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dormando edited this page May 31, 2024 · 3 revisions

Memcached 1.6.28 Release Notes

Date: 2024-5-31



Fixes unfortunate potentially critical use-after-free bug in the proxy mode that was introduced in 1.6.27. The bug is difficult to trigger but if you are on 1.6.27 upgrading is strongly recommended.

Also adds experimental support for TLS to proxy backends. Please let us know if you intend to use this feature as it has only received limited testing; we will prioritize further work if folks are interested in using it.


  • core: Reorder r/w for itemstats aggregation
  • proxy: make iov limit bugs easier to see
  • proxy: fix stupid write flush bug
  • crawler: don't block during hash expansion
  • proxy: fix refcount leak in mcp.internal()

New Features

  • memcached-tool: add -u flag to unescape special chars in keys names
  • proxy: add counters for VM memory and GC runs

Under stats proxy: vm_gc_runs: increased each time a lua VM GC runs in any worker thread vm_memory_kb: mostly current total memory usage of worker lua VM's in kilobytes.

  • proxy: backend TLS support [EXPERIMENTAL]
  • proxy: support to-be-closed for result objects
  • proxy: res:close()

If issuing get requests from mcp.internal, and you are not returning the result object to the client, users should mark the result object as <close> or manually call res:close() to release the reference on the item data.

  • proxy: add mcp.backend_depth_limit(int)

If a backend has a request queue depth higher than this limit, further requests will fast fail.


The following people contributed to this release since 1.6.27.

Note that this is based on who contributed changes, not how they were done. In many cases, a code snippet on the mailing list or a bug report ended up as a commit with your name on it.

Note that this is just a summary of how many changes each person made which doesn't necessarily reflect how significant each change was. For details on what led up into a branch, either grab the git repo and look at the output of git log 1.6.27..1.6.28 or use a web view.

     9	dormando
     1	Daniel Vasquez-Lopez
     1	Pierre-Yves Rofes

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