Imon Islam, MSc’s Post

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GenZ Microbiology and Phage/Fungal Researcher

Someday Discord will, like every other corporation, prepare their initial public offering - then sell the platform. Once that happens, everyone will leave that corporate network and go elsewhere. It’s the same cycle that happens over and over again. It happened to MySpace, Tumblr, Twitter, now Reddit, and eventually Discord. When these sales happen, these policies disappear which causes an exodus of users to other places. There is a book about this phenomenon “Read Write Own by Chris Dixon” and it’s a fascinating read. Anyone using a crypto social network yet? Drop your favorite ones below in the comments.

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A majority of Discord users follow the rules. For those who don’t, we often consider education over punishment. While this philosophy doesn't apply to the most serious violations — for which we have a zero-tolerance policy — we believe users deserve a chance to learn and change their behavior for less severe transgressions. “Our goal is to help people act better,” said Ben Shanken, Discord’s Vice President of Product. “People don't always know that they're doing bad things, and giving them a warning can help them to improve.” Ultimately, we believe that guiding users toward better behavior—and giving them the tools they need to control their safety—results in a better experience for everyone. #Discord #DigitalWellbeing #OnlineSafety

Why Discord's remediation philosophy leads to a safer platform (without banning)

Why Discord's remediation philosophy leads to a safer platform (without banning)

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