From the course: How to Be a Better Listener in a Remote Workplace

Listening and relationships

Good listening equates to stronger relationships. And what I mean by that is if I feel like someone's actually listening to what I'm saying and asking good questions, we're able to get a level deeper than you know, if we weren't and you can't ask good questions and learn more about somebody if you're not actually listening to them. And so in turn, you build stronger relationships with people. And that's why I think it's important, especially in a remote environment, when you're not side by side or when you're not physically able to go somewhere with that person or have a shared experience. My name is Andrea Holland. I'm a PR entrepreneur and business builder. I've worked for corporate PR agencies all over the world. I've built my own PR practice working with startups. I've built products for PR professionals looking for remote and hybrid work. I want to raise awareness around listening right now because I personally want to feel connected to people and build relationships, and I think we all strive for that, especially this moment in time where we're feeling very disconnected, where we're feeling very disjointed. It's the simplest thing that we can learn how to do to connect with others. And once you have that connection, that can stem into so many beautiful things. And that's why it's important to me because I think it's truly, truly the the baseline and one of the simplest things that you can learn to do to build relationships and connect with people. And once you have those two things, I think you can do anything.
