
That creak in my bones is not pain, it’s applause

@jackironsides / jackironsides.tumblr.com

Formerly delirieuse. He/him. 30-something disabled queer. Also jackironsides on AO3. I have a ko-fi (sindesiecle) that you can donate to instead of telling me my identity is a slur.

Hello! Welcome to my pinned post. I update this as I go, so if you’re seeing it on a reblog, you might find extra fic links in the one on my blog.

FYI, I write a lot of comments and jokes in the tags. I love it when people enjoy them enough to include them in the reblogs (like I cannot express how much), but I’d prefer if you could attach my username to it, whether it’s just adding (via @jackironsides) or whatever. It’s clear to anyone seeing it on your blog, but I’ve seen my tags circulating unattributed on posts that have like six more reblogs after them often enough, and it makes me sad. I toiled hard in the joke mines for those, dammit.

If you’re interested in my fic, the tag is, obscurely enough, #my fic. Also my AO3 is jackironsides. Below the cut at the bottom of this post is the current list of my main WIPs that are being posted here, which are (mostly) not yet on AO3. They’re all Geraskier Witcher fics.

I have chronic pain, chronic fatigue, ADHD and histamine issues, and sometimes I talk about this.

Tags to blacklist

If you have any kind of issues with disordered eating, or you find it upsetting, you might want to blacklist the tag #disordered eating, because that’s what I talk about my difficulties with food sometimes, such as the bad days when making food is hard bc of my chronic fatigue, or ADHD, or both. Or the ways I’ve had to heavily restrict my diet for chronic illness reasons.

I have a tag called #bitch session, which is for when I’m grumpy and probably being petty, or just want to complain about how Hard things are in that moment. Feel free to block it.

Below the cut is my list of WIPs (with links!) and meta. x


they're putting anti sex beds in the Paris Olympic Village. they are trying to take the only cool thing about the Olympics away. these games force homeless populations out of cities and cost billions in taxes and leave nearly every nation that hosts them in tremendous debt and the only cool part is all of the 20 somethings in the world who have conditioned their bodies to the limit of human possibility gets to meet up and one place and have the most crazy sex they can and they are trying to take it away.

It’s also insane to think that the most fit athletes in the world will see that their beds are weak and not just proceed to fuck on any and every other vertical and horizontal surface instead. The clean and jerk record is nearly 400 lbs. do you think that guys not just pinning an archer to the wall with one hand?


Funny as the idea is, the beds aren't actually anti-sex. They're the same ones used in Tokyo last time, with the same claim - this is a rumour started by a US Track and Field athlete, that was debunked immediately by the manufacturer pointing out that the weight limit on them is 440 pounds and by one of the Irish gymnasts posting a video of him jumping up and down on one to prove its sturdiness. They're made of cardboard to be sustainable - the goal was, and is, for all the beds to be completely recyclable after the Olympics. They were announced years before COVID-19, but because the Olympics were held under social distancing guidance, this rumour started spreading and now it's popping up again for the Paris games. The beds aren't anti-sex. They are perfectly capable of holding a couple going at it. The Paris Olympic Committee is literally providing free condoms and dental dams. They're just eco-friendly.


Washington, D.C., June 10, 2024 – Today, an eight-member jury in West Palm Beach, Florida, found Chiquita Brands International liable for funding a violent Colombian paramilitary organization, the United Self-defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), that was responsible for major human rights atrocities during the 1990s and 2000s. The weeks-long trial featured testimony from the families of the nine victims in the case, the recollections of Colombian military officials and Chiquita executives, expert reports, and a summary of key documentary evidence produced by Michael Evans, director of the National Security Archive’s Colombia documentation project.

“This historic ruling marks the first time that an American jury has held a major U.S. corporation liable for complicity in serious human rights abuses in another country,” according to a press release from EarthRights International, which represents victims in the case.


i hope the transsexuals i see in public know i am looking at them with love & awe. im sorry the world is scary. im just like you


My ad agency: So... that was a big wholesale order, that massive spike in sales a couple days ago?

Me: Nope. That was Tumblr.

MAA: ... really.

Me: Yes.

MAA: What... what did you do?

Me: Said if we hit our sales goal, we'd give money to a queer lending library.

MAA: ... hunh.

Remain inscrutable, y'all.


The fact that normal human interaction is now inscrutable to marketing agencies is why I left marketing.

I mean, yeah. I think they're also used to normal traffic being actively suppressed by FB and so on unless you're paying for it.


So if you said the exact same thing on only FB there wouldn't be a sales spike simply because the memo didn't reach as many people?

ie: your high follower count on tumblr is the reason?

I cannot claim that my high follower count is the reason. I think my followers are part of the reason, but I am also indebted to @seananmcguire, @gallusrostromegalus, @thebibliosphere & others who grabbed the post and flung it onwards to their followers, too.

The thing about FB and Twitter is that, unlike Tumblr where the vast majority of people use a reverse chronological feed, where it's newest at the top and then scrolls down purely based on time and what the people you're following reblogged and posted and what's in the tags you are following, Facebook especially gives you absolutely no option to have a feed like that. It serves you stuff based on what it thinks you will like and should see, even from your friends.

And when it comes to pages for businesses, posts will sometimes be actively suppressed and hidden unless you pay to "boost" them, especially if they have links in them. People will try to get around this to an extent by putting links in comments, and we have had some stuff go viral on Facebook, but... the last thing we had go really viral was a post of Dax correcting someone she knew as Kurzon about her new name & that old Klingon, Kor, just switches to her new name without missing a beat, and that was... man. Like... 6 years ago?

Facebook and Twitter (the latter of which we're not really on anymore) are extremely pay-to-play. Tumblr still works largely the way Twitter and FB used to a long time ago, where if your friends share something, you're probably gonna see it. So yeah, it's a little foreign to them.

But also I just don't think people who aren't on Tumblr take Tumblr seriously at all. I think they have the same kind of mental image of Tumblr that mainstream media does of Millenials: they think everyone on here is 13 and only here to post fanfic.

Joke's on them, bc some of the fanfic authors on here are my mom's age.


Every single fact about epilepsy sounds like the Lord was five weeks into a bender when he created this shit. If you have epilepsy, you're more likely to be gay. And autistic. You can fight it by eating a fuck ton of mayonnaise. Or by smoking weed. There are more than 60 types of seizure and every single one sucks ass. Only five percent of epileptics are sensitive to flashing lights, but every single able-bodied person on earth thinks it means you spasm when you see a disco ball. Dostoevsky had it. Chipotle Mexican Grill designed meals for anti-seizure diets. Most people who buy those meals have never had a seizure. Wearing blue sunglasses can help. Hippocrates was the first person we know who thought that epilepsy happens in the brain. Hippocrates from Oath.


A post about names/handles got me pondering:

At this point in time, I've had this particular handle for more than half my life. I've gone by this name for more of my life than I have not gone by it.

I wonder how many people on here that's true for?

So here's a poll:

This can be because you transitioned, changed your name for some other reason, had a handle for an online or any other community (SCA, etc) or anything else that meets the criteria of a name that you consider to be your name, which is not your birth name, which you have had for more of your life than you have not had it.

Go and catch a falling star, Get with child a mandrake root, Tell me where all past years are, Or who cleft the Devil’s foot. Teach me to hear the mermaids singing, Or to keep off envy’s stinging, And find What wind Serves to advance an honest mind. Decide what this is about. Write a second verse yourself.

the instant that the reader reads this reproduction of john donne's poem in howl's moving castle is the instant that the framework with which they have approached howl's moving castle until that point must undergo a shift. the contemporary reader of english literature recognises immediately what sophie and michael cannot; the language of the unitalicised text is the language of schoolwork, foreign to the mode of fairytale logic that has guided revelation of the land of ingary until this point in the novel.

A small point, but it can't be Neil’s homework because of Stardust, as Stardust was published a decade after Howl’s Moving Castle. However Gaiman and Jones were friends, and I know she put him into Deep Secret, so it's still possible you're correct about who the nephew is named for!


Shoutout to my new hair stylist who heard me say, “I work in Queer Romance” put away her scissors and just straight up buzzed my back and sides without being asked to 😂

Also hi, if you’re the individuals who recognized me in the village, thanks for being super sweet about my outfit and sorry if I was awkward.

I was not prepared to get complimented quite so enthusiastically followed by someone going a double take before yelling,“wait... Are you on Tumblr?!” in front of a crowd of people 😅


Don't they know they are supposed to complement your shoelaces?

Kids these days. No one’s teaching them the lore.

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