everything’s queer now (Posts tagged fiction)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.


Might I add:

The defeat of the wizard who made people choose how they’d be to be executed

The woman who raised the changeling alongside her biological child

The human who died of radiation poisoning after repairing the spaceship


The adventures of a space roomba

Cinderella finding Araura (and falling in love)

I don’t know a snappy description but the my nemesis cynthia story certainly lives in my head


hilariously, these are almost all in my fic tag. so, a compiled list from the notes (and some extras):

  1. The God of Arepo (graphic novel 1 / 2 / 3) (ebook)
  2. The Monster of Sentan
  3. The Witch’s Cat
  4. Raise Both Children
  5. Stabby the Roomba (honorable mention)
  6. Cinderella Marries the Prince (comic)
  7. My Arch Nemesis Cynthia
  8. Pirates and Mermaid
  9. Eindred and the Witch
  10. The Demon King
  11. The Cornerwitch
  12. Grandmother Beetroot
  13. Apocalypse Daycare Worker
  14. Grandmother Accidentally Summons a Demon
  15. New Year Saga
  16. A Story About Changelings
  17. Ranger in the King’s Forest
  18. The Difference Between a Hare and a Rabbit
  19. Goblin Men (Canines)

I am in love with you /p


What about the one with the princess locked in a tower learning to become a wizard? That’s lived in my mind for years and I haven’t seen it in a long time


Oh, love that story, adding it to the list:
20. Princess Talia
and adding a few more contenders
21. Thyme
22. The Monster under the Bed
23. A Meaningful Death
24. Humans are unstoppable…until they aren’t
25. The Monster under the Fridge
26. Antler Guy
27. Cleric slamming healing spells


Adding a few more I remembered: 
28. The Frog and the Scorpion
30. The First Witch in the World
31. Imagine that Oceans were replaced by Forests 
32. A Faerie taking a Name 
33. The Dragon on the Farm 
34. Synovus & Menace 
35. Raising the Anti-Christ 
36. Aliens vs. Flora & Fauna of Earth (pretty sure there are even more additions to the original post but I had this one saved) 
37. Doctors without Borders…in Space! 
38. The Villain-Wrangler 
39. The Last Contact 
40. The 100 Parent-Point Children 
41. And the Heavens Wept 
42. The Night Gentleman 
43. The Serpent God and their Priestess 


44. No One Showed Up for the Last Storytime


Wow! @writing-prompt-s contributing to like half of these!


I can hardly take any credit for these stories! But I love sharing them. Unfortunately I cannot read all the prompt responses so please tag me if you want me to reblog a story that resonated with you so I can give it a little boost :)

tumblr myths tumblr stories tumblr heritage tumblr heritage posts writing prompts fiction to read

I posted my first thing on ao3! It’s a very short podfic of a hilarious 240 word fanfic.

Please have a listen and tell me what you think!

Direct youtube link

@ineffablechocolatecheesecake I added your art to it! 💖🌈

michael sheen david tennant dragon michael fucking sheen welsh seduction machine david fucking tennant sexy scottish serpent rpf bbc staged good omens staged communism fiction fan fiction fanfiction ineffable* gomens* ao3 art ao3 fanfic podfic aziracrow crowley aziraphale Youtube video i made this ineffable motherfuckers ineffable husbands

"We call it vff," said the alien. "It's - it's hard to describe to a species without vffsense. Imagine trying to describe light to a species that never evolved eyes. But there are forms of life that are only perceptible with vffsense, and they've visited Earth and fed on life as long as it's existed here."

There was a pause.

Then the human said, "That's the worst thing you've ever said."

"Don't worry about it."

"I think I have to, now."

"No, because - well - you have a species of spider which pretends to be an ant, correct? It's not capable of understanding the fact that it's mimicking an ant, but it instinctually mimics an ant in order to deter predators."


"Humans produce a vff to mimic varths, predators only perceptible through vffsense. The organisms that would like to feed on you are terrified of varths, and so they leave you alone. You aren't aware you do it, you don't have the capacity to understand you're doing it, but you evolved to instinctually do it to deter predators you can't see."

There was a pause.

Then the human said in a very soft and thoughtful voice, "And are there varths on Earth?"

"Yes," said the alien. "Everywhere. But don't worry about it."


"I think I have to, now."

"Well, varths can also sense vff, of course, but to a varth you putting off varth like vff isn't particularly frightening."

"Not frightening, ok. So do they feed on us?"


"So if not feeding then something... else?"

"Yes. Quite a lot of something else actually."

"What do you mean a lot of something else?"

"Well, you know ostriches?"


"When you humans keep ostriches, sometimes you accidentally exhibit features and behaviors that... appeal to an ostrich more than a member of their own species."

"So you're saying varth find us-"

"Incconsivably sexy, desirable to the point they abandon their own home planet and species with some regularity. It's actually quite fascinating, humans are to varth as cats are to catnip."

"Wow that's a lot to take in... you sure know a lot of animal metaphors. You could be a zoologist."

"I am a zoologist"


"That's why I'm here, talking to you."


i love this and yeah I think i have to now science fiction unreality mimicry aliens ficlet tumblr fic vff vffsense zoology xenobiology fiction creativity

I find it curious that I’ve read in at least 6 good omens fanfics so far the notion that somehow it is easier/simpler to experience or give pleasure to someone with a penis than someone with a vulva. I’m sure this is not an ineffable fandom idea, it’s just where I’ve encountered it thanks to our man shaped beings who can change their Efforts.

I am truly baffled by this idea. I cannot come up with any explanation for it that doesn’t boil down to oppression (internalized or otherwise). (And yes this either/or framing also erases intersex people).

Am I missing some important information? Because this is starting to piss me off 😅😓

People of any gender or genital configuration can have difficulties: experiencing orgasm, having pain, lacking arousal, etc.

One point of data: I currently have two sprained wrists (which are thankfully healing!) and I can still masturbate because I have vibrating toys that do the work for me. How is that complicated?

(Please avoid transphobia and intersex erasure in the notes!)


Here’s the most recent example I saw. I didn’t make note (or take any screenshots) of all the fics I’ve seen this in, so I’m not sure I’ll be able to find the others. I’m not trying to put the author on blast, because it’s clearly not just a them thing. Once seemed like a fluke, but this is multiple times now.

screencap of a fic. text reads "On the other hand, traditionally male configurations were his norm. He enjoyed presenting as a man and having a penis and a prostate, both so easy to please in comparison to the complexity of a vulva. His hedonistic side whose sexuality developed at Roman bathhouses and discreet gentlemen clubs was picky and leaning to the masculine plane of things, yet he still was open to try something different every now and then. Especially if Crowley asked for it." the second sentence is highlighted in yellowALT
image description in alt oppression cisheteronormativity good omens good omens 2 good omens fanfiction fanfiction go fanfic fan fiction fiction genital configuration orgasms pleasure ineffable motherfuckers crowley aziraphale ineffable husbands ineffable* aziracrow genitals masturbation discourse internalized oppression sexism phallocentrism gomens* aziraphale x crowley good ineffable omens good omens season 2

I posted my first thing on ao3! It’s a very short podfic of a hilarious 240 word fanfic.

Please have a listen and tell me what you think!

Direct youtube link

@ineffablechocolatecheesecake I added your art to it! 💖🌈

michael sheen david tenant dragon michael fucking sheen welsh seduction machine david fucking tenant sexy scottish serpent rpf bbc staged good omens staged communism fiction fan fiction good omens fanfiction ineffable motherfuckers ineffable husbands ineffable* gomens* ao3 art ao3 fanfic i made this podfic aziracrow crowley aziraphale Youtube video

I posted my first thing on ao3! It’s a very short podfic of a hilarious 240 word fanfic.

Please have a listen and tell me what you think!

Direct youtube link

@ineffablechocolatecheesecake I added your art to it! 💖🌈


Communism, dragons, Michael, David, … and a marriage? Hugely entertaining. Definitely flirting with insanity. What better hellsite to promote this on than tumblr? 🤣


Awww thanks so much!! 🥰💖🌈


If michael ever reads one piece of rpf I hope it's this one


@bowtiepastabitch that idea entertains me so! 😂

(and scares me a bit, even though I just read it😅)

michael sheen david tennant dragon michael fucking sheen welsh seduction machine david fucking tennant sexy scottish serpent rpf bbc staged good omens staged communism fiction fan fiction good omens fanfiction ineffable motherfuckers ineffable husbands ineffable* gomens* ao3 art ao3 fanfic i made this podfic aziracrow crowley aziraphale Youtube video

I posted my first thing on ao3! It’s a very short podfic of a hilarious 240 word fanfic.

Please have a listen and tell me what you think!

Direct youtube link

@ineffablechocolatecheesecake I added your art to it! 💖🌈


Communism, dragons, Michael, David, … and a marriage? Hugely entertaining. Definitely flirting with insanity. What better hellsite to promote this on than tumblr? 🤣


Awww thanks so much!! 🥰💖🌈

lovely mutuals michael sheen david tenant dragon michael fucking sheen welsh seduction machine david fucking tenant sexy scottish serpent rpf bbc staged good omens staged communism fiction fan fiction good omens fanfiction ineffable motherfuckers ineffable husbands ineffable* gomens* a03 art ao3 fanfic i made this podfic aziracrow crowley aziraphale Youtube video

I posted my first thing on ao3! It’s a very short podfic of a hilarious 240 word fanfic.

Please have a listen and tell me what you think!

Direct youtube link

@ineffablechocolatecheesecake I added your art to it! 💖🌈

Pinned Post michael sheen david tennant dragon michael fucking sheen welsh seduction machine david fucking tennant sexy scottish serpent rpf bbc staged good omens staged communism fiction fan fiction good omens fanfiction ineffable motherfuckers ineffable husbands ineffable* gomens* ao3 art ao3 fanfic i made this podfic aziracrow crowley aziraphale Youtube video

We need more female loveable rogue characters.

I don't mean girlboss queens of criminal empires, or 'damaged' girls who are only putting up a tough criminal facade to hide their tragic past, or even terrifying but also sexualised murderers who can kill a man without blinking and look good while doing it.

I mean like… female characters whose primary roles in the main cast are to show up as needed with whatever whacky combination of items the heroes need and some vague excuse about them having "fallen off the back of a lorry".

Female characters who will shadily say "I know a guy" (in the gender neutral sense) when the protags need someone for a specific task, and then when they meet that guy she immediately almost gets murdered because of some ludicrous crime she committed years ago that she assumed they'd be over now.

Female characters who can't fight for shit and have no ability to act as a femme fatale, but do have the charisma/persuasion skills to talk their way out of dangerous situations when needed.

Female characters who have never murdered anyone, and would never consider murdering anyone, but still try to present themselves as some kind of master criminal despite having approximately none of the skills to back that up. And where this is played for laughs rather than as some sort of dramatic reveal.

Just… weasels. Urchins. Conwomen. Tricksters.

All those types of character that get to be comedic and loveable but kinda pathetic when played by a man, but suddenly have to be deadly, sexy, tragic and/or girlboss when played by a woman, because female characters always have to have that extra edge of seriousness to make up for the fatal flaw of being female.

Just let girl characters be fun, for godssake.

fiction character tropes writing let marginalized people be mediocre fantasy tropes loveable rogue women oh no it’s queue