From the course: Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect Expert (SC-100) Cert Prep: 4 Design Strategy for Data and Applications

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- [Pete] Thanks for joining me for SC-100 Exam Prep: Design a Strategy for Data and Applications. I hope you've gathered a few valuable tips and techniques for preparing for the fourth and final domain of the SC-100 exam. This final installment was the shortest in the series, but it delved into some of the more nuanced and challenging areas of application security. We began with a look at establishing priorities for mitigating threats to applications. Next, we examined developing a security standard for onboarding new applications, and then we explored how to develop a security strategy, not only for applications, but for APIs, which are often internet facing and where multitenancy is involved. In the second half of the course, we pivoted to data security, beginning with establishing priorities for data security. And then we looked at how to design a strategy to both identify our sensitive data and then protect that…
