Mara Lynn Johnstone (Posts tagged procrastination)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

writers will really have a doc titled ‘fic planning’ and then it’s just blank


writers will say “i’m going to write!” and then do something else with the doc open in the background


writers will literally put out the most heart-wrenching and devastating piece of fiction that’s a million times better than the source and go haha hope you liked :)


writers will have a life changing event happen to them (married, natural disaster, accident etc etc) and then still manage to put out an incredible fic and go ‘sorry this was 0.394838373 seconds late guys :(‘


writers will go ‘love writing!’ and then don’t write for 10 years


anyway i love writing and i love writers



now hold on a goddamned second


writers will complain about this post while continuing to not write

so what are YOU doing instead of writing today? yes I know we're all on Tumblr but I mean aside from that writer life procrastination

writers will really have a doc titled ‘fic planning’ and then it’s just blank


writers will say “i’m going to write!” and then do something else with the doc open in the background


writers will literally put out the most heart-wrenching and devastating piece of fiction that’s a million times better than the source and go haha hope you liked :)


writers will have a life changing event happen to them (married, natural disaster, accident etc etc) and then still manage to put out an incredible fic and go ‘sorry this was 0.394838373 seconds late guys :(‘


writers will go ‘love writing!’ and then don’t write for 10 years


anyway i love writing and i love writers



now hold on a goddamned second


writers will complain about this post while continuing to not write




All of the above. And everything else as well.

truth writer life see? they know procrastination it's an important part of the writing process

So I’m writing about the good guys escaping a spaceship today, how about you?

Care to procrastinate and discuss it instead of actually writing?


I’m gonna be writing on my ‘vampires in the rainforest’ project!


Nice!  How, pray tell, do vampires handle the rainforest?  Different bat species?  Deep enough shadows under the trees to avoid the sun?


I’m kind of going with the ‘forest as a metaphor for deep oceans’ thing, so yeah! The vampires live where the sun can’t reach past all the leaves :D

How goes the spaceship escape?


Very cool.  I bet they’d be mightily put out when a big tree falls, leaving a big ol’ field of daylight in the middle of their preferred hunting ground.

And the escape is going well!  The gorilla is ripping up the floor to overload the force field, and the little accountant alien is having Clever Ideas.


Oh, can I join the procrastinating writing by talking about writing?

Cuz I should be writing my human lawyer arguing with a pedantic alien bounty hunter about whether “we’re fucked” is a legitimate description of their current situation.


By all means! 

And I’m going to hazard a guess that yes, that is the correct description.  :D

procrastination writer life

I was looking for this gif!  It’s meditative.  Put on any song at all, and it fits. 

You know how you walk into another room and forget what you were doing?  I’m told that’s a vestigial survival instinct from the days when a lion could jump us the moment we left shelter.  Gotta forget what you were thinking and pay attention.

It’s not so helpful now, but a good way to wash away the day while listening to the Phantom of the Opera Techno and imagining you’re Sonic the Hedgehog.

it's actually excellent to that song equally good to Enya dang I'm going to be staring at this for a while at this rate testing out different songs feel free to join me you're welcome procrastination fun time wasters meditation this here is how we meditate in 2020 by running at super speed while listening to *rolls dice* 'Never Gonna Stop' by Rob Zombie don't mind if I do! next up: Queen songs

Anybody want to swap writing prompts?  For short little things, just for fun?  I’ve got a lot of sci-fi/fantasy ideas stored up to use SOMEDAY, and I’d love to see them actually come to life.

writeblr spontaneous writblr writing prompts amwriting science fiction fantasy speculative fiction writing community writer life procrastination flash fiction short stories writer friends writeblr friends c'mon I'm bored who wants to WRITE STUFF it'll be fun it can even be terrible and that's just fine all it has to do is exist

23 science facts we didn’t know at the start of 2016


1. Gravitational waves are real. More than 100 years after Einstein first predicted them, researchers finally detected the elusive ripples in space time this year. We’ve now seen three gravitational wave events in total.

2. Sloths almost die every time they poop, and it looks agonising.

3. It’s possible to live for more than a year without a heart in your body.

4. It’s also possible to live a normal life without 90 percent of your brain.

5. There are strange, metallic sounds coming from the Mariana trench, the deepest point on Earth’s surface. Scientists currently think the noise is a new kind of baleen whale call.

6. A revolutionary new type of nuclear fusion machine being trialled in Germany really works, and could be the key to clean, unlimited energy.

7. There’s an Earth-like planet just 4.2 light-years away in the Alpha Centauri star system - and scientists are already planning a mission to visit it.

8. Earth has a second mini-moon orbiting it, known as a ‘quasi-satellite’. It’s called 2016 HO3.

9. There might be a ninth planet in our Solar System (no, Pluto doesn’t count).

10. The first written record demonstrating the laws of friction has been hiding inside Leonardo da Vinci’s “irrelevant scribbles” for the past 500 years.

11. Zika virus can be spread sexually, and it really does cause microcephaly in babies.

12. Crows have big ears, and they’re kinda terrifying.

13. The largest known prime number is 274,207,281– 1, which is a ridiculous 22 million digits in length. It’s 5 million digits longer than the second largest prime.

14. The North Pole is slowly moving towards London, due to the planet’s shifting water content.

15. Earth lost enough sea ice this year to cover the entire land mass of India.

16. Artificial intelligence can beat humans at Go.

17. Tardigrades are so indestructible because they have an in-built toolkit to protect their DNA from damage. These tiny creatures can survive being frozen for decades, can bounce back from total desiccation, and can even handle the harsh radiation of space.

18. There are two liquid states of water.

19. Pear-shaped atomic nuclei exist, and they make time travel seem pretty damn impossible.

20. Dinosaurs had glorious tail feathers, and they were floppy.

21. One third of the planet can no longer see the Milky Way from where they live.

22. There’s a giant, 1.5-billion-cubic-metre (54-billion-cubic-foot) field of precious helium gas in Tanzania.

23. The ‘impossible’ EM Drive is the propulsion system that just won’t quit. NASA says it really does seem to produce thrust - but they still have no idea how. We’ll save that mystery for 2017.


“Oh hey,” I said, “I’ve closed all the extra tabs on my browser.  I’ll just check Tumblr, then go to bed–”


Hands up who else just opened most of those links to read in detail?

science! science science fiction fascinating procrastination