From the course: How to Be a Better Listener in a Remote Workplace

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Asking questions to practice listening

Asking questions to practice listening

In a remote environment, one thing that I try and do to really relationship build and listen to people is to ask more questions. And oftentimes I may not have another question, but I'll force myself to ask another question. And the reason that I do that is because, one, you're not able to ask questions unless you're actually listening to what this person is saying because, well, you're not listening. And the more questions you ask, the deeper you can get with this person. So say someone's talking to me about a project that they're working on. I will continuously just ask questions about the project to get them talking about it. And you actually never know where the conversation is going to go from there. And it's probably going to take you somewhere that maybe it didn't at first if you were just listening but not asking questions. I think when you're asking questions too, it means that you're actually solely focused on that person and what they're saying to you and you're not…
