Grow your data science skills at posit::conf(2024)

August 12th-14th in Seattle

Every Thursday at 12 pm ET

Data Science Hangout

You’re in good company.


Helping data science leaders grow together

Customer Stories

Customer story


Posit tools allowed our statisticians and data scientists to turn into application developers and data engineers without learning any new languages or computer science skills.

Customer story


The COVID-induced changes in education led BioBuilder to reimagine its curriculum.

Customer story

City of Reykjavik

The data science team in the city of Reykjavík, Iceland is using Posit Connect to impact the citizens of their city, one Shiny app at a time.

Customer story


Training & empowering more than 1,100 R users at AstraZeneca

Customer story


At PING, a small team of engineers, technologists, and data scientists harness the power of Posit Connect to democratize golf through data insights with a dynamic new user-facing application.

Customer story

Stack Overflow

Posit Connect has reduced the frustrations and increased the effectiveness for all of us on the data team at Stack Overflow. It's been a game changer for communicating the results of our analyses and modeling!

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