

Speaking of Speech Tech’s Future, It Suddenly Arrived

Let's not take all of this progress for granted.

The Future Is Bright for the CCaaS Sector

These expanded platforms have altered the WEM competitive landscape.

Post-Retirement, Speech Tech Projects Await

What will I do if I stop working? What won't I do

Case Studies Provide Answers to Real-World Problems

Here's how some of your peers have solved problems similar to yours.

Voice Cloning Using Artificial Intelligence Is a Pandora’s Box

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times for this powerful technology.

Pitfalls Facing Conversational Assistants: Hallucinations and Deepfakes

Bad data (and actors) can have consequences.

Augmented Reality Is a Therapeutic Game Changer

Users can interact with objects in a safe environment.

Standards for Evaluating Generative AI

Assessing the output of genAI systems is easier said than done.

The Voice Fraud Threat Is Real

"Everyone needs to be concerned about the technology being used for nefarious purposes."

ChatGPT Solves Some Translation Conundrums

Outstanding automatic translation at everyone's fingertips is getting closer.

Generative AI Is the Swiss Army Knife for Today’s Conversational Assistants

Helpful assistants can become even more so thanks to genAI.

Audiovisual Speech Recognition Takes ASR to the Next Level

Humans rely on audio and visual cues to comprehend speech, and ASR should do the same.

Are the Brakes About to Be Applied to Speech-Enabled AI?

AI in the contact center has proved useful, but privacy issues loom.

Making Self-Service More Intelligent

Generative AI is leading to vastly smarter and more capable bots.

From Agent Assist to Employee Assist

Copilot apps are proliferating, and they mean business.

Large Language Models Will Transform Conversational Assistants

Thanks to generative AI, conversational assistants will become everyday helpers.

Generative AI and Speech Technology: Proceed with Caution

With great power comes great responsibility.

A Perfect Storm of Speech Technologies

Now's the time to consider what new applications might be possible.

Automatic Dialogue Replacement Will Translate to Big Profits

Voice-to-voice translation is one of the most potentially lucrative uses for voice cloning technology.

Interoperability Benefits Everyone, So Everyone Should Get Behind It

While the need to improve interoperability is clear, a lot of work must be done to forge a comprehensive set of standards.