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  • Showing 2 posts tagged page: poppy
    answer post by
    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi! Is it okay to get the external CSS of your Poppy page and paste it in the code? I want to add/change some properties and classes because I'm planning to use it as a fic recs page, leaning more with text and less on the image. It works right now but I'm wondering if I can improve the styling more. Thank you! I hope you're not having a hard time in your studies!!

  • seyche replied

    yes, it’s here:

    also, make sure you delete the corresponding link to the stylesheet after you put the CSS in via the stylesheet I linked, because otherwise it will override the edits you make in the Tumblr theme editor.

    good luck with your edits!

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    answer post by
    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi, Naomi! I love your page Poppy and I had two questions. One: can we use it for other purposes other than a media page? And two: I wanted to make the images square but whenever I adjust the height, the pop-up description doesn't appear where it should and it still has the original height, is there a way to fix that? Thank you so much for this page, it's so nice and clean and I really love your codes!

  • seyche replied

    ah I’m so sorry about that! I cleaned it up and posted it in a rush, and when I checked back it had a ton of mistakes, including the popup description - I mistyped the css variables. I’ve updated it now plus fixed a few other mistakes, and it should all be working fine now. 

    in addition to correcting the problem with the popup description heights (I tested it manually to confirm it works), I’ve added proper support for alt text, support for extra text styles within the item popup, changed the design of the popup button so it doesn’t hide portions of the popup text, and added some extra HTML headings so it should be easier to edit.

    you’ll have to install it again from either my pastebin or github, but once you do, I’ve updated the external css files so if there are any other mistakes I have to correct (fingers crossed I’ve got them all!), you’ll get updates automatically. hopefully not too many people are using the old version yet, but if you are, please reinstall. sorry about the inconvenience!

    regarding your first query: yes, you can! if you want to use it for a members page or a portfolio or something, go ahead. 

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