From the course: Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect Expert (SC-100) Cert Prep: 4 Design Strategy for Data and Applications

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Specify priorities for mitigating threats to applications

Specify priorities for mitigating threats to applications

- [Instructor] As a security architect you may be tasked with specifying priorities for mitigating threats to applications in your organization, and you may see some questions in this area on the SC 100 exam, and it begins with understanding how to prioritize your applications. We need to secure our valuable assets. That's always a key, remember. Enterprise organizations typically have a large application portfolio. Certainly not all applications have equal importance. Now, which applications should we prioritize? Well, we can look at apps containing business critical or regulated data, apps with high business value, high visibility, high criticality, apps with significant access to other systems, which might grant control over other critical systems or data, magnifying the impact of a breach. Now, based on these identifications and classifications, we can then allocate resources to securing, monitoring, and managing these…
