
#1 frasier wiki fansite

@arsonforcharlie / arsonforcharlie.tumblr.com

30s, just some fuckinnnnnn guy. he/they pronouns. i love attention, always talk to me about whatever. my cat's blog (yeah I'm like that) is @torontopigeon and she's the best

"because of woke" is such a funny a phrase to me it's the new Thanks Obama. they made me look at a rainbow with little metal hands that forced my eyelids to stay open and look at it and it made me gay . because of woke.


Devastating! Art museum gift shop doesn’t sell prints of specific and unpopular painting that struck a cord with you!

Every time i see this post, I have to claw my way back from writing up a business plan to handle this for every museum of every size on the planet.

Every. SIngle time. I see this post. EVERYT IME>

"Give me Production + Shipping + 5%. I'll handle the rest. I'll build the portal. It'll be an app. It'll connect to a website. Boop boop boop customer in the museum fills out info and a form, they pay you, you send me the info and cash. A week later, customer has a poster mailed to them. There is a website. The cut is the same.





Idk like I think there's a really misogynist way that women are expected to consider being murdered and assaulted as like 1000x worse than anything else that could happen and do everything possible to avoid it and like it's unarguably bad! But constantly whenever I mention going hiking or whatever people are like 'omg you're going camping alone as a woman??? what if you get murdered?????' Actually by far the way I am most likely to die doing that is... some sleep deprived or drunk driver crashing into me on the way there! But no one tells you to avoid driving, meanwhile there's so much pressure on women to like, always stay in other crowded super safe areas or at home to Protect Their Virtue and it's like lol I would actually rather live an interesting life doing things that I enjoy


the idea of tumblr being dead is so funny to me because it’s the only social media where i actually feel like other people are online at the same time

when i scroll through most other social media i feel like im just seeing ghosts.. posts from the past week instead of the past minute. i can actually watch people log on and off here and it feels like it matters


it’s so nutty watching urself develop like catching urself react differently than u previously would’ve and be like woah.. cunts maturing? go on then


to succeed in adult friendship you must remember the key tenets of child friendship:

  • Play Toys
  • Play Pretend
  • Snack Time

successful examples from my travels:

  • my SO and i have a projector. our cool neighbors have a vast dvd collection. fundamentally these are toys. we have those neighbors over for movie nights. Play Toys. more broadly shared hobbies fall into this category but it's extra fun if there's Equipment to admire and share.
  • ttrpgs are obvious but invaluable examples of Play Pretend. HOWEVER your options are not limited to this. i started a local writing group and this is also Play Pretend bc we all talk about our stories together. there are many such creative endeavors in this world.
  • having someone over for a meal is Snack Time. if you make a lil thing of it and eat at the table and make it nice with dessert and a fancy beverage to share it feels very grown up. and you will feel impressed with yourself for it. but it scratches the same itch as trading fruit snacks and suchlike.

of course these can be mixed and matched. most activities are enhanced by Snack Time if your friend targets enjoy breaking bread together.

and one begets the other. if you Play Pretend with someone for long enough they may eventually tell you about Toys they have and if you want to play too they'll probably let you. if they're nice.

life can be lonely when we live in separate boxes and worry about money all the time. this is what makes friendships hard, not growing older. but the antidote to isolation is connection, and the oldest wisdom we ever learn: share your toys. share your games. share your snacks.


related, ive been looking at starfield mods to see how things are going and found this a mod called "Better Amelia Earhart" and it sucks my immediate first thought from modding skyrim so much was "god fucking damn it they're gonna babeify AMELIA EARHART."

turns out they just buffed her a ton so she's a better pilot

idk anything about starfield but in isolation 'buffed amelia earhart to make her a better pilot' is hysterically funny. fixed crash issues.


'there are no real men anymore. men nowadays are all too feminine, they even look and act like women' where are all these feminine men. where. can you pinpoint them on a map for me. please. can you direct me to them. im begging you. please. please please please pl


All those sentiments like "Normal is boring! Who wants to be normal? Weird is good!" all throughout our childhoods only to continue to make zero space in society for anyone who can't (or doesn't want to) be a fucking investment banker. They bombarded us with a million messages about being ourselves and then ignored the fact that society is built for like three kinds of people max and everyone else is going to have a really hard time. They can't even handle furries. They can't even handle furries.


A trans man coming out as a man is never a loss.

I don’t care if he went into a male-dominated field. All fields are cis dominated.

I don’t care if he’s a straight man now. He should be allowed to be himself and happy. He does not owe it to you to be a miserable lesbian for your comfort.

I don’t care if you thought he was hotter before. His happiness is worth the price of your desire. Also you’re wrong and I’m giving him my number.

More trans men is a good thing. More trans men means more closeted trans men are feeling safe to come out. That’s a good thing.

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