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Secure Invoke Tool

Secure invoke binary can be used to:

  • Send a SelectAdRequest to SFE.
  • Send a GetBidsRawRequest directly to BFE.

The tool takes as input an unencrypted request and then serializes, compresses, pads and then encrypts it with test keys (the default uses the same keys as services running with the TEST_MODE flag enabled). The response returned by the target service is then similarly decrypted, decompressed, deserialized and printed to console.

Example Usage

Sending SelectAdRequest to SFE

This method expects a plaintext json with the following fields.

    "auction_config" : {
          "seller_signals": "...",
          "per_buyer_config": {"buyer1" : {
              "buyer_signals": "...",
    "raw_protected_audience_input": {
        "raw_buyer_input" : {"buyer1": {
            "interest_groups": [{
                "name": "IG1",
        "publisher_name": "",
    "raw_component_auction_results": [
            "ad_render_url": "URL",


A sample request is as follows:

    "auction_config": {
        "auction_signals": "{}",
        "buyer_list": ["Placeholder-Should-Match-With-The-Keys-In-BUYER_SERVER_HOSTS-In-SFE"],
        "buyer_timeout_ms": 100000,
        "per_buyer_config": {
            "Placeholder-Should-Match-With-The-Keys-In-BUYER_SERVER_HOSTS-In-SFE": {
                "buyer_debug_id": "Buyer-Debug-ID-Useful-For-Debugging",
                "buyer_signals": "{}"
        "seller": "Placeholder-Should-Match-With-seller_origin_domain-In-SFE-Config",
        "seller_debug_id": "Seller-Debug-ID-Useful-For-Debugging",
        "seller_signals": "[]"
    "client_type": "CLIENT_TYPE_BROWSER",
    "raw_protected_audience_input": {
        "generation_id": "A-UUID",
        "publisher_name": "",
        "raw_buyer_input": {
            "Placeholder-Should-Match-With-Keys-In-BUYER_SERVER_HOSTS-In-SFE": {
                "interest_groups": [
                        "ad_render_ids": [
                        "bidding_signals_keys": [
                        "browser_signals": {
                            "bid_count": "1",
                            "join_count": "2",
                            "prev_wins": "[]"
                        "name": "Test-Interest-Group-Name",
                        "user_bidding_signals": "[]"


  • Hosts in buyer_list must be a subset of keys in BUYER_SERVER_HOST map configured in SFE terraform config (when running on cloud) OR key in buyer_server_hosts map (when running locally).
  • The key in per_buyer_config and raw_buyer_input should also match with the buyer domain name as mentioned in the last point (about buyer_list)
  • The seller field must match with SELLER_ORIGIN_DOMAIN (when running on cloud) OR seller_origin_domain (when running locally).
  • When sending requests to a locally running service, a -insecure param also needs to be added to the secure_invoke CLI.

Top Level Auction SelectAdRequest to SFE

This method expects a plaintext json with the following fields.

    "auction_config" : {
          "seller_signals": "...",
    "raw_protected_audience_input": {
        "publisher_name": "",
    "raw_component_auction_results": [{
            "ad_render_url": "URL",
            "interest_group_origin": "",
            "interest_group_name": "testIG",
            "interest_group_owner": "",
            "bidding_groups": {},
            "score": 4.9,
            "bid": 0.2,
            "bid_currency": "USD",
            "ad_metadata": "{}",
            "top_level_seller": "",
            "auction_params": {
                "component_seller": ""
# Setup arguments.
INPUT_PATH=select_ad_request.json  # Needs to be a valid plaintext in the root of the B&A project (i.e. the path is .../bidding-auction-server/select_ad_request.json)  # DNS name of SFE (e.g. dns:///
(For local services, use: SFE_HOST_ADDRESS=localhost:50053)
CLIENT_IP=<A valid client IPv4 address>

# Run the tool with desired arguments.
./builders/tools/bazel-debian run //tools/secure_invoke:invoke \
    -- \
    -target_service=sfe \
    -input_file="/src/workspace/${INPUT_PATH}" \
    -host_addr=${SFE_HOST_ADDRESS} \


  • The input request must be specified in JSON format when sending SelectAdRequest to an SFE.
  • The request in the file must be plaintext and should have raw_protected_audience_input present instead protected_audience_ciphertext.
  • The input MUST be in the B&A repository at the root.
    • Why:
      • ./builders/tools/bazel_debian is a docker image which runs bazel with the dependencies needed to build and run secure_invoke.
      • The docker container automatically mounts the B&A repository at the root as an accessible volume.
      • Thus the input file needs to be inside the B&A repository so it is accessible.
  • You need to leave the /src/workspace/ prefix in front of your input file name.
    • Why:
      • This creates an absolute path inside the docker container to your input in the container.
      • bazel run changes the working directory of the console to the location of the target binary, so paths relative to the console's location before run will not work.
      • The docker container's working directory is /src/workspace/ and this is where the root of the B&A repository is mounted.

Sending GetBidsRawRequest to BFE

Following example shows how protobuf based plaintext GetBidsRawRequest payload can be used to send gRPC request to BFE:

# Setup arguments.
INPUT_PATH=/tmp/get_bids_request.json  # Needs to be a valid GetBidsRawRequest
INPUT_FORMAT=PROTO  # DNS name of BFE service (Example: dns:///
(For local runs services, use: BFE_HOST_ADDRESS=localhost:50051)
CLIENT_IP=<A valid client IPv4 address>

# Run the tool with desired arguments.
./builders/tools/bazel-debian run //tools/secure_invoke:invoke \
    -- \
    -target_service=bfe \
    -input_file="/src/workspace/${INPUT_PATH}" \
    -input_format=${INPUT_FORMAT} \
    -host_addr=${BFE_HOST_ADDRESS} \

Following example shows how JSON based plaintext GetBidsRawRequest payload can be used to send gRPC request to BFE:

# Setup arguments.
INPUT_PATH=/tmp/get_bids_request.json  # Needs to be a valid GetBidsRawRequest
INPUT_FORMAT=JSON  # DNS name of BFE service (Example: dns:///
(For local runs services, use: BFE_HOST_ADDRESS=localhost:50051)
CLIENT_IP=<A valid client IPv4 address>

# Run the tool with desired arguments.
./builders/tools/bazel-debian run //tools/secure_invoke:invoke \
    -- \
    -target_service=bfe \
    -input_file="/src/workspace/${INPUT_PATH}" \
    -input_format=${INPUT_FORMAT} \
    -host_addr=${BFE_HOST_ADDRESS} \


  • target_service flag must be set to bfe when sending a GetBidsRawRequest to a BFE.
  • The input request can be specified either as JSON or proto.
  • When sending requests to a locally running service, a -insecure param also needs to be added to the secure_invoke CLI.

A sample request is as follows:

    "client_type": "CLIENT_TYPE_BROWSER",
    "buyer_input": {
        "interest_groups": [
                "name": "Test-Interest-Group-Name",
                "bidding_signals_keys": "Sample-key-To-Be-Used-To-Lookup-Real-Time-Signals-From-Buyer-KV",
                "ad_render_ids": [
                "user_bidding_signals": "[]",
                "browser_signals": {
                    "join_count": "1",
                    "bid_count": "2",
                    "prev_wins": "[]"
    "auction_signals": "{}",
    "buyer_signals": "{}",
    "seller": "Placeholder-Should-Match-With-seller_origin_domain-In-SFE-Config",
    "publisher_name": "",
    "log_context": {
        "generation_id": "A-UUID",
        "adtech_debug_id": "A-Debug-ID-Useful-For-Debugging"
    "consented_debug_config": {
        "is_consented": true,
        "token": "123456"

Using Custom Keys

By default, the tool uses the keys found here.

If you want to send a request to servers running keys other than the TEST_MODE=true keys, you'll need to specify the keys.

The example below queries a live public key endpoint, picks the first key, and passes it to secure_invoke:

# Setup arguments.

# Setup keys.
PUBLIC_KEY=$(echo $LIVE_KEYS | jq -r .keys[0].key)
KEY_ID=$(echo $LIVE_KEYS | jq -r .keys[0].id)

# Run the tool with desired arguments.
./builders/tools/bazel-debian run //tools/secure_invoke:invoke \
    -- \
    -target_service=sfe \
    -input_file="/src/workspace/${INPUT_PATH}" \
    -host_addr=${SFE_HOST_ADDRESS} \
    -client_ip=${CLIENT_IP} \
    -public_key=${PUBLIC_KEY} \

Interacting with Local Servers

If you want to send a request to servers running on localhost, make sure to specify the DOCKER_NETWORK=host environment variable. See here for more detail.

Also, note when sending requests to services running on localhost, -insecure flag needs to be added to the commands.

Finally, when sending requests to local services, use localhost:50053 and localhost:50051 for SFE and BFE host addresses (i.e. -host_addr param) respectively.