From the course: Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect Expert (SC-100) Cert Prep: 4 Design Strategy for Data and Applications

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Design a strategy to identify and protect sensitive data

Design a strategy to identify and protect sensitive data

- [Instructor] You may see scenarios on the exam that challenge you to design a strategy to identify and protect sensitive data. There's a basic strategy for data identification and protection, it relies on a few common elements, a process if you will. It starts with data discovery. An inventory of all our data stores, the knowledge bases within our organization, which we can then classify. We need to define what counts as sensitive data in our organization. It will vary by business. In healthcare, for example, protected health information is sensitive data, and we need to know how to identify that data. We then want to protect that data, define policies to control access to and sharing of that data, and then monitor that data, reporting and auditing on data access activity, identifying policy violations, unwanted sharing of that data. And then data loss prevention to help prevent accidental oversharing of…
