Grow your data science skills at posit::conf(2024)

August 12th-14th in Seattle

Posit Academy

Build data science skills together

Learn R and Python so it actually sticks
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Practice-based learning

Mentor-led guidance

Relevant curriculums

Social learning

Your typical week

Interactive Daily Lessons
Learn and practice the fundamentals of data science with interactive tutorials that provide feedback on your code.
Project Milestones
Apply what you learned to industry-specific datasets and projects, reaching thoughtfully-paced milestones.
Group Sessions
Come together to share your work, learn from others, celebrate progress, and get feedback from your mentor.

Posit Academy creates productive data scientists

We teach you the skills

We focus on project-based learning so that you apply facts to solve real-world problems from the start.

We practice to master

We emphasize daily practice and frequent feedback, so your skills are built to last.

We do it together

Meet with a mentor and peer group regularly for the support, guidance and accountability to reach your goals.

Ready to help your data scientists learn R & Python?

We promise that Posit Academy is the best way to upskill your organization in the open-source data science skills it will undoubtedly need. And we'd love to talk to you more about it.