Mara Lynn Johnstone — Here she is, if anyone needs a visual. She's small...

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I found a piece of onion skin that looks like a mermaid tail, and that feels like half a story idea about a fairytale where someone tries to call up fantasy creatures in the river. What would a tiny onion mermaid look like?



Saving the various tagsssss



Here she is, if anyone needs a visual. She’s small enough to fit in the birdbath.

(Which just brings up new ideas, of course. I’m sure she’d get along fine with the robins and turtledoves, but be an unholy terror for the crows when they arrive to wash their stole pizza crusts there.)

(Those are the onionskin mermaid’s pizza crusts now.)

finally someone to help me keep it clean I'll bet she can convince the turtledoves to stop pooping in it too I wonder if a birdbath would be like a hot tub after the chill of the river I wonder how far she can leap from the water if she gets enough of a head start might be tricky to get back to the river afterward time to grab a crow by the legs and hope for the best! writing prompts mermaids onion mermaid

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