3 page(s) of Posts tagged tuserheidi

hiiiiiiiiii 🥺 i can’t believe i’ve reached this milestone, it’s still wild to me i have even one follower at all let alone 4k of them. i’m so grateful for you all being interested in my blog and my work, you make the internet so fun for me! and i’m even more grateful for the friends i’ve made here, even if we don’t talk much or at all ❤️

to celebrate such a milestone, i will create using YOUR prompts! 🥳

to participate, you have to follow me (duh) and send me an emoji + prompt:

🌈 based on your url
🎨my favorite creations(any type)of yours (mutuals only)
❤️ blog appreciation let me gush about you and your blog! (mutuals only)
🎥 send me a show (+ episode?) or film
🔮 send me a theme (character, ship, genre, celebrity, etc.) in general
🎵 send me a theme + lyrics/quotes
🌗 make me pick between X or Y (anything)
👽 misc. (icons, headers, graphics, other categories, etc)
🐶i’ll post a picture of my dog Evie! :)

you can send as many as you want! there’s no deadline for sending requests, for now at least, i’ll edit this post when i decide an end date!

i can’t promise exactly when i’ll finish your request or if i will make them at all due to Life™️ and/or if i get too many of them, but i promise you i will try my best. i also want to say in beforehand thank you to anyone who wants to participate in my celebration, ilu 💘

if you don’t know what to ask but want to participate anyway, here’s a list of things i like and i’m willing to gif. you can also check my film & television tags or navigation page in general (a bit out of date 🙈). you can also ask me for suggestions, it’s no problem at all!

(gifset about the Mulder/Scully relationship from The X Files). gif 1 of 5. three shots are blended together in this gif: a close up of Scully smiling, a close up of Mulder smiling with his eyes and a profile shot of Mulder and Scully facing each other. the text says "agent Mulder. i'm Dana Scully, i've been assigned to work with you".ALT
gif 2 of 5. a shot of Mulder is blended together with a shot of Scully shaking her head. the gif is in black and white. the text says "who is it? Steven Spielberg. i'm way too wired. i'm going for a run, you want to come? pass". the first and last sentence are in a regular font (to represent Scully speaking), while the rest are in bold text (Mulder).ALT
gif 3 of 5. three shots are blended together. one in which we can see Mulder and Scully in a car. Mulder is driving while eating a sunflower seed. Scully is talking to him. another shot is of Scully smiling to herself. the last is of Mulder taking his eyes off the road for a second to talk to Scully, a light smile on his face. the text says, "that's pretty good, Scully. better than you expected or better that you hoped? well... i'll let you know when we get past the easy part". the first and last senteces are emboldened, marking that Mulder is the one speaking.ALT
gif 4 of 5. three shots are blended together. one is a shot of Scully taking her robe off to show her back to Mulder who is holding a candle. another one is of Scully hugging Mulder who smiles in response, still holding a candle. the last is a shot of Scully laying on a bed while Mulder is sitting on the floor, his head on the bed. the text says, "what are they? Mulder, what are they? Mosquito bites". the sentence 'mosquito bites' is emboldened. the gif is in black and white.ALT
gif 5 of 5. three shots are blended together. one is of Scully laughing, another is of Mulder doing the same thing. the last shot is a profile view of Mulder and Scully facing each other. Mulder leans in a bit in Scully's personal space. there's an illustration of a spaceship with two aliens inside of it, a heart between the two of them. end ID.ALT


day four — favorite dynamic

He’s an Oxford-educated psychologist, who wrote a monograph on serial killers and the occult, that helped to catch Monty Props in 1988. Generally thought of as the best analyst in the violent crimes section. He had a nickname at the academy… Spooky Mulder.

You’re a medical doctor, you teach at the academy. You did your undergraduate degree in physics. “Einstein’s Twin Paradox, A New Interpretation. Dana Scully Senior Thesis.” Now that’s a credential, rewriting Einstein.


@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 blending.

[id in alt]

gif 1 of 5. gifset about Marsha P. Johnson, drag queen and lgbtqia activist. this gif is about her smiling. the gifset is composed with the trans flag's colors (baby blue, white and baby pink).ALT
gif 2 of 5. the gif (and Marsha) says "as long as my people don't have their rights all across America, there's no reason for celebration".ALT
gif 3 of 5. at the top, there's an iOS text bubble that says "how will this affect your job?" with a smaller "ha ha" reaction bubble. Marsha responds with, "darling, i don't have a job. i'm on welfare. i have no intentions of getting a job as long this country discriminates against homosexuals".ALT
gif 4 of 5. Marsha is smiling to a camera alongside someone else. the text says "i always meet these young people that don't have nobody who wants to stick by them and help them. so i help them out with, like, a place to stay, or some food to eat, or a little change for their pockets. they don't call me 'pay it no mind' Johnson for nothing".ALT
gif 5 of 5. Marsha smiles to the camera. above the real Marsha, there's a pink heart with an illustration of her. at the top, there's the number 1945 (her birthyear) and the infinite symbol at the bottom. end ID.ALT

How many years does it take for people to see that we’re all brothers and sisters and human beings in the human race? I mean how many years does it take for people to see that we’re all in this rat race togetherMARSHA P. JOHNSON.

@lgbtqcreators creator meme 🌈 (2/4) lgbtq+ people of colour. [id in alt]

gif 1 of 3. pink gif of actress Tessa Thompson. the text says her name.ALT
gif 2 of 3. gif from the music video of Janelle Monáe's song Pynk (2018). Tessa Thompson stands up from behind multiple women's bottoms. the text says "i'm attracted to men and women".ALT
gif 3 of 3. gif from Thor: Ragnarok (2017) in which Tessa Thompson's character Valkyrie is riding a Pegasus and branding a sword. the text says "bi icon" and "i've had so many folks write me and say that they were able to come out or to talk to their family, which is a dream. i don’t know, there is something powerful about seeing an image of yourself reflected in any way. but we know all too well there are some ways that really just matter because we don’t have enough of it". end ID.ALT

There are some people who don’t want to deal with the fact that we are not forever. Some people decide to live life to the fullestTESSA THOMPSON.

@lgbtqcreators creator meme 🌈 (¼) lgbtq+ people of colour. [id in alt]