at it!


Thanks for the tag, @theaistired!


No pressure tags: @coloursofhappiness, @sfiltron, @miniaturestarlightdelight, @princeoflearning, @vlupshittous and whoever else wants to!



I think this is most accurate even if I was kind of hoping for candle smoke or something ^-^ No pressure tags: @wolvereaux @happybunnykat @absurdnebula786 @nythlyx @hardboiledteacozy


BREAD BREAD BREAD BREAD BREAD (not screencapping it ‘cos it already is above).

@abidethetempest, @grasping-the-averass, @deplorabletwink, @therabidkell, @keylimecat1293, @nachosncheezies if you wanna!

(others are ofc welcome to hop in too!)


HOW DID I GET COFFEE I’M 17!? Anyway that was fun and does fit what others usually say about me.

@boxowo @bleetusmcyeetus @dj-tak0wasa

No pressure tags :3 and anyone else can join too


i got fresh baked bread .. yummed ..

again im not close with many mutuals except my epic swag wife @kennydrawz ilu :3

clownin' around of course anyone else can join also pls plsp pls mutuals tell me if i can tag u in these i love u im kissing ur forehead