everything’s queer now

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I posted my first thing on ao3! It’s a very short podfic of a hilarious 240 word fanfic.

Please have a listen and tell me what you think!

Direct youtube link

@ineffablechocolatecheesecake I added your art to it! 💖🌈

Pinned Post michael sheen david tennant dragon michael fucking sheen welsh seduction machine david fucking tennant sexy scottish serpent rpf bbc staged good omens staged communism fiction fan fiction good omens fanfiction ineffable motherfuckers ineffable husbands ineffable* gomens* ao3 art ao3 fanfic i made this podfic aziracrow crowley aziraphale Youtube video

I was in line at Aldi and this girl with two toddlers in front of me had her card declined and she looked so fucking sad and said “let me call my husband real quick” and it was only 18 dollars, so I just paid for it, and she was very sweet and then as she walked off, the lady behind me said `”You know that was probably a scam, right?” and like, even if it was, like what a sad fucking scam, right? 18 dollars at the Aldi. If you’re “scamming” me for some Tyson chicken and apple juice and cauliflower, then just take my fucking money. 

“A scam” people are fucking wild.  


This happened to me, too. A woman had used WIC for the majority of her stuff (which I say from personal experience is such a long and embarrassing process) and to buy the remainder of her groceries, which included diapers and wipes, she used a card, and it got declined. I bought the other $30 of her groceries because hey, I’ve been there, and now I’m not. She was extremely emotional and began to cry and even hugged me. My mom called me on the drive home and could tell I had been crying myself, asked what was wrong, and when I told her what happened, she berated me for being “duped.” I couldn’t believe she could be so disappointed in one of her children for doing something- nice? Is that the hill you want to die on? Getting mad about people needing groceries?


I once paid for a woman’s bill at the vet…it wasn’t a big one, but she was trying to pay for some medication for her dog, and her card was declined. And her lip started trembling, and she says “I don’t get paid until Tuesday, would he be ok until then?” 

So I just told them to add the $20 something onto my bill, and I thought she was going to break down crying right there.

And I don’t care if it was a scam or not. Just do nice things for people sometimes. 


Do good recklessly.


I think “Do good recklessly” would be fantastic word art to hang on one’s wall. Artistic people, go!


So this has happened to me but from the other side. Several years ago when my oldest was around three or so, I had my debit card decline at Walmart. It wasn’t a scam or a mistake, I was genuinely broke. Out of money. I checked my bank and discovered I had something like 7 dollars left to my name and a hungry kid and nothing to eat at home. So I sat there trying to come up with the best way to stretch that tiny amount of money to feed my kid. Not even to feed me. I can live on popcorn or something if I have to but my kid was three and he had to eat. So there I am trying really hard not to cry while I slowly take things out of my basket to get it down to under 7 bucks, when a lady tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up and she smiled at me and started putting the things back in my cart. I opened my mouth to tell her that I didn’t have the money for them but she stopped me right away and said “Don’t worry about it. It’s gonna be fine.” Then she handed the cashier her credit card and said “Ring up all of it.” My kid got to eat because of her. I got to eat because of her. I had laundry soap and deodorant because of her. She could’ve just ignored me silently struggling in that line. She could’ve decided I was a scam and gone home feeling good about avoiding being duped. But instead she chose to help me and she saved us. So maybe the person struggling in front of you is trying to put one over on you or maybe they are just sad and broke and trying to figure out what to do. You get to decide which you want to believe and what you want to do. But I’ll tell y’all, no one has ever been more beautiful to me than that lady in that line who saved me and my baby. Be like her. Be beautiful.


Do good recklessly





One time, my dad and I were living the grocery store and there was a guy outside asking for money to buy some stuff to take home for his kids. It was around Christmas time. My dad asked him if he could give him groceries instead of money, and the guy immediately said yes, so my dad gave him one of everything we bought (meat, rice, some chocolates, milk, oil). At that time, my dad hadn’t gotten his paycheck because the company he worked for was going through a tough time, but he didn’t care, he saw an opportunity to help someone and he did.

Another time, my dad gave 50 bucks to a guy who said he needed to buy medicine for his kids. I told my dad he was probably going to spend the money on alcohol or something, but my dad said that “whether he was lying or not says something about HIS character, but hearing someone in need and choosing not to help when I have the means to says something about mine”.

I never forget that.


“whether he was lying or not says something about HIS character, but hearing someone in need and choosing not to help when I have the means to says something about mine”

louder, for the people in the back


Part of being a Warrior is doing good recklessly. 

-FemaleWarrior, She/They 


About a decade ago, I was trying to figure out how to put together a holiday meal for my little household, with only $7 to my name. We were joking around about it and stuff, because it’s better to laugh than cry, and this very nice older lady noticed us, and said it looked like we were having fun. I laughed, and told her what we were doing, and she insisted, then and there, on giving us $20 to help us out. We tried telling her we’d be fine, but she would not take no for an answer.

It’s not the first time a stranger’s kindness has helped me during a rough time, but every time it’s happened, it’s made such a huge difference.

If I refused to help out in turn when I can just because the person in need MIGHT be a scammer, it would feel like spitting on the kindness that was shown to me.


better to be a fool than an asshole how to be a person compassion empathy acab including the cop in your head


Link to the gay porn library of Alexandria.

Happy pride.


This is honestly so wholesome and sweet I'm feeling emotions.

My man's found someone's entire time capsule of a life and even though it's not his cup of tea, he see's the value of it, and realized the gravitas of finding something like this.

I know it's porn but who the fuck cares, this is someone's journal, lost to time and re-found.

this is amazing happy pride twitter gay gay porn pride history time capsule
“For @thevalyrian who requested ‘something with snake!Crowley draped over Aziraphale while he’s reading a book’.
Thank you for trusting me to play with your toys

For @thevalyrian who requested ‘something with snake!Crowley draped over Aziraphale while he’s reading a book’.

Thank you for trusting me to play with your toys <3

this is amazing good omens snake!crowley aziraphale snek snake crowley good omens fanart good omens art go fanart go art crowley good omens 2 ineffable motherfuckers ineffable husbands ineffable* gomens* aziracrow

a meme which has text, a photo of David Tennant giving the middle finger, and a background of the intersex inclusive progress pride flag. the text reads "fuck off and let people be" which is a quote from David TennantALT

(Quote from David Tennant is from this video and the photo is from Staged)


photo of David Tennant wearing a tshirt that has text in the trans pride flag colors that says "You will have to go through me". He is also holding a small intersex inclusive progress pride flag. he is wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap and his face looks seriousALT

Look at what David is wearing and holding!! 😍🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🧱🔥

david tennant happy pride pride was a riot solidarity if they come for one of us they come for all of us you will have to go through me not gay as in happy but queer as in fuck you intersex inclusive progress pride flag trans lgbtqia+ queer pride instagram georgia tennant

Nice pair of recommendations that I got coincidentally the same day (!) and thought you lovely Tumblr peeps might appreciate. Both human AUs, both E rated, love them both:

Crowley keeps sleepwalking into Aziraphale's flat by @entanglednow

Aziraphale keeps sleepwalking into Crowley's flat by @snae-b

Loved them both but they are very different. Mind the tags on the second, but no sleep-sex happens in either.

Thanks @createserenity for the first, can't remember who told me about the other sorry


I’ve already read the first and now I’m off to look at the second! 💖


The most jarring thing about fandom is finding out the E tag on ao3 does NOT mean "for everyone" 🤣


@mochabonesblog yeah, it’s “explicit”. But AO3 does use “General audiences”, just like movies are G rated 😅

ao3 ratings e isn’t for everyone

Nice pair of recommendations that I got coincidentally the same day (!) and thought you lovely Tumblr peeps might appreciate. Both human AUs, both E rated, love them both:

Crowley keeps sleepwalking into Aziraphale's flat by @entanglednow

Aziraphale keeps sleepwalking into Crowley's flat by @snae-b

Loved them both but they are very different. Mind the tags on the second, but no sleep-sex happens in either.

Thanks @createserenity for the first, can't remember who told me about the other sorry


I’ve already read the first and now I’m off to look at the second! 💖

good omens good omens fanfiction good omens fanfic rec sleepwalking
self talk self care tumblr polls mental health narrative inner witness