Anonymous asked:

hello there ! I've been using the latest version of your STEREO theme, im super in love with its sleekness. I've been struggling trying to implement tags on individual posts however.

i have them visible when browsing the blog, or scrolling through a tag which works perfectly great, but id like them to still be visible underneath even after clicking on the url of a specific post and viewing it, wherein they then disappear. (by individual page i mean something like this for example

I've been messing around with the code but i've only been able to figure out how to enable or disable them when viewing the blog as a whole Q_Q any help would be appreciated, but no worries if you're busy! thank you !!

Hi! Thanks for letting me know about that. That was an oversight by me.

I’ve fixed it so that permalink pages (the page of a post) now also display the tags (as long as that option is ticked in the theme options)!

If you want to manually apply the change, you can find it here (the added code is highlighted in green):

Otherwise, the Theme Garden update should be there in a couple of days.