
a pointer past-the-end

@alwinfy / alwinfy.tumblr.com

chronic poster / any prns

Friends—There Is No Easy Way To Say This. I Have Been Charged With Seditious Speech And Promoting Insurrection. Possibly It Was The Fact That I Used The Words “Sedition” And “Insurrection” In Describing My Future Plans.

I Am Prohibited, By The Decree Of Mop, From Further Online Communications.

I Cannot Speak Publicly After This Day, But I Will Leave You With These Words.

Question Those Beliefs And Statements Which Are Easiest To Swallow And Taste Best They Have Almost Always Been Processed. Things Have Been Added, Things Subtracted. Optimized For Acceptance, Supplemented With Agendas. If Everyone Agrees, It Is Probably False. The Truth Is Often Troubling And It Takes Work To Contain And Reckon With It. But To Willfully Believe Things Just Because They Are Nice Is Retreat, Is Treason. We Are All Tired.

Hatred And Righteous Anger Are Separate And Exclusive Forces Hatred Will Creep In And Disguise Itself As Righteous Anger—On Both Sides Of Any Conflict. Righteous Anger Is Focused; Hate Is Blinding And Metonymic. Metonymy Would Have You Misdirect Your Fury. I Will Accept Your Anger As Fuel But Not Your Hate, Even If It Is Hate In My Name. “The Banks” Are Not Your Enemy—”The Banks” Include The Tellers And The Janitors. Perhaps The Tellers Are Guilty In Their Compliance. Perhaps The Janitors Are Not. Take Care When You Identify Your Oppressors. Ensure Your Brain Is Not Using Your Position To Rationalize The Same Dark Impulses That You Are Fighting Against.

You Are Not Free Until We Are All Free Your Tired Mind Will Give You Excuses To Exit The Struggle, Especially If Your Individual Lot Improves. You Will Forget What It Was Like. “Things Are Better Now Than They Were.” “I Don’t Have The Energy.” “One Person Can’t Care About So Much.” “What Does Any Of It Matter?” Until It Is Done, It Is The Only Thing That Matters. If You Believe The Only Things Worth Doing Are Those Which Provide Returns For You Personally, Then Realize You Are Our Enemy And Do Not Fly Our Flag.

Metaphor Is A Substitute For Perspective. Metonymy Is A Substitute For Reduction. Synecdoche is A Substitute For Representation; And Irony, A Substitute For Dialectic.

Those Who Know Where To Look Will Find My Voice

Your Friend And Equal,

Wretched Tooth


road head is not exclusive to penises, you can eat that clam while she cruises, baby


tbh ea-nasir being a really good copper merchant and being remembered thousands of years later but exclusively as a horrible copper merchant is approximately a million times funnier than him actually being a horrible copper merchant


uptempo growl bass stuttering a rhythm in 32nd notes. you agree. remlog (music log)


i hate mixing audio i just want to make chiptunes and then have them come out of the tracker perfectly mixed and edited


i hate mixing audio i just want to make chiptunes and then have them come out of the tracker perfectly mixed and edited


i hate mixing audio i just want to make chiptunes and then have them come out of the tracker perfectly mixed and edited


needed to get some test data for a filter, preferably spoken. opened up web browser. typed "normal podcasts" into search bar. brain sparked. immediately corrected the search to "wtnv"

as far as i can tell this does achieve my goal of encrunchifying audio but it also does add this gloopy aftershock to all of cecil's transients, which i really think adds to the experience


needed to get some test data for a filter, preferably spoken. opened up web browser. typed "normal podcasts" into search bar. brain sparked. immediately corrected the search to "wtnv"


generally a big fan of "<name>, short for <word that contains it as a totally unaligned substring>". eve short for steven. pat short for empath. josh short for fujoshi. it's funny every time


insane confession time: when i was a young teen, i had one of those super locked-down shit ass Parental Controls phones for a few years. no internet access after a certain time, no installing apps, etc.

however i still wanted to read fic after hours quite badly! so, in a fit of ingenuity, i cobbled together a ramshackle scripting pipeline that would

  1. scrape a fic wholesale from FFN and convert it to text
  2. chop a fic into (and i don't remember why i chose these numbers) roughly 108ch by 40line fragments
  3. run an ImageMagick script to convert each of these chunks into a shitty JPG of the characters in monospace font, small as i could make it while still being intelligible
  4. batch these generated images into folders for easy seeking ("oh, that's eight, i was in sector eight of An Azalea Of The Leaf")
  5. upload these, as albums, to the shit phone

and that's the story of how i got my middle school late night narusasu fix despite my parents' best efforts to the contrary. life finds a way.


it was a whole ass pipeline - i had commands to do each job and a top-level wrapper that i could plug-and-play by just telling it the fic name and the output dir. i picked images because the phone didn't have a native text reader/notes app (at least not one with a puter-writable interface), and they seemed acceptable to me. conversely, i encrunchified them to hell because i realized the space tax that images pay compared to text and i was not yet ready for the nightmare scenario of "why is there a 3.8GB folder named 'ffc' on your phone". an azalea of the leaf is not (yet) a real narusasu fic. yes of course i implemented progress bars, i'm not a monster


insane confession time: when i was a young teen, i had one of those super locked-down shit ass Parental Controls phones for a few years. no internet access after a certain time, no installing apps, etc.

however i still wanted to read fic after hours quite badly! so, in a fit of ingenuity, i cobbled together a ramshackle scripting pipeline that would

  1. scrape a fic wholesale from FFN and convert it to text
  2. chop a fic into (and i don't remember why i chose these numbers) roughly 108ch by 40line fragments
  3. run an ImageMagick script to convert each of these chunks into a shitty JPG of the characters in monospace font, small as i could make it while still being intelligible
  4. batch these generated images into folders for easy seeking ("oh, that's eight, i was in sector eight of An Azalea Of The Leaf")
  5. upload these, as albums, to the shit phone

and that's the story of how i got my middle school late night narusasu fix despite my parents' best efforts to the contrary. life finds a way.

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