From the course: How to Be a Better Listener in a Remote Workplace

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Eliminate multitasking

Eliminate multitasking

When I'm trying to prepare myself to listen. I know I have to go into a video call meeting and regardless of of who it's with. One of the first things that I will do is close all the other tabs on my computer because it's so easy when you're looking at the screen to start multitasking, to think like, Oh, I'm just listening in the background. I'm going to listen and then I'm just going to do this at the same time. I don't care what anyone says. There have been studies that have shown this like we are not good at multitasking. I like to think I'm the best multitasker. I am a terrible multitasker. It's a noticeable difference when I choose to do that versus when I don't because I don't have the same level of follow up questions. And maybe there doesn't have to be another another meeting because you're actually just making it work for yourself. If you're multitasking and not staying present, and likely if you're not multitasking in your present and you're asking questions, the meeting's…
