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Speech Tech Columns

Case Studies Provide Answers to Real-World Problems

Here's how some of your peers have solved problems similar to yours.

Voice Cloning Using Artificial Intelligence Is a Pandora’s Box

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times for this powerful technology.

Pitfalls Facing Conversational Assistants: Hallucinations and Deepfakes

Bad data (and actors) can have consequences.

Augmented Reality Is a Therapeutic Game Changer

Users can interact with objects in a safe environment.

Speech Tech Case Studies & Market Spotlights

Southwest Recovery Services Achieves 10X ROI with Skit.ai's Inbound Voice AI Solution

Southwest Recovery automated inbound consumer calls with Skit.ai's voice AI solution.

Market Spotlight: Hotels Offer a Room for Voice Assistants

As travel slowly starts to return following COVID-19 lockdowns, hotels today need to place a strong emphasis on safety and comfort. For many, speech-enabled in-room virtual assistants are the answer.

Market Spotlight: Retail Eyes a Sharp Increase in Voice-Assisted Shopping

While voice technology has been around for a while, its use as a consumer shopping aide really only emerged just a few short years ago, starting when Amazon unleashed its first Echo device on the world.

Voice Provides a More Immersive Gaming Experience

As natural language has crept into the gaming world, gamers today can use voice as a controller, interact with characters during game play, communicate with other players in multiplayer and role-playing games, and so much more.

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