4 page(s) of Posts tagged cinemapix
gifset about Peggy Carter from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. gif 1 of 2. a gif of a white brunette woman almost crying. she has long hair with curls and is wearing a pearl necklace. it's Peggy Carter. "who would even love you", the text says.ALT
gif 2 of 2. Peggy runs amongst dozens of soldiers. they're all holding weapons. they're being shot at with blue light beams. the camera shakes at one moment. "i would go to war for a woman like me", the text says. end ID.ALT

@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖  free choice

who would even love you?
i would go to war for a woman like me.

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gifset about Steve Rogers from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  gif 1 of 7. Peggy, a white woman with brown hair, is on a plane with Steve, a white man wearing a blue helmet. both are wearing brown leather jackets. Steve is crouching, ready to jump from the plane. "you can't give me orders!", Peggy says. "the hell i can't! i'm a captain!", he responds.ALT
gif 2 and 3 of 7. Steve, now without a helmet and with blond hair visible, is shaking hands with Sam, a black man with dark hair. "thanks for the run. if that's what you want to call running", Steve says. "oh, that's how it is?", Sam asks in amusement. Steve repeats "oh, that's how it is" in response.ALT
gif 4 and 5 of 7. Bucky, a tall and brunette white man, is talking to Steve. the latter is skinnier and shorter than the Steve in the other gifs of this gifset. Bucky is wearing a 40s military uniform while his friend is wearing civilian clothes, also period-appropriate. "don't do anything stupid until i get back", Bucky says. "how can i? you're taking all the stupid with you", Steve says in return.ALT
gif 6 and 7 of 7. Steve and Natasha are talking. Natasha is a white woman with red hair and it's wet in this gif.  "i thought I knew whose lies I was telling, but... i guess i can't tell the difference anymore", she says with a sarcastic small smile. "there's a chance you might be in the wrong business", Steve says. end ID.ALT

Steve’s love language is… words of affirmation roasting.


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@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 typography
week one Peggy 💋
day six — tropes 📝

Two people are obviously attracted to each other, but some element of the story is keeping them apart. This tension is frequently referred to as UST in fandom, where it is pronounced “oost” or Yu-Ess-Tee. With Steve. Before his supposed death, their relationship never got any farther than planning a first date. Gets resolved in Avengers: Endgame, where Steve lives out an Alternate Timeline (or the same timeline?) where he and Peggy get married and grow old together. [x, x]


gifset about Peggy Carter from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. gif 1 of 7. two close-up shots of Peggy are blended together. at the middle, there's a static image of Peggy with her arms crossed. the text says, "OMG this motherfucker is Peggy Carter".ALT

@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 animation.


day seven birthday extravaganza 🥳

OMG its Blorbo Bleebus!

[insp] [id under the cut]

Keep reading

gif 2 of 6. a black and white gif of Peggy with a sad expression. she lifts her chin up as if to prevent herself from crying. "there are times when", the text says.ALT
gif 3 of 6. another gif of Peggy on the Brooklyn Bridge. she has her back to the camera. the sun is setting. "the sun strikes me", the text says.ALT
gif 4 of 6. a black and white gif of Peggy sadly looking at the distance while in front of a window. "like a gong", the text says.ALT
gif 5 of 6. a gif of Peggy crying. "and i remember everything", the text says.ALT
gif 6 of 6. a black and white gif of Steve Rogers smiling. "even your ears", the text says. end ID.ALT

@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 quotes
@pscentral event 26 ⚫⚪ minimalism
week one Peggy 💋
day four favorite romance 💕

I have to tell you,
there are times when
the sun strikes me
like a gong,
and I remember everything,
even your ears.
— Dorothea Grossman

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gifset of Peggy Carter from Marvel. gif 1 of 8. Peggy and Natasha jump to attack someone as a duo. this shot is animated; it's from What If.ALT
gif 2 of 8. Angie appears behind Peggy while they're at the breakfast table. she grabs two pieces of bread and hides it in her purse. she is saying something to Peggy as she does it, without a care in the world.ALT
gif 3 of 8. Ana Jarvis and Peggy are holding hands and smiling at each other. it's daytime.ALT
gif 4 of 8. a young woman approaches a table Peggy is sitting at. she's smiling. "someone had a late night", Peggy jokes as the other woman sits next to her, still smiling.ALT
image 1 of 1. a comic panel. a young Sharon is looking at a photo album with her aunt Peggy.ALT
gif 5 of 8. Rose and Peggy are walking in slow motion together.ALT
gif 6 of 8. Peggy is sitting on a bed, next to her roommate Colleen's dead body. Colleen has been shot in the head and has blood over her face. it's nighttime.ALT
gif 7 of 8. Peggy is sitting at a bar next to Jason. "Headmaster Portley walked in to find me wearing a bandit mask in the middle of the bedroom, my hands filled with his wife's knickers and his most expensive bottle of brandy", she tells him. "and your friends just left you there?", he asks. "it was my fault, really. it was greedy to go back to the liquor", she responds.ALT
gif 8 of 8. a gif of an animated comic book cover of the Captain Carter (2022) miniseries. Peggy is throwing her shield toward the "camera". next to her, a woman is wearing a tactical outfit with a BRADDOCK badge. it's Betsy (Lizzie) Braddock from Marvel Comics. end ID.ALT


day three — favorite friendship(s) 💛

Peggy and her gals. 👯‍♀️

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gifset about Peggy Carter from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. gif 1 of 6. two shots are blended together. one of a younger Peggy (19 years old) and another of her talking to a bunch of women. there's an overlay effect of a document being redacted in real-time. one of the redacted bars eventually covers Peggy's eyes. there's also an animated typewriter and Morse Code over the gif.ALT
gif 2 of 6. a gif of Peggy is blended together with a shot of a hand touching a letter with the letters SOE written on it and a shot of animated parachute illustrations. there's also the shot of city ruins and old planes flying over them. at the center, there's the SOE (Special Operations Executive) logo, which has a parachute motif.ALT
gif 3 of 6. three gifs of Peggy are blended together. one is a close-up of her, another is a shot of her approaching a map table and the last is of her running alongside soldiers on the battlefield. at the center, there's the SSR logo.  there's also an overlay of an animated Rosie the Riveter on top of the gif.ALT
gif 4 of 6. three gifs of Peggy wearing battlefield attire are blended together. at the center of the gif, there's the Howling Commandos logo. there's also a blended shot of an animated soldier from old WW2 propaganda.ALT
gif 5 of 6. three gifs of Peggy wearing her iconic blue suit and red hat are blended together. one of them is her walking towards the SSR logo on a wall, all that is visible of her is her back. at the gif's center, there's another version of the SSR logo.ALT
gif 6 of 6. a gif of an old Peggy in a SHIELD war room is blended together with a close-up of hers. at the center, there's the SHIELD logo. there's also the overlay of an animation showing the evolution of SHIELD's logo. end ID.ALT


day one 20th century

@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 overlay.

Margaret Elizabeth “Peggy” Carter began her long life of service as a code-breaker for Bletchley Park during World War II. She was then invited to be an agent for the Special Operations Executive (S.O.E) as one of their first female spies; later she joined the Strategic Scientific Reserve (S.S.R.) and remained there after the war. Carter fought alongside Captain America and his team and was considered an honorary Howling Commando by them, even leading the team after the Captain’s “death”. With the dissolution of the S.S.R. a few years after the war ended, Carter became a co-founder of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division (S.H.I.E.L.D.). Eventually, she reached the status of director of said agency, a position she held until her retirement. She died peacefully in her sleep in 2016.

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gifset about the Bucky/Natasha pairing from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. gif 1 of 2. two shots of Natasha in a court hearing are blended together. at the bottom right, there's a circle with a gif of Bucky inside of it. he's on the phone. next to that circle, there's a text message bubble that says, "yeah sorry i just don't think i can make it out tonight. i have to pick up my wife from her murder trial".ALT
gif 2 of 2. two other shots of Natasha in that same court hearing scene are also blended together. there's another circle with Bucky in it, still on his phone. "yes of course she did it. why do you think i married her", the text message bubble next to him says. end ID.ALT

yeah sorry i just don’t think i can make it out tonight. i have to pick up my wife from her murder trial. yes of course she did it. why do you think i married her. 🗡️❤️

@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 blending.

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gif 3 of 5. a shot of a greenery scenario. butterflies are flying.ALT
gif 2 of 5. two girls walk on a greenery scenario while it's raining. the older one is holding an umbrella. Satsuki is the oldest and Mei is the youngest, a toddler.ALT
gif 4 of 5. a snail is climbing a leaf.ALT
gif 4 of 5. Totoro and Mei are sleeping in the woods. Mei is on top of Totoro's belly. butterflies are flying nearby. end ID.ALT

@pscentral​ event 25 seasons ❄️🌸🌞🍂
@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖
free choice + locations + animation + media from Asia

My Neighbor Totoro (1998) + spring 🌻

dir. Hayao Miyazaki.

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