Microsoft for Java Developers

News, updates, and insights for Java development with Microsoft tools, Azure services, and OpenJDK.

Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ Update – April 2022

Welcome to our new blog series for Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ. Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ is a plugin that allows you to easily create, develop, configure, test, and deploy Java applications to Azure. Our goal of this blog series is to keep you posted on the latest product updates, features and other exciting news. In this first blog post, we...

Java on Visual Studio Code Update – April 2022

Hi everyone, welcome to the April update of Visual Studio Code Java. This time we are bringing you many exciting updates regarding our fundamental experience improvement including Java 18 support, inlay hints for parameter names, new language server status UX, lambda expression support in debugging and so on. Let's get into it. Microsoft ...

Java 17 and Tomcat 10.0 available on Azure App Service

Earlier this year we reported that the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK was coming to Azure App Service in an upcoming platform update. That update has now rolled out to all regions and includes Java 17 and Tomcat 10.0, which are both brand new on App Service! These runtimes are now generally available for both Linux and Windows on App Service. ...