From the course: Using Gen AI to Develop Personalized Learning Plans

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What is personalized learning?

What is personalized learning?

Just what is personalized learning? It's about giving learners a choice in content delivery or offering each learner curriculum tailored to their strengths and weaknesses. And please don't tell me it's about learning styles. This course isn't about AI, really, it's about personalized learning. AI is the suite of tools we'll use to achieve this goal. And by the end of the course, you all have a vision of what personalized learning means for your organization and an action plan on how to implement it with artificial intelligence. But we can't get there until we're all on the same page. So let's begin by thinking on a smaller, more intimate scale. Think about one of your most powerful learning experiences. This can be a story from your high school days or something you learned from your own experience. The important thing is that you still recall the lesson you received and how it changed your life. Now, think about the following questions. What was it you needed to learn and why was it…
