Email isn't your job

And it shouldn’t be. Set up your email instance once so you can focus on your roadmap while email is handled by the email team.

You grow, they grow

An infographic showing your customers can do everything out of the box with the SocketLabs Email Platform, from signup and onboarding to sending intelligently, understanding performance and optimizing. Only the ability to send comes already built with our competitors.

Resources are scarce

More FTEs? In this economy?! You can’t spend precious budget on hiring an expert to build a bespoke email platform for you and you have no extra time to do more than the necessities for email.   When you use our platform the email folks can take the reins using simple tools like StreamMonitor for performance data and Rule Engine for code-free infrastructure management.

Distractions are abundant

Your roadmap is your differentiator. Product teams focused on email aren’t teams focused on product. That’s a problem.


With SocketLabs, your roadmap is still your most urgent priority without the noise distracting (or detracting) your teams from their objectives. Take coding out of your hands and put automation into the hands of those who need it with Rule Engine.

SocketLabs' email platform offers 99.999% uptime and a no-code user interface
StreamMonitor allows you to monitor email performance across all subaccounts and offers issue priority scoring so you can identify accounts most in need of help first and receive next-step guidance within a few clicks.

Customers want more

Internal features rarely get love because businesses are more concerned with the end-user experience. But SocketLabs’ platform is built for the internal team to arm them with the data, insight, and confidence to provide better service to customers.


Even better, Guided Insights gives teams steps to improve subaccount performance in 5 clicks or less. Happy users, happy customers, happy life (or something…)

More New Features
More Product Differentiators
Less Distractions & Performance Issues

What customers say about us

"SocketLabs is clearly driven by customer success and has become a trusted partner of"
"It was like a breath of fresh air having something that we could plug into in our environment, and make a few customizations, and be up and running in the blink of an eye."
"We should have transitioned a long time ago. With SocketLabs, we're not just a number. I've got the name of a person I can ring up if I've got a problem."
"We always want to be at the forefront of the marketing automation world, and SocketLabs helps us do that."
"We've been working together for at least 8 years, and we wouldn't trust anybody else with our email delivery."
Lindsay Willott
CEO, Customer Thermometer
"Ultimately, we realized that email is an incredibly specialized area requiring dedicated, expert resources. We saw vast improvement after switching to SocketLabs’ managed email service."

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