subject: maybe even for the first time
there's things, people, feelings i want to experience differently than i have before
santa doesnt know you like i do.mp3

Viewing everything posted on January 1, 2021

supernatural finale + tumblr text posts

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새해 복 많이 바드세요 friends! be safe!

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i miss cafés

subject: new icon <3

bc i need to be my own god this year

2020 wrapped:

i’ve only been back for 10 minutes, but these are my fav gifs/edits from post nov. 5th return

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“I love the person I’ve become, because I fought to become her.”  – Kaci Diane
(requested by @marril96)

🔥 Goodbye 2020 🔥

sam winchester, age 13, holding a cheap deck of magic cards: hey dad lemme show you some magic :)

john winchester, sweating:

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and at least in this lifetime, we’re sticking together

happy birthday tuğçe @honeybee-cas 💛

forget dean for a second, why would BOBBY'S heaven be anywhere NEAR john winchesters?? hello?? we are talking about the man who ACTUALLY raised sam and dean, and told dean, "you are a better man than your daddy ever was. don't be him," liKE?? make it make sense!!

I'm paraphrasing here, but when we first hear about Bobby's existence, isnt it in the form of one brother saying "what about bobby" and the other saying "last time we saw him he chased dad out of the house with a loaded shotgun and told him to never come back" and yet you expect me to believe that Bobby "i adopted two boys and they grew up great; they grew up heroes" "youre a better man than your dad ever was; dont try to be him" Singer would want to be ANYWHERE near John winchester in heaven?? Come off it

Dean & Cas.

The lovely poetry is by @currentlyfangirling99  ♥ ♥

hm. i know dean reciprocated castiel’s feelings bc when he got that text like ‘it’s me, but you have to let me in [to the bunker]’ he ran up those stairs on his forty year old knees and threw open that door but you know he must have been like ‘this is it this is the moment where i finally just SAY IT where i finally TALK ABOUT MY FEELINGS even though i hate that because it’s all worth it if cas is back this is where i finally GET WHAT I WANT’ and then he didn’t. lmao



1x22 Devil’s Trap | the storm’s coming, and you boys, your daddy – you are smack in the middle of it


in my feels about the mixtape again

see more of my art here!

4.01 lazarus rising → castiel

actually really hate how sam was so gung ho to train adam as a hunter :)

dean really said…you and our abusive father are practically the same person and sam decided to take it as a compliment <3

jimmy novak is really top ten

cas being the 😑🙄 emojis personified

cas had to learn that he didn’t serve dean

why didnt sam get stuck in demon traps

can dean perceive cas’ true form and voice now?

dean: a study in hands (3/?)

i’m so happy that the boys found a real home with the bunker but i really miss the aesthetically beautiful sceneries from when the boys were on the road or in motels all the time

“God? God has left the building.”

gif request meme: @sansaes​ asked supernatural + favorite season

best gay rep in the history of television

he let his boyfriend be beyonce? i guess he did love him.

i wish i could character analyse like everyone else on here but unfortunately i'm just a med student so heres my medical analysis instead:

there's absolutely no way dean could have died on that rebar so fast. he wasnt even coughing blood, it clearly didnt puncture his lungs. if sam had just called an ambulance dean would absolutely have lived.

ruby really played the long game and i respect it

in that car scene where ruby is using the pediatrician or whoever as a vessel then she goes to find a more ~socially conscious choice~ vessel like what is pediatrician’s reaction to just being in some random dudes car after a demon evacuates their body

Dean + my favorite disguises

4.22 lucifer rising

4.22 lucifer rising

could sam see demons true faces when he was hopped up on the demon blood

was thinking about sam’s true crime hobby earlier like imagine him listening to a podcast about an unsolved murder and he’s just like wait a second. we did that.

what if jack isnt actually the face of boe and he was just fucking with the doctor. like jack still KNOWS the face of boe so those two teamed up to fuck with the doctor and be like ‘yeah im jack and jack is me we are one and the same’ and jack is just behind that jar losing his mind

shut Up

the face of boe: doctor….you and i……are………old friends……

jack, giggling into a walkie talkie: yeah yeah. now tell him……tell him you remember ‘cardiff’. and, uh, the ‘bad wolf corporation’. 

two weeks later

the face of boe, psychically: and tell him youre from the boeshane peninsula. that you were, uh, the mascot.

jack, with a straight face: the face of boe, they called me.

inspired by this post 

Romeo + Juliet, 1996 | Supernatural, 13.06 “Tombstone”


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pilot sam is just *humble brag LSAT score* *martial arts in the dark* *forced to address abandoned childhood trauma* *rekindling affection for estranged brother* *anger at absent father* *accusing widowers of being unfaithful* *sexually assaulted by a ghost* *driving his brothers car into a house* *everything you have going up in smoke* *you can never go home* *we got work to do*

cas in 5.18

i don’t really understand why they made the dynamic like dean needs to lean on sam or bobby for research and he’s lost otherwise like he was hunting with john before sam even knew anything and on his own before he picked up sam

Just a reminder that I’m an Adult™ and if that makes you feel uncomfortable feel free to:

  • unfollow me
  • ask me to unfollow you
  • block me

I won’t get mad or anything. It’s important to make sure you feel comfortable and secure.

peak doctor who was the end of season 4 when the entire cast of the previous series turned up and it was just bitchin one liners from everyone without a coherent plot thanks rtd you legend

That title sequence though

SPN 2021 rewatch: 1x01 Pilot + silhouettes


supernatural + faceless

1x11 "Scarecrow"

why does dean need to trace the engine number on little bastard but can remember how to do the angel banishing symbol after seeing cas do it once

i think it’s sooo cute when the boys pray to castiel like it’s a voice mail or a phone call


“it’s Sam” yeah babe i’m sure he has caller ID