6 page(s) of Posts tagged userzo
gif 2 and 3 of 9. "you told me you thought i was meant for more than this. did you mean that?", Steve, now a tall and muscular man, asks Peggy. she is a brunette woman with short hair and bright red lips. she's wearing a military uniform, while Steve has a leather jacket over his Captain America shirt. "every word", she responds. they're both wet; it's raining.ALT
gif 4 of 9. a black and white gif. a hand stamps a piece of paper with the following text: 4F. 4F means someone is inadmissible for military service.ALT
gif 5 of 9. "and those are your only two options? a lab rat or a dancing monkey? you were meant for more than this, you know", Peggy says to Steve.ALT
gif 6 of 9. a black and white gif. Steve is talking to Colonel Phillips who isn't visible to the audience. "i asked for an army and all i got was you. you are not enough", the Colonel says to him. brackets between the subtitles indicate those lines were said off-screen.ALT
gif 7 of 9. end ID. Steve and Peggy are sitting together in the back of a car. Steve is looking up to Peggy because she's taller than him. "i know a little of what's that like, to have every door shut in your face", she says, looking briefly at him.ALT
gif 8 of 9. a black and white gif. Steve dodges a tomato thrown at him. he's wearing his first Captain America outfit and he's on a stage. he's holding a small wooden shield, his first.ALT
gif 5 of 9. a close-up of Peggy. "it wasn't [a crush]. i had faith". she says.ALT

week two — Steve 👱🏻‍♂️


dir. Joe Johnston.

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gifset about Peggy Carter from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. gif 1 of 4. Peggy puts on her sunglasses and half smiles just with a corner of her lips. at the top right corner, two poker chips glow and flicker like neon signs would. at the bottom left corner, there is a deck of cards that also glows and flickers like a neon sign. the cards are all aces. at the center of the gif, there's text that glows like a neon sign as well. it says, "your blorbo, she is…". the word blorbo flickers and is the only one in the sentence to do so. the other words don't flicker, but they do glow. the text is inside of a diamond shape that resembles casino neon signs. the shape, another neon sign, also glows and flickers.ALT
gifs 2 and 3 of 4. gifs of Peggy Carter in various degrees of being wet due to rain. in the odd shot out, she's running alongside Steve Rogers in the rain. she's trying to protect herself from getting too wet by holding a trenchcoat over her head. the rest of the shots are either close-ups of her face or shots in which she's alone and/or the main focus of the frame. she's wearing her war uniform in all the gifs of this set, except for the first one and the last in which she's wearing civilian clothing.ALT
gif 4 of 4. Peggy aims her gun at the camera while on the floor. she barely can hold her weapon, but garners strength to fire. a glitch transition occurs and we can see her finally collapsing. blended together with those two shots, there is the one of Peggy being choked by a man. they fight until eventually falling into a pool. at the bottom center, there is a screenshot of a tumblr text post from user slimylanders. it says, "he's bleeding sad and wet but his tits look spectacular". at the center of the gif,  there is a list of scrolling text mimicking a slot machine and a slot machine illustration with a neon sign effect. the slots are the following, from top to bottom:  girlboss babygirl manipulator pathetic the worst serving correct a murderer sopping wet  the result is the option "sopping wet". end ID.ALT

@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 layout.
day five WIPS 🎨
blorbo casino 🎲
sopping wet pathetic little meow meow 😿💧❤️

[id in alt]