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Trek is a simple collector and visualization for IOTracker data.

LoRa Setup

  • iotracker is configured via the iotracker console (note the parameters)
  • create an account on The Things Network (TTN)
  • create an application in TTN and add the device with the previously noted parameters
  • create an MQTT API key

Data Flow

  • iotracker sends a message via LoRa
  • one or more LoRa gateways nearby pick the message up and relay it to TTN
  • TTN forwards it to MQTT subscribers
  • trek picks up the messages sent to MQTT and stores it in a sqlite DB
  • messages are visualized in a web UI
  • the web UI can also be used to send messages to the iotracker to reconfigure it

Run it!

go run trek.go \
  -mqttUsername <MQTT_USER> \
  -mqttPassword <MQTT_PWD> \
  -devices <DEVICES> \
  -sqliteFile /tmp/trek.sqlite

Note: If you compile it and move the binary elsewhere, keep the templates and resources folders next to the binary as the HTML templates and static resources are read from those folders at runtime.


  • mqttBroker: MQTT Broker host to connect to. Defaults to tls:// which connects to the EU cluster via TLS. Check TTN Website for other available clusters. Note the custom URI handlers...

  • mqttUsername: TTN MQTT username consists of the application ID followed by the tenant ID (which should be @ttn in this case). This is the Username as displayed under MQTT "Connection credentials" in the application in the TTN console.

  • mqttPassword: TTN MQTT password (also named API key) generated in TTN conslle under MQTT "Connection credentials".

  • devices: Comma separated list of iotracker device IDs you'd like to keep track of. The device ID should be as configured in TTN.

  • port: Port the Trek webserver listens on.

  • tlsCert: Path to TLS Certificate. If this and -tlsKey is specified, service runs as TLS server.

  • tlsKey: Path to TLS Key. If this and -tlsCert is specified, service runs as TLS server.

  • sqliteFile: Path to the SQLite file to use. If it doesn't exist, the file will be created (but the folder must exist).


Currently the webserver exposes the following endpoints:

  • /: Index page for convenient access to the other endpoints.

    The endpoint accepts the following parameters:

    • device: Preset the device ID fields for convience.
  • /trek/v1/device: Display information for a given device.

    The endpoint accepts the following parameters:

    • device: The device ID to search and display information for.

    • mustHaveGPS: Set to 1 or true to only display messages of the device which have a GPS position.

    • lat: Latitude of an optional user location to display.

    • lon: Longitude of an optional user location to display.

    • showBrowserLoc: Set to 1 or true for the website to try to get the device's/browser's location and display it on the map as well.

    • format: Accepts either json or html (default) to render the output differently.

  • /trek/v1/downlink: Sends messages to a device to reconfigure it.

    The endpoint accepts the following parameters:

    • device: The device ID to search and display information for.

    • message: Message to send. This is in HEX format and needs to comply with the IOTracker downlink message format. Specifically have a look at their examples.

    • format: Accepts either json or html (default) to render the output differently.



LoRa based GPS tracker







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