#1 frasier wiki fansite

30s, just some fuckinnnnnn guy. he/they pronouns. i love attention, always talk to me about whatever. my cat's blog (yeah I'm like that) is @torontopigeon and she's the best



Like we know Biden would never but God imagine if he just had Trump assassinated as an official act right now and then resigned from office. What would SCotUS even do.

Like you can’t impeach him, he’s resigned. You can’t prosecute him, that was an official act as God-President. You can’t even turn the precedent over, you just fucking set it. Joe just goes home and lives out his remaining year retired from the public eye and gets to watch the chaos unfold on TV.

(via la-mancha-screwjob)



No sane government would do this.

(via la-mancha-screwjob)


tweet from @/ItsBCJim that reads: The bad part of getting older is that you become an NPC, the good part is that being an NPC rocks. Nothing like walking down the street with a thought bubble that's just a sandwich you're looking forward to. Protagonism is best left to teens and the insane.ALT

where’s that masterpost of quotes that have no right going as hard as they do. I’d like to submit “Protagonism is best left to teens and the insane”

(via kwain-itinerant-meddler)


There is much more joy to be found in queer history once one acknowledges and lets go of the need for perfection. The fight for perfect labels, for perfect clarity, for perfect people, are all wastes of time compared to the bigger moral questions and epic stories that can be explored. Focusing on these details is more often than not used as a tool to limit and cut away parts of the queer community that make people uncomfortable, rather than an honest and genuine pursuit of further knowledge.

Be skeptical of the people who offer easy answers, who suggest that everything can fit neatly into one uncomplicated box, and be cautious of the people who spend more time discussing what queer history is not allowed to be rather than actually exploring queer history.

(via a-polite-melody)


scotch tape is just regular tape wrapped in breadcrumbs and sausage meat

no wonder my cat wants to eat it so much


screenshot of grindr with two messages received just now. one is from someone called "Yep It's Big" with an eggplant emoji saying "hey". the other is from someone called smallcox saying "hey like small cock?" end IDALT

two roads diverged in a yellow wood

a screenshot of tumblr tags that say: #trapper and Hawkeye #<-prev!!! #this is BJ's grindr dms #do I know if this is actually grindr? absolutely not but my joke stands #crediting Remy for sending this to me with 'beehtraphawk meet cute'ALT

delighted to report that this post has finally reached not just m*a*s*h shipping tumblr, but the part of m*a*s*h shipping tumblr that doesn’t know what grindr looks like. I’ve finally made it, someone call my mother

(via serpercival)




weed themed superhero whose fight scene onomatopoeia is shit like SPLIFF! BONG! BHANG!

after a long fight all the good words get used up until he’s finally kicked in the balls to a sound effect that’s just


[over the comms] Weed Man, it’s me, Bud Boy! You’re greening out! Hang on—I’m sending the Jefferson Airplane to your location!

(via a-polite-melody)


five year plan: fag it up

(via kwain-itinerant-meddler)


They don’t make AMVs like they used to

(via la-mancha-screwjob)