Stop playing

Whack-a-mole is very fun, but not when you’re playing with customers’ sender reputations. You need to find bad senders at first glance so you’re not spending too much time looking for one bad sender while the others are whacking your better senders’ performance.


Keep things clean

StreamMonitor allows you to monitor email performance across all subaccounts and offers issue priority scoring so you can identify accounts most in need of help first and receive next-step guidance within a few clicks.

Prevent dirty senders

One bad apple could spoil the whole bunch. Pick them out and set them aside to keep the good ones fresh.


StreamMonitor is a dashboard offering a rapid snapshot of all subaccounts ranked by performance. See one or see many, you can identify each sender who needs intervention quickly and effectively.

Stop the bleeding

If a good customer is seeing their performance decline at no fault of their own, it’s on you for not protecting their reputation.


Need to separate good from bad or reroute mail based on the attributes most important to you and your senders? We built Rule Engine to let you do just that.

Use SocketLabs codeless UI to automate traffic shaping, IP pool management, and more
StreamScore provides recommendations for identifying and resolving your issue by type
Data provided by StreamScore, including a trendline of performance and reputation scoring at the component level.

Reduce continuous sender mistakes

Do your senders respect your terms of service and acceptable use policy? Do they listen to your guidance or even your warnings? This is a good test.


Approach your less-than-ideal senders with evidence of poor practices, things to fix and how, and a warning to shape up using our tools, like StreamMonitor and Guided Insights. How they — and you — respond can provide clarity on what steps are next.

Protect Good Senders

As your partner, we’ll provide a life raft to navigate you toward more satisfaction from your best senders by protecting them from your worst.

Informed by more than 35 internal and external data points, this assigns a color-coded reputation score.

What customers say about us

"SocketLabs is clearly driven by customer success and has become a trusted partner of"
"It was like a breath of fresh air having something that we could plug into in our environment, and make a few customizations, and be up and running in the blink of an eye."
"We should have transitioned a long time ago. With SocketLabs, we're not just a number. I've got the name of a person I can ring up if I've got a problem."
"We always want to be at the forefront of the marketing automation world, and SocketLabs helps us do that."
"We've been working together for at least 8 years, and we wouldn't trust anybody else with our email delivery."
Lindsay Willott
CEO, Customer Thermometer
"Ultimately, we realized that email is an incredibly specialized area requiring dedicated, expert resources. We saw vast improvement after switching to SocketLabs’ managed email service."

Start cleaning up today.