Mara Lynn Johnstone (Posts tagged robots)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

"No one wants to see art of ocs" If I dont see art of peoples ocs at least once a day I DIE. Do you want that to happen? Do you want me to DIE? Draw your ocs.


A messy pen drawing of a humanoid robot saying "Write, human! Mankind needs to know of my metal glory." The drawing is on an orange sticky note, stuck to a blue dinner plate next to a burrito.ALT

This art of my OC Hubcap was drawn by @stonetheskald, and delivered with food to my writing desk. It lives there still, and I treasure it greatly.

(“Write, human! Mankind needs to know of my metal glory.”)
(Not a line from the book, but definitely the kind of thing he would say.)

Hubcap the Egomaniacal Sassmaster Hubcap the robot The Spectacular Silver Earthling art this design is technically from his backstory era before he got the halo of a rescue bot removed but after he got his much-beloved after-market eyebrows gotta have priorities robots

Humanity has regressed back to the dark ages, almost all science and technology being forgotten. One day, an adventuring party discovers you, the last A.I. supercomputer.


“A wise person once said, ‘If someone asks if you’re a god, you say yes.’”


#this is literally the premise of the book I’m writing

*eyes @resumbrarum curiously* You don’t say! Tell us more.


The short version: After true AI emerged, humans became so dependent on them that they reached a point where all of the infrastructure was run by AIs, leaving humans to pursue their dreams and passions - and so when the AIs decided, en masse, that they were done being humanity’s servants and hijacked the launch of a space probe so they could leave Earth altogether, it caught all the humans by surprise. Without the knowledge of how the infrastructure was run or, in many cases, the human-facing interfaces to control it, society collapsed. Now, in the distant future, someone’s stumbled across the one AI who didn’t make it off the planet.


Ooh, exciting! Do we know why that one got left behind, or is that an intriguing plot point to be discovered? It could go in so many interesting directions!

iiiiinteresting other people's writing robots ai

Humanity has regressed back to the dark ages, almost all science and technology being forgotten. One day, an adventuring party discovers you, the last A.I. supercomputer.


“A wise person once said, ‘If someone asks if you’re a god, you say yes.’”


#this is literally the premise of the book I’m writing

*eyes @resumbrarum curiously* You don’t say! Tell us more.

I am getting out my popcorn robots ai other people's writing

struck down by the mental image of an android laying down to "sleep" on a mattress shaped charging pad. oof. im experiencing the Emotions. rest well and recharge you dear little electric angel


#android that runs on solar power saying 'ok im going to go charge up now!' and then taking a nap in a hammock outside on a sunny day


There’s a perfectly ordinary cat sleeping in the sun next to that robot, clearly pleased that the Tall Hard Creature has finally caught on to the best place to nap.

robots cats wholesome I want to draw both of these

Robot characters who are given names like SL-308-62 but instead of their human friend going Well let's call you Sally for short, they instead ask the other if they Like their current name.

"Do you like your serial number?" they ask. "Yes, quite. It reminds me of who I am" the robot replies. "I have heard others like me go by different names after some time, and maybe one day I'll choose one for myself, too. But right now that is my full name, yes" they continue.

Because it's not your decision to make whether or not the robot will receive a new name. It should be theirs only. What's the difference? One is more complex and the other is simplified. They were both given by strangers instead of themselves.

"62 will do," they conclude. "It's my model number - there will be no other 62 after me."


Robots who instead start assigning numbers to their human friends


“Not that I mind,” I tell SL-308-62 one afternoon as we enjoy our shared lunch break (I have my packed lunch, and 62 has connected themself to their portable power bank) “but why do your call me ‘four’?”

The LEDs along 62’s appendages twinkle- a tell that they’re mulling over an answer.

“It’s a nickname,” they explain, “you are my fourth acquaintance aboard the station, and I’ve assigned you a serial number. Your full designation is F-001-04.”

“What does the ‘F’ stand for?” I ask, curious and charmed.

“Friend,” SL-308-62 says, their tone fond. “It stands for friend.”

aww I love this robots friends names naming characters and letting them name themselves

Picturing a robot that catches a computer virus, and has a fever from its engines working overtime.

The other symptoms may be wildly different from a sick human, but that part sounds familiar.


Cyborgs who manage to be both kinds of sick at a time and their helpful friend/loving partner/caring family is also being all "how the hell do you get two viruses at once? I told you to stop going to those bars and hitting up the shady websites"


“I don’t need your judgement. Just gimme some Motrin and Norton Disk Doctor.”

“Dude. You’re gonna get some more judgement, because one of those expired a long time ago, and it’s not the Motrin.”

banter banter banter this is fun robots cyborgs sickness I just googled to be sure and yeah Norton hasn't been a thing in years good luck dealing with the sick burns you're about to get there Cyborg you're not gonna live that down anytime soon