Filter items to find what you need in your project

You can filter items in your list, board, calendar, and timeline view. Filtering helps you focus on specific details in your projects and overviews to find important information without having to scroll through your entire team's work. You can check high-priority tasks to see that nothing is blocked or see individual team members' workloads at a glance.

  • All users can use the filter in these views

  • Your filter will only be visible to you

  • Your filter will persist when when navigating between views and different projects

Filter items in your board, list, calendar, or timeline view

Filter the items you’re searching for by selecting Filter drop-down at the top-right of the board, list, calendar, or timeline view.  You can either apply quick filters or other filters but not both at once.

Apply quick filters

You can apply one or more of the following quick filters:

  • Assigned to me

  • Due this week

  • Done items

To view your Done items in the Board view, refer to the Done column of your board. You’ll only be able to view a done item in the Done column for 14 days of it being moved there. After 14 days, the board will omit the item. You’ll still be able to see Done in the list, timeline, and calendar view.

alt="Apply quick filters to your project"

Apply other filters

You can also apply the following filters to view specific items:

  • Date range: You can filter items by a specific date range by selecting the Start date and Due date

  • Assignee: You can filter items by selecting the avatar or by searching the name of the assignees. You can select Unassigned to view items that don’t have an assignee

  • Category: You can filter items by the categories added to your project. You can select No category to view items that don’t have a category assigned

  • Type: You can filter items based on their issue type. For example, you may only want to filter by subtask. You can filter your items based on whether they are tasks or subtasks.

  • Labels: You can filter items by selecting a label added to your project. You can select No label to view items that don’t have a label assigned

  • Priority: You can filter items based on priority such as blocked, highest, high, medium, low, and lowest

  • Reporter: You can filter items by selecting the avatar or searching the name of the reporter

  • Status: You can filter items based on status, for example, to do, in progress and done

  • The Date range filter is not available in the board view.

  • The user fields (for example, Assignee and Reporter) show all the users in the instance not just the project

alt="Apply more filters in your project"

Clear filters

To clear your filters:

  1. Select Filter from the top right of your screen.

  2. Select Clear in the top right of the drop-down.

You can also select ( x ) next to the fields to clear the applied filter.

When cleared, the board, list, calendar, or timeline reverts to the default view, showing all items.

alt="Clear filter by selecting clear after selecting filters dropdown"
alt="Clear filters by selecting x next to the field"

Filter by assignee using avatars

To see the items assigned to a particular team member, select their avatar at the top left of your preferred view and you will see all the items filtered by that assignee.

Child issues when a filter is applied

When filtering items you’ll still see both parent and child issues if they match your filter however, child issues will not be nested under their parent.

Filter by custom fields in the list, calendar, and timeline view

You can filter by the following types of custom fields in the list, calendar, and timeline view of your project:

  • Single select

  • Multi-select

  • Multi-checkboxes

  • User picker (company-managed projects only)

  • People field (team-managed projects only)

  • Custom date

Filter by custom fields in the board view

You can filter by the following types of custom fields in the board view of your project:

  • Single select

  • Multi-select

  • User picker (company-managed projects only)

  • People field (team-managed projects only)

Learn more about custom fields

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