
I think we need more appreciation for hairy femmes!! This one goes out to femmes with armpit hair and bush and hairy stomachs! And extra big shout out to femmes with facial hair! I love you and your hair doesn't make you any less femme!! - Signed a fellow hairy femme 😘

Also this goes doubly for trans femmes, femmes of color, and fat femmes 💜


The Consequence of Secrets

Dream/Hob | Teen | Age of Sail AU, captain!Hob, surgeon/naturalist/intelligence agent!Dream, hurt/comfort, mutual pining, AU-typical flirting, excuses to touch your crush | Ao3 link | Series link

For the @dreamlingbingo square: secret service


“Were you ever going to tell me you were a bloody spy?”

“Allegedly,” Dream corrects, uncertain how nearby their captors are, and how good their English may be. There is no sense definitively admitting to something of which he has not yet been convicted.

Hob gives him an unimpressed look. He, of course, knows the truth of it now. Of his brother Destiny’s hand in sending him to sea. Of Dream’s real mission—collecting intelligence. Not, as Hob had been led to believe, merely a dedicated naturalist taking on the duties of a surgeon in order to fulfill his harmless scientific curiosity.

He is here, though, having attempted a rescue. Having come for Dream. Even as he must suspect, at best, split loyalties.

Another man might feel some guilt at the comfort it brings him to have Hob here, but Dream is not another man. Hob is a comfort. In his presence, nothing truly catastrophic ever happens. There is always a way through. Always another opportunity. Captain Gadling is not a man who gives up.

Keep reading


I'm sorry I can't read that book you recommended. Yeah, no, it's just that beginning something new that I don't know if I'm in the mood for is to me what plastic bags are to horses and if you play 30 seconds of an unfamiliar audiobook I WILL spook and break two of my legs.


I can't even bring myself to read books I WANT to read, what the fuck makes anyone think they have more power over me than the dopamine-sucking rat inside my own brain? You say a movie is super good and want me to watch it so we can talk about it? No. That's homework now. My brain selects what is Acceptable based on something between ornithomancy and letting a cat knock over some cups. Nobody understands it. I am ruled by it. Doctors refuse to adequately medicate me for it. I will watch the latest Pixar movie when and only when you prop my corpse in front of the television and the coins fall off my eyes.

Yes this is about ADHD.



Giraffe- done digitally

Wanted to experiment mixing painting and drawing techniques since I enjoy doing them both. I'm super proud with how this drawing came out and love the contrast between the Giraffe and the tree and I'm just happy with it!


What did you call these treats growing up?


Freezer Pop

Ice Candy

Ice Pole

Ice Pop


Otter Pop


Pepsi Ice

Sip Up

Just curious about this one, I’m Canadian and I call it a Freezie!

Also very sad that I only have 10 poll options, making another poll for non-English names for this (according to the Freezie wikipedia!)

blueeee or pink if they got itand i call them freeziesfood

Not gonna reblog the post because tumblr has a rabid hatred against anything using the word AI but captchas do have use beyond providing training data to bots as an important gate to prevent botting/DDOS attacks. Moreover, the data from original captchas has been used in a constructive way; one example is optical character recognition (OCR). When you scan something in and the computer is able to pull out the text in a computer (and person!) readable format, that's OCR. One use of OCR is to allow people who use screen readers to access printed text, which is a vital accessibility tool in a time where much information is printed that may not be directly accessible in other formats like audio or Braille.

I would caution away from conspiratorial thought regarding large tech firms for this reason, as there are valid reasons to a. generate this data and b. to continue to use some sort of captcha technology (although it is not a perfect solitary security system). I understand they are doing things none of us particularly appreciate, but sometimes they do produce things that are of use to the rest of the world.


Mr. Aquila brought up another great point, the fact that computers can read the text in these is why we change the mechanism of the test. Google’s recaptcha requires image verification, largely identifying common road hazards like bikes and fire hydrants which will be used for self-driving cars (which of course, have their own problems).

I just don’t think they would market a completely useless product just to squeeze more data out of the internet population, ya know?

aquila talks tech

Not gonna reblog the post because tumblr has a rabid hatred against anything using the word AI but captchas do have use beyond providing training data to bots as an important gate to prevent botting/DDOS attacks. Moreover, the data from original captchas has been used in a constructive way; one example is optical character recognition (OCR). When you scan something in and the computer is able to pull out the text in a computer (and person!) readable format, that’s OCR. One use of OCR is to allow people who use screen readers to access printed text, which is a vital accessibility tool in a time where much information is printed that may not be directly accessible in other formats like audio or Braille.

I would caution away from conspiratorial thought regarding large tech firms for this reason, as there are valid reasons to a. generate this data and b. to continue to use some sort of captcha technology (although it is not a perfect solitary security system). I understand they are doing things none of us particularly appreciate, but sometimes they do produce things that are of use to the rest of the world.

aquila talks tech