
This is relevant to my interests

@thescholarlystrumpet / thescholarlystrumpet.tumblr.com

Same name on AO3.
I ship a lot of things. Sometimes I write stuff (mostly smut).
Ask box always open. I’m over 18 and here to be your Weird Auntie (she/her)
Not here for The Discourse but I support BLM, Ace/Aro Inclusion, Universal Healthcare, Trans Rights, Sex Positivity, Mental Health awareness, and all basic human rights/autonomy/kindness.
It costs nothing to be considerate.
I try to tag everything (if I miss a trigger pls let me know).

Good Omens Fic Master Post

Smut fic


For Loving One rated explicit Father Fell x Crowley Human AU in WW2. Slow Burn. Complete.

Like one of your French Girls rated explicit Aziraphale gets inspired by the Titanic film. Crowley models ;)

To Err is Human Rated Explicit. Memory Loss AU, Aziraphale was never invited to Heaven. Slightly slow burn, Mutual Pining, Smut with Feels. Complete.

Lending a Hand Rated Explicit First GO smut fic, post S1, 3 short chapters, Complete A Demon lends a hand to his aroused confused Angel.


Double-booked rated explicit Reverse Omens Human AU - Rival Musicians

Almost lost, Always found rated explicit 1941 "missing scene" fluffy smut

Not Just Watching Anymore rated explicit Buffy X-over, M/M/M threesome with Giles. Sex Pollen + Consent


Rules: in a new post show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like)

Aziraphale stayed awake a little longer, running his fingers in the beautiful red hair lightened up by the fire in the room, pressing kisses on his scalp.

And everyone who wantssss


Ineffable Husbands, happy together 🖤🤍

„C‘mere, silly angel!“ Crowley grumbled and pulled Aziraphale in a hug that included arms and legs fully wrapped around Aziraphale‘s body, so there was no chance of escape. The joy over the tiny squealing noise the angel gave off should be illegal. No one, especially not a vicious demon like Crowley, should be so pleased with a noise like this. But he was. He indulged it. As his face snuggled into the soft curve of the angel‘s neck, he heard a sigh of defeat and he grinned devilishly.

Oh, what a good demon he was.

„Are you gonna hold on like this for long, my dearest?“

‚My dearest‘. It still felt off to be adressed like this. It shouldn’t feel so good, but it did. The demon hummed in satisfaction as the angel gave in into the touch and leaned his head against Crowley's temple.

"That's quite nice of you to-"

"'m not nice. Don't even know what this word means"

Aziraphale huffed in amusement, wriggled on of his arms free and put his hand on the side of Crowley's face, directly over the tiny snake tattoo that started to tickle in excitement.

"As you say so, darling"

Another pet name. If he had less control over his body, he'd probably blush.


"If you don't mind, I put some water on the boil for a nice cup of tea. So if you let go, this would be very demonic of you", the angel squirmed after some moments of embracing in silence. A little grumble escaped the demon's throat as he lifted his head. Oh, the smug idiot. Aziraphale looked at him like the hundreds of times he tried to politely send the demon away if he got one of 'the really good ones'-book he wanted to read.

Instead of letting go, Crowley rolled his eyes and pressed his lips against the angels soft cheek, lingered in the motion as long as possible, listening to his angel’s silly giggle about the sudden affection. He was happy. He really was.

Everything was like it always had to be.

🌈Happy Pride Month, my fellow Queerdos 🌈

To celebrate this occasion, I had to draw our ineffable Idiots, obviously 😂

They need all the love in S3 ❤️


Tagged by my main squeeze @thescholarlystrumpet! Thank you, this was a fun deep dive!

How many works do you have on ao3?


What's your total ao3 word count?

188,367 - Though that includes collab words so it's really closer to ~73K (which is still wild to me!)

What fandoms do you write for?

Good Omens, baybee

Top five fics by kudos:

  1. love not given lightly: My human AU featuring Soft Dom!Aziraphale and Prickly Sub!Crowley. I think about Them literally every day
  2. Paradigm Shift: If you want to read about Crowley pining at the office, c'mon down!
  3. Untitled Bullshit: Not-Good Omens, but a Steve/Bucky fic from 2018
  4. Coming Home: A Choose Your Own Adventure Smutventure organized by the incredible @doonarose
  5. S.T.A.Y.: My most recent fic written for the High Pollen Count Event, or: Sex Pollen in space

Do you respond to comments?

Always, always, always 🖤

What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?

The End of All Things, without question (sorry, Crowley...)

What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?

Hm, they all have happy endings for the most part but the happiest is probably a tie between S.T.A.Y. and Paradigm Shift.

Do you get hate on fics?

Wildly, nothing yet!

Do you write smut?

You bet your bottom, I do!

Craziest crossover:

No crossovers... yet but I do have an Aziraphale/Alec Hardy WIP in my GDocs who said that

Have you ever had a fic stolen?

If I have, I'm blissfully unaware

Have you ever had a fic translated?

Not yet, I did give someone permission though :)

Have you ever co-written a fic before?

I've worked on Coming Home and A Very Clippy Christmas! @thescholarlystrumpet and I also have a collab that we will resume soon!

All time favorite ship?

There are so many, but Good Omens owns my entire ass so Aziraphale/Crowley 🖤

What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?

Oh god, a bunch! I have a post-S2 canon fic that I'm having fun with but I'm not sure will ever see the light of day

What are your writing strengths?

I think I'm pretty good at Feelings and description.

What are your writing weaknesses?

Guh, dialogue. I'm workin' on it!

Thoughts on dialogue in another language?

Love it! I've seen other languages done very creatively with context given either in the introspection or in footnotes.

First fandom you wrote in?

Oh jeez, it was a bandom fic when I was probably 13 (no, I'm not telling you the band. some things are meant to stay between me and god)

Favorite fic you've written?

Probably Paradigm Shift! I had to wrestle with a ton of self-doubt throughout that one and it positively pushed me past my comfort zone!  

No pressure tagging: @naromoreau, @malachitegrey, @voluptatiscausa, @gaiaseyes451, @the-literal-kj, @gingiekittycat and viewers like you!



Oh my god, we just hit 4,500 people following the account!

(okay, missed it by a few days, we were busy okay)

What are you all doing here and when did that happen?! Well well well…  

*adjusts waistcoat*

We have something very special in mind in order to celebrate this milestone: we would like to do a bit of a rebrand of the Tumblr account.

And for this, what better than a little contest?

This will go into three directions : 


We would like to change our pfp ! We of course love @vavoom-sorted-art ‘s, but since this one was put in there, the subreddit changed 20 times! So it is time to do a bit of undusting.

Draw a riveting pfp for the Tumblr account!


We have been trying to give a good summary of who we are and what the sub and this account are all about, but… we are missing YOUR interpretation!

Write an epic/crack/lewd presentation of our sub! 

Make us LAUGH and make us HORNY!

Try to keep the main presentation at a maximum of 500 words.

If you want to write a companion fic that would be longer, go for it, but we need an actual presentation that would be a bit shorter 😉


You heard us, YOU TOO get to participate! We have special plans for those celebrations, you see, and for this, we will need you!

Choose a fic in our collection that is less than 1500 words and podfic it.

You will have 1 month to complete this task, so until the 28th of July!

How will the choices and results be handled


Please submit your art, fics and podfics on the Good Omens After Dark file share here.

Folder name should be : GOAD Tumblr Contest

Name your files as follows:

[your tumblr account name]_[pfp/presentation/podfic]_submission

We will not take your submission into account if you don’t follow the GOAD account.

Your productions don't need to stay private: you can absolutely post them and mention us!

If you post ahead of the results announcement:

On Tumblr: use the tag #GOAD 4500 celebrations

On AO3: use the tag GOAD 4500 celebrations and add it to the collection

Results announcement

We know you feral goblins, so we will be planning for 2 weeks to go through the art and writing and podficcing you will have submitted.

Once we are done with it all, we will choose 3 winners:

  • an artist, whose art will become our new pfp
  • a writer, whose presentation blurb will be added to our metapost
  • a podficcer, whose podfic will be added to our metapost as a star example of what this community has to offer.

But for all the others, not to worry: you will of course all be celebrated for the work that you have done during this month, and will get plenty of love from us! <3

TL;DR: Celebration contest! (need to follow us here if you want to compete)

Deadline: 29th of July

Artists: draw a new PFP

Writers: write an epic/crack/lewd presentation of the sub

Podficcers: choose a fic from the collection that is not more than 1500 words long and podfic it

Prize: the winners will be part of our rebranding! The artist's pfp will be our new pfp, the writer's presentation will appear in our metapost, and the podficcer will appear in our metapost.

Good luck to you all!


Angel leaving stuff 'forgotten' at the bar on purpose before going to bed, so when Husk knocks on his door to return it later he can be all dressed up like he was just casually wearing cute/sexy nightwear and definitely NOT waiting for him, only for Husk to drop the item in his hands and leave with a "good night" and nothing else.

One night he genuinely leaves something behind without noticing, and when Husk drops by, already expecting Angel to be all dolled up, he's greeted with a sleepy Angel with his hair sticking out in all directions, socks haphazardly put on and falling down his legs, no makeup to cover his eye bags and wearing an old, oversized hoodie slipping down one shoulder.

He stands there wide-eyed for a full minute before realizing Angel is talking to him.

I know other people have accepted this challenge but more cakes is always fun so I did the thing too!

Give up to win - rated Explicit

Words: 3,733. Complete, with embedded art!


Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤


you come into MY HOUSE and ask me to be NICE TO MYSELF (ily Sam I will do this 4 U)

Ok I can do two brain too mush for more:

Vedrai, Carino: My pining while fucking fic where Crowley's plan is: Go to the opera -> have feelings -> deeply misunderstand Aziraphale -> keep mouth full so as not to say anything stupid ->??? -> profit??

Avalanche: My post s2 character study angst. Idk I just like the prose in these ones and if my "I don't post meta or speculate on characterization because I am only here for porn" policy irks you this is where you can get all that

@thescholarlystrumpet sent me this one too, thank you strumpet! <3

Tagging anyone who wants to do this! Because I think this sat in my ask box long enough that everyone has already been tagged lol


Thanks for the tag @adverbian! ❤️

Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like)

“Here, my love,” he says. “Right here.”

And he swears he can see tears in Crowley’s eyes as he begins to rub slow, delicious circles right where Aziraphale needs it.


I drew this for the GO celebration intending to gift it and allow people to privately download and use it for free as long as they don’t use it commercially or for monetary gain.

In light of current events- I don’t want people to buy my stuff or send me Ko-fi’s this month- please put towards the BLM movement and any others that need the donations.

You can read my “Starlight and Tartan” comic here still in full for free: http://cargocollective.com/naniiebimhbd/Starlight-and-Tartan-Comic 

And I give permission to use my image above for non monetary gain and private use.

And Link for Ways to help for the BLM protests: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/#


Last Line (written or drawn or recorded or ETC) tag game

From a random little one-shot that popped into my head last week and I need to wrap up:

As Aziraphale laid in his arms, the gears slipped a fraction, time surging forward a nanosecond before Crowley stopped it again, before the angel could even notice. “I can’t hold it forever,” Crowley said and the sorrow in his voice broke Aziraphale’s heart.

Tagging! @gaiaseyes451 @thescholarlystrumpetanyone @fishey-me @theonewiththeshippinggoogles and anyone else who wants to share!

Was he feeling smooth scales against his burning skin or soft skin against his cool scales?

From my most recently published fic, no less.

Tagging @depressedpenguin2 @depraveddame @nosferatini @thescholarlystrumpet since it looks like there was a typo in DB's post @adverbian and anyone else who wants to play along!


Bottoms Up!

Have you ever been personally victimized by Michael Sheen’s backside?

Have you ever lost hours of your life to Masters of Sex gifs? (you know the ones - NSFW link)

Has it led you down a rabbit hole of questions: What is the word for those compelling dimples by his spine? Did he use a butt double? If so, did they have to find one with butt dimples like his? How is he so smooth, he must wax that, right?


If you’re with me so far, first of all, I’m sorry, and secondly, let me introduce you to a crackfic that is a collab between myself and the brilliant RhubarbCrumbles (@playdohangel)

Inspired by Doppelbanger Week, we asked all these questions and more.

CW: NSFW, mind the tags

In this story you meet Avery Fell, well respected actor on the rise, interviewing Shane Michaelson, working actor and sometimes body double who bears a STRIKING resemblance to him.

Sure, it’s a bit awkward, dropping your trousers to compare rear ends with a stranger but that’s what a professional must do, after all.

But if sparks should fly, though… continue on AO3

Thank you to our marvelous betas @azeutrecia and @angiewords

Thank you for the support of the amazing @WhickberStreetWritersAssociation and to @GoodOmensAfterDark for a) ruining enriching my life with said gifs and b) sparking the idea for this fic with the Doppelbanger event!

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