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(gifset about the Steve/Peggy couple from the Marvel Cinematic Universe). gif 1 of 7. Nick Fury asks Steve, "you gonna be okay?". he responds, "yeah. yeah, i just... i had a date", not looking at the man and not looking okay either.ALT
gif 2 of 7. Steve looks at Peggy's life and then at his 21th century telephone.ALT
gif 3 of 7. Steve opens his compass that has a picture of Peggy in it.ALT
gif 4 of 7. a shot of Steve and Peggy dancing (from the vision spell Wanda casted on him) is in between two shots of Steve looking anguished.ALT
gif 5 of 7. Steve carries Peggy's coffin with tears in his eyes.ALT
gif 6 of 7. a close of up of Steve looking sad is accompanied by two smaller black and white shots of Steve crashing the Valkyrie plane and Peggy crying. the dialogue of the gif is as it follows:  "VISION: i think if [the Mind Stone] were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source... its molecular integrity could fail". "WANDA: yeah, and you with it. we're not having this conversation". "VISION: eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it".ALT
gif 7 of 7. Steve says, looking down "i went in the ice in '45, right after i met the love of my life. woke up 70 years later. you gotta move on. gotta move on". he then clenches his jaw, still looking at the floor. end ID.ALT


day seven — free day

I keep telling everybody they should move on and grow. Some do. But not us.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: The First Avenger (2011) // THE AVENGERS (2012) (deleted scene) // CAPTAIN AMERICA: The Winter Soldier (2014) // AVENGERS: Age of Ultron (2015) // CAPTAIN AMERICA: Civil War (2016) // AVENGERS: Infinity War (2018) // AVENGERS: Endgame (2019).

@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 parallels. [id in alt]

(gifset and web-weaving about the Steve/Peggy couple from the Marvel Cinematic Universe). gif 1 of 3. Peggy smiles at Steve. the text says "i love you".ALT
quote 1 of 6. "and i'd choose you; in a hundred different lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, i'd find you and i'd choose you". quote by Kiersten White.ALT
quote 3 of 6."i will love you forever; whatever happens. until i die and after i die, and when i find my way out of the land of the dead, i'll drift about forever, all my atoms, until i find you again". quote by Phillip Pullmann.ALT
gif 2 of 3. a montage of the couple across the multiverse. the gif is in black and white. the dissolving shots are the following: a. of Steve and Peggy's embrace from an episode of The Marvel Super Heroes (1966) TV show (season one, episode fifty-eight). b. of their dance from Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015). c. of them about to kiss from the first episode of What If...? (2021). d. of Steve and Peggy holding hands from an episode of Avengers Assemble (season four, episode fourteen). e. of a comic panel of Steve kissing elderly Peggy's cheek while she cries a single tear. (from: Captain America and the Falcon #162 by Englehart and Buscema, june 1973).ALT
quote 4 of 6. "do you know what i want of life? / that i can be with you, you, all of you, / and if life repeated a thousand times, / still you, you, and again, you". quote by Forugh Farrokhzad.ALT
quote 5 of 6. "maybe i'll see you in another life / if this one wasn't enough / so much time on the other side". lyrics by Florence + the Machine.ALT
quote 6 of 6.   "here when i say 'i never want to be without you', / somewhere else i am saying / 'i never want to be without you again'. and when i touch / you / in each of the places we meet /  in all of the lives we are, it's with hands that are dying / and resurrected. / when i don't touch you it's a mistake in any life, in each place and forever".   poetry by Bob Hicok.ALT
gif 3 of 3. Steve's gaze follows her as she leaves, eyes full of love. the text says, "in every universe". end ID.ALT


day six — multiverse/what if…?

🎵 maybe we were together in another life
maybe we are together in a parallel universe
maybe our paths are not supposed to cross twice
maybe your arms are not supposed to go
around me 🎵

destiny rules, Fleetwood Mac

quotes by Kiersten White ⭐ Tongari ⭐ Phillip Pullmann ⭐ Forugh Farrokhzad ⭐ Florence + Machine ⭐ Bob Hicok (x, x)

@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 transition. [id in alt]

(gifset about the Steve/Peggy couple from the MCU) gif 1 of 7. Peggy is looking lovingly at Steve, who's not looking at her even though he's talking to her ("the right partner", his mouth reads). the text at the center of the gif says "i always thought you were sweet, that you were cute".ALT
gif 2 of 7. Peggy is looking lovingly at Steve amidst a crowd of rescued soldiers. he isn't looking at her, but at all the men. the text says, "but i think when we were reunited on the front in Europe, before you rescued all those men. you were darling to me then, and every moment after".ALT
gif 3 of 7. Peggy is looking (you guessed it) lovingly at Steve while he isn't looking after he grenade incident. "and i believe i loved you from the moment you threw yourself on the ground around the grenade, willing to sacrifice yourself to save us".ALT
gif 4 of 7. Steve approaches a recruitment propaganda with a mirror replacing the face of a saluting soldier. he's too short to completely fill the blank face, though. "Steve, even if you weren't the one chosen for the serum, i would've loved you".ALT
gif 5 of 7. skinny Steve is seem in front of the SSR's emblem at the NY's office. "even if you'd been placed in an office job at the SSR, i still would have fallen in love for you".ALT
gif 6 of 7. a zoom-in shot of Captain Carter, but we can't see her face. "it would be a very different world without you as Captain America, but...".ALT
gif 7 of 7. Peggy looks lovingly at skinny Steve, who this time gazes back at her while looking flirty and a bit smug. "i would've loved you". end ID.ALT


day five — missing scenes and favourite moments

@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 poetry/words. [id in alt]

 "Now tell me when did you start thinking of me as darling?“

— from "please stay, my darling”, a fic by @broadwayqueenregal.