From the course: Using Gen AI to Develop Personalized Learning Plans

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How will you measure success?

How will you measure success?

How will you measure the impact of your solution? When conceiving a personalized learning system, it's essential to identify all the required reports and metrics as part of your analysis phase. Now, that might seem premature if you're accustomed to waiting until implementation to gather the data, but beginning with the end in mind, as Stephen Covey tells us, is essential to make sure that the right machine learning algorithms will be in place to deliver the results we need. So when you look at it this way, defining your reporting requirements, fine-tunes your plan and sets the ultimate destination for your learners and the organization. For example, do stakeholders need monthly updates? Should trainers have access to real-time activity reporting and will quarterly review scrutinize return on investment impact analytics? Reports make the value of learning visible, and they help you tell the story of your success so that you get the funding and support to do more. The AI engine that…
