From the course: Using Gen AI to Develop Personalized Learning Plans

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Continuing on with personalized learning

Continuing on with personalized learning

We've reached the end of the course. And what I hope is just the beginning of your personal age of AI. By now, your head's probably spinning with ideas of how to add artificial intelligence to create your personalized learning for your organization. That's exactly where you need to be. Your brain's already organizing these new ideas into a process that's going to work for you. As you continue on this journey, here's what I'd recommend. First, go back to the project plan you've developed throughout the course. There's likely a wealth of information in there that you've already filled out. Next, take a look at the resources provided with this course. I've selected extra articles and references you can use to support and extend your own personalized learning journey. I am so excited to see what you create. Please keep me posted on your progress and follow my posts on LinkedIn. You can also visit my website for more information. Thanks for your commitment to personalized learning. I…
