Email is a gateway to growth

Customers or clients are the livelihood of your users’ businesses. As a CRM, you’re trusted to provide a reliable sending experience. Are your users confident in their ability to optimize and grow their business through your platform?  They will when you’re powered by SocketLabs, and you’ll be able to pass the benefits down to them as well.

Value for you and them

Create an email experience to match your 5-star service with the SocketLabs email platform

Challenging can be an understatement

The very nature of a CRM is daunting, with the potential to have hundreds or thousands of clients. Each one needs to be supported though every stage of their lifecycle, from onboarding and warm up, to reputation management and ongoing optimization.


Using our platform, you are able to provide each sender the same level of care through their entire customer journey, be it an enterprise or self-serve sender. By using our tools, you and your senders both have the ability to be successful without back-breaking labor. 

Divide and conquer

You’re responsible for making sure all mail gets delivered while optimizing every sender’s reputation. Rule Engine allows you to have total control over which types of mail go where.


For example, automate the rerouting of lower performing mail to an IP without excellent senders to protect collateral damage. Send all critical mail, regardless of sender, to the same IP to closely monitor reliable delivery. The options are endless and rules are code-free.

SocketLabs Email Platform allows you to spot delivery issues with StreamMonitor and then create rules to optimize future delivery using Rule Engine.
SocketLabs' Spotlight reporting allows senders to identify, understand, and solve email performance issues.

Spread the love

Not all of us are email experts. In fact, very few are. When you have customers who are relying on their CRM to help facilitate their email program, many might need help when things aren’t going as planned.


Using StreamMonitor and Guided Insights, they can make use of our easy-to-understand metrics and pinpointed recommendations to make improvements without your intervention. Plus, they won’t need hours to look for, pull, and analyze results, and neither will you. How does five clicks or less sound?

What customers say about us

"SocketLabs is clearly driven by customer success and has become a trusted partner of"
"It was like a breath of fresh air having something that we could plug into in our environment, and make a few customizations, and be up and running in the blink of an eye."
"We should have transitioned a long time ago. With SocketLabs, we're not just a number. I've got the name of a person I can ring up if I've got a problem."
"We always want to be at the forefront of the marketing automation world, and SocketLabs helps us do that."
"We've been working together for at least 8 years, and we wouldn't trust anybody else with our email delivery."
Lindsay Willott
CEO, Customer Thermometer
"Ultimately, we realized that email is an incredibly specialized area requiring dedicated, expert resources. We saw vast improvement after switching to SocketLabs’ managed email service."

Resources for you and yours.