6 page(s) of Posts tagged useralison

hiiiiiiiiii 🥺 i can’t believe i’ve reached this milestone, it’s still wild to me i have even one follower at all let alone 4k of them. i’m so grateful for you all being interested in my blog and my work, you make the internet so fun for me! and i’m even more grateful for the friends i’ve made here, even if we don’t talk much or at all ❤️

to celebrate such a milestone, i will create using YOUR prompts! 🥳

to participate, you have to follow me (duh) and send me an emoji + prompt:

🌈 based on your url
🎨my favorite creations(any type)of yours (mutuals only)
❤️ blog appreciation let me gush about you and your blog! (mutuals only)
🎥 send me a show (+ episode?) or film
🔮 send me a theme (character, ship, genre, celebrity, etc.) in general
🎵 send me a theme + lyrics/quotes
🌗 make me pick between X or Y (anything)
👽 misc. (icons, headers, graphics, other categories, etc)
🐶i’ll post a picture of my dog Evie! :)

you can send as many as you want! there’s no deadline for sending requests, for now at least, i’ll edit this post when i decide an end date!

i can’t promise exactly when i’ll finish your request or if i will make them at all due to Life™️ and/or if i get too many of them, but i promise you i will try my best. i also want to say in beforehand thank you to anyone who wants to participate in my celebration, ilu 💘

if you don’t know what to ask but want to participate anyway, here’s a list of things i like and i’m willing to gif. you can also check my film & television tags or navigation page in general (a bit out of date 🙈). you can also ask me for suggestions, it’s no problem at all!