Discord’s Post

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A majority of Discord users follow the rules. For those who don’t, we often consider education over punishment. While this philosophy doesn't apply to the most serious violations — for which we have a zero-tolerance policy — we believe users deserve a chance to learn and change their behavior for less severe transgressions. “Our goal is to help people act better,” said Ben Shanken, Discord’s Vice President of Product. “People don't always know that they're doing bad things, and giving them a warning can help them to improve.” Ultimately, we believe that guiding users toward better behavior—and giving them the tools they need to control their safety—results in a better experience for everyone. #Discord #DigitalWellbeing #OnlineSafety

Why Discord's remediation philosophy leads to a safer platform (without banning)

Why Discord's remediation philosophy leads to a safer platform (without banning)


Matt Berman

Copywriter & Music Producer


I've actually had some success with messaging directly with people who had an abrupt or disrespectful tone during a disagreement online even on platforms like Twitter or Reddit which are notorious for insulting behavior. In several instances they turn out to be younger disgruntled people, including some who admit to having a lack of formal education. It has actually resulted in very pleasant interactions in some cases albeit after some very uncomfortable circumstances. I wish more time & places online would take the chance to reach people instead of dismiss them even if they appear angry. Sometimes those people are really lonely and lost.

Mattéo P.

Spécialiste Discord @ FCA.gg - Rédacteur @ Discord FR (DFR.gg) - Community manager et Webdesigner @ LCB 🖥️📱


This transparency is greatly appreciated by users, especially considering that transparency might have been more complex in the past. 🙌 It's truly encouraging to see Discord adopting a more nuanced approach to moderation. Instead of solely focusing on punishment, your commitment to education and repairing harm is commendable. This approach reflects a deep understanding of the nuances of online behavior and how interactions can be positively shaped. Congratulations to the entire Discord team for spearheading this initiative. 😀

Leanne Samuel

Marketing Manager at LustLab.AI


I moderate in a couple larger Discord servers, and we find that warnings and laying out expectations, with the reasons why those expectations exist tends to help so much more than just full on booting people.

Eddie Winters

I write scripts and wanted to inspire many good filmmaking directors and producers to turn my scripts into Practical FX feature movies.


Most definitely, spread this to 90-billion #moviedirectors and request/commission them to make many NEW "Scanner Cop" movies. 👇 https://x.com/EddieWi59859412/status/1768746506159612192?s=20

Connie Westall 🌼

Executive Assistant | Social Media Manager Assistant | Community Manager | Mom ♥️ • Powering people to be their best


I agree with this a lot, i educate kids on better and directing them into a right path instead of just yelling or sending them out

Jan Jurík

IT Consultant - Atlassian expert


That’s a nice thought, but you don’t seem to be interested in fixing the bug in your AI for monitoring messages, and then users are banned without reason. 😂

Eddie Winters

I write scripts and wanted to inspire many good filmmaking directors and producers to turn my scripts into Practical FX feature movies.


👇 👇 👇 https://x.com/EddieWi59859412/status/1774334985413198078

Great strategy, Discord! Prioritizing education over punishment shows a commitment to positive growth. Kudos to Ben Shanken and the team for fostering a safer and better online experience for everyone. 👍

still waiting to know why my account was banned without warning

Richard Lora

Polymath Technologist, Tech enthusiast, Computer Scientist, Software and Full Stack Engineer, serious about learning, problem solving, and long term impact.


Promoting education over punishment is key to fostering a positive online community. Kudos to Discord for prioritizing user growth and safety. #DigitalWellbeing #OnlineSafety

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