C++ Team Blog

The latest in C++, Visual Studio, VS Code, and vcpkg from the MSFT C++ team

C++ Refactoring tools in Visual Studio

Code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing code, while its outward functionality remains unchanged. By refactoring, you can simplify complex code structures, reduce code redundancy, and enhance code reusability. Visual Studio offers many tools to help refactor your C++ code. This article will delve into these tools, using the ...

Visual Studio Code CMake Tools Extension 1.18 Update: Quick Start with CMake and more…

The May release of CMake Tools in VS Code is now available. With this release, we have some new updates to the extension to improve CMake integrations with the extension's support. Some major highlights include improvements to the CMake: Quick Start command and support for CMake presets v7 and v8. To view the full list of updates with ...

What’s New for C++ Developers in Visual Studio 2022 17.10

We are happy to announce that Visual Studio 2022 version 17.10 is now generally available! This post summarizes the new features you can find in this release for C++. You can download Visual Studio 2022 from the Visual Studio downloads page or upgrade your existing installation by following the Update Visual Studio Learn page. Standard ...

C++ at VS Code Day 2024

Looking to get caught up on new C++ features released in the last year? Check out the new YouTube video What’s New with C++ in VS Code posted for VS Code Day 2024. VS Code Day is an annual event hosted by the VS Code team which lets you elevate your development workflow with the latest and greatest features from Visual Studio Code. Sessions ...

Pure Virtual C++ 2024 Recordings Now Available

All recordings for our Pure Virtual C++ 2024 conference are now available. Thanks to everyone who came along and hope to see you again next year! You can find the full playlist on YouTube. Main Sessions Automated Test of Shader Code - Keith Stockdale Message Handling with Boolean Implication - Ben Deane I Embedded a Programming ...

Building your C++ Code with CMake in VS Code

Build systems can help you manage your C++ project as it grows in scope and complexity, whether you are adding new features, dependencies, or cross-platform support. A popular choice in the C++ community is CMake which supports cross-platform development, streamlines build processes and configurations, and has many levels of customization. It ...

What’s New in vcpkg (April 2024)

What’s New in vcpkg (April 2024) This blog post summarizes changes to the vcpkg package manager as part of the 2024.04.26 release as well as changes to vcpkg documentation throughout April. This month’s vcpkg release includes improvements for visually generated dependency graphs, a new triplet variable for tweaking what files are ...

New Checks Since Visual Studio 2022 17.8

The C++ team is committed to making your C++ coding experience as safe as possible. In the last couple of releases, we added new safety checks based on the requests of internal customers like the Windows group. Below is the overview of the new checks. For additional information for each of the checks, please refer to the linked help documents...