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A reference architecture to integrate GitHub Audit Log to AWS CloudTrail Lake


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GitHub Audit Log to CloudTrail Lake Integration


A reference architecture to integrate GitHub Audit Log to AWS CloudTrail Lake. This solution uses GitHub Audit Log streaming to Amazon S3 as the data source, transform and send the events to CloudTrail Lake data store.

architecture overview

Getting Started

General prerequisites

You must have access as GitHub Enterprise Account owner to configure Audit Log Streaming to S3. To learn more about GitHub audit log, check the GitHub documentation

You can create your own S3 bucket and supply it as a parameter in the deployment below. Additionally, you can choose to create a new bucket and configure your GitHub Audit Log Streaming to the new S3 bucket as destination.

Initiate the CloudTrail Lake integration

  • To start the integration, navigate to the AWS CloudTrail console.
  • Choose Lake, Integrations and Available applications tab.
  • Select GitHub from the list of available applications.
  • Select Add Integration
  • Under Integration details update the integration name as required or keep the default value.
  • Under Event delivery location, choose existing event data stores or create a new event data store for GitHub.
  • Under Resource policy section, leave the default resource policy if you deploying the solution on the same AWS account where CloudTrail Lake is running.
    • Optional : if you deploying the solution on separate AWS account, select Add AWS account and enter the account id.
  • Add optional tags as required and select Add integration to confirm.
  • After you initiated the integration, a dedicated channel is configured to allow the solution to send GitHub audit log.
  • Locate the newly created GitHub integration from the Managed integrations tab, copy the Channel ARN value and follow the remaining steps below.

After you initiated the integration, a dedicated channel is configured to allow the solution to send GitHub audit log. To activate this integration, copy the channel ARN value and follow the remaining steps below.

Deploy using Terraform

Refer to the Terraform module documentation to get started.

Deploy using SAM CLI

Refer to the SAM directory to get started.

(Optional) Using existing S3 bucket

If you use an existing S3 bucket, follow instruction below to setup S3 event to Lambda function.

Take the GitHubS3ReaderFunction ARN value from the SAM cli output or github_auditlog_s3bucket ARN value from the Terraform module output. The format will be: arn:aws:lambda:{region}}:{account id}:function:GitHubS3ReaderFunction-{random-id}

Run command below to create S3 event notification configuration, replace the placeholder for Lambda ARN wit the value from SAM / Terraform module output.

LAMBDA_FUNCTION_ARN="{{change this with Lambda Arn from the SAM cli output}}"
cat << EOF > notification.json
    "LambdaFunctionConfigurations": [
      "Id": "GitHubS3ReaderFunction",
      "LambdaFunctionArn": "$LAMBDA_FUNCTION_ARN",
      "Events": ["s3:ObjectCreated:Put"],
      "Filter": {
        "Key": {
          "FilterRules": [
              "Name": "suffix",
              "Value": ".json.log.gz"

Run command below to apply the S3 event notification configuration.

BUCKET_NAME={{change this with your S3 bucket for GitHub Audit log streaming}}
aws s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration --bucket $BUCKET_NAME --notification-configuration file://notification.json

Setup GitHub Audit Log streaming to S3

GitHub provides documentation on how to setup audit Log streaming to S3, check the guide for setting up streaming to Amazon S3. When prompted for S3 bucket, provide the S3 bucket name from the step earlier.

Validating the setup

To test this integration, perform actions in your GitHub organization that matches the event filter. Note that the default filter includes repo.create*,repo.change*,business.set*,integration.*,git.* and you can modify this by updating the SAM clie parameter GitHubAuditAllowList.

From the CloudTrail Lake page, open the Editor tab and enter the sample query below. Change the data-store placeholder with your data store id.

    eventData.eventSource as eventSource, 
    eventData.eventname as eventName, 
    eventData.eventTime as eventTime, 
    eventData.requestParameters as requestParameters
    eventData.userIdentity.type as eventType 
    {{replace with your event data store id}}
    eventData.eventSource = 'github.audit.streaming' and 
    eventTime > '2022-08-31 00:00:00' and eventTime < '2022-09-30 00:00:00

Sample Query

Find repository with permissions switched to public

	eventData.eventTime as eventTime,  
	eventData.eventSource as eventSource, 
    eventData.eventname as eventName,
    element_at(eventData.userIdentity.details, 'GitHubOrganization') as orgName,
    element_at(eventData.userIdentity.details, 'Repository') as repoName,
    element_at(eventData.requestParameters, 'visibility')as repoVisibility,
    eventData.requestParameters as requestParameters 
	{{replace with your data store id}}
	eventData.eventSource = 'github.audit.streaming' and 
    eventTime > '2022-09-01 00:00:00' and eventTime < '2022-09-30 00:00:00' and
    eventData.eventName = 'repo.access' and 
    element_at(eventData.requestParameters, 'visibility') = 'public'

Find recently invited members of the organization

	eventData.eventTime as eventTime,  
	eventData.eventSource as eventSource, 
    eventData.eventname as eventName,
    element_at(eventData.userIdentity.details, 'GitHubOrganization') as orgName,
    element_at(eventData.requestParameters, 'user') as user,
    eventData.requestParameters as requestParameters 
	{{replace with your data store id}}
	eventData.eventSource = 'github.audit.streaming' and 
    eventTime > '2022-09-01 00:00:00' and eventTime < '2022-09-30 00:00:00' and 
    eventData.eventname = 'org.invite_member'

Find user with most frequent git clone activity

    eventData.eventname as eventName,
    eventData.userIdentity.principalId as user,
    COUNT(*) AS apiCount
	{{replace with your data store id}}
	eventData.eventSource = 'github.audit.streaming' and 
    eventTime > '2022-09-01 00:00:00' and eventTime < '2022-09-30 00:00:00' and 
    eventData.eventname = 'git.clone'
GROUP BY eventData.eventname, eventData.userIdentity.principalId
HAVING count(*) > 10


Your cost depends on how much GitHub audit log activity are generated from your GitHub organization and enterprise account. To filter events that you want to send to CLoudTrail Lake, modify the parameter GitHubAuditAllowList accordingly.

For AWS CloudTrail Lake, you pay for ingestion and storage together. You can store your data for up to seven years. Choose which data to analyze, and pay as you go. Check the CloudTrail Lake pricing for more information.

You also pay the cost for storing the GitHub Audit Log in Amazon S3. If you use the S3 bucket created as part of the solution, the S3 bucket is configured with Intelligent tiering to automatically move files to infrequent access and archive access tier. Your S3 cost depends on how frequent GitHub audit logs streaming to S3. Check S3 pricing for more information.

The solution also uses AWS Lambda, Amazon SQS to queue and transform the event log to CloudTrail Lake and AWS KMS to encrypt all data at rest. Please check the relevant pricing information for more information.

To monitor the cost, use AWS Budgets and AWS Cost Anomaly Detection to detect any sudden unplanned charges.

Additional Information

To learn more about CloudTrail Lake, check the documentation on AWS page.


A reference architecture to integrate GitHub Audit Log to AWS CloudTrail Lake



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