Mon Jul 1 2024 02:31:34 PDT
  • status-firefox114: (is not empty)

This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1833127 [Windows] The icon of the context menu button from the "Recommended by Pocket" cards is barely visible if the system's "High Contrast Mode" is turned on Firefox New Tab Page sdowne NEW --- 2024-04-02
1830323 Crash in [@ mozilla::EbmlComposer::WriteSimpleBlock] Core Audio/Video: Recordi apehrson NEW --- 2023-08-29
1815638 Camera permission flow do not handle : `Ask Every Time` permission Fenix General bugzilla NEW --- Fri 03:10
1835277 [win] Credit cards data is not displayed after pressing the Esc key while editing details Toolkit Form Autofill dlee NEW --- 2023-08-08
1825762 The bookmark with RTL title is shown from left to right like English titles Firefox Menus emilio NEW --- 2023-08-08
1696551 YSOD on browser.xhtml with NO_ELEMENTS/UNCLOSED_TOKEN Core XPCOM nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1802046 "GeckoRuntime is shutting down" Crash in [@ java.lang.RuntimeException: at org.mozilla.geckoview.WebExtensionController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda9.onShutdown] GeckoView Extensions nobody NEW --- 2024-05-22
1802843 Crash in [@ mozilla::jni::Accessor::EndAccess<T>] GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2024-05-14
1804115 kotlinx.coroutines.ChildHandleNode Crash in [@ java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: at kotlinx.coroutines.JobSupport.attachChild] Fenix Crash Reporting nobody NEW --- 2024-01-11
1804377 Crash in [@ java.lang.IllegalStateException: at androidx.navigation.NavController.popEntryFromBackStack(NavController.kt:180)] Attempted to pop Destination(org.mozilla.firefox:id/tabHistoryDialogFragment), which is not the top of the back stack Fenix History nobody NEW --- 2024-04-18
1808030 Crash in [@ java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.webrtc.videoengine.VideoCaptureAndroid.<init>] Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody NEW --- 2023-06-26
1808892 "Add to Home screen" requires a "desktop links" permission on Xiaomi devices Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1809831 [a11y] The Talkback frame can get out of the app-window on swipe Fenix Homepage nobody NEW --- 2023-06-02
1813587 Search suggestions don't show up on cold run Fenix Search nobody NEW --- 2024-06-18
1822368 Crash in [@ java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: at org.mozilla.gecko.gfx.GeckoSurfaceTexture$NativeGLBlitHelper.nativeCreate(Native Method)] GeckoView General nobody NEW --- Wed 05:19
1825312 The shield icon is displayed in toolbar after performing a one time search using engine with unified search Fenix Toolbar nobody NEW --- 2023-09-01
1825419 WebGPU CTS fails to initialize DirectX debug layer(s) Core Graphics: WebGPU nobody NEW --- 2024-03-21
1827115 will not save a .url file WebExtensions General nobody NEW --- 2024-01-06
1827167 1.03 - 1.02% Base Content JS / Base Content JS + 2 more (Linux, OSX, Windows) regression on Mon April 3 2023 Firefox Search nobody NEW --- 2023-05-23
1827263 Geomean metrics is not outputted anymore by performance tests Testing Raptor nobody NEW --- 2023-05-04
1827859 CSS variable tooltip has no border in light mode DevTools Inspector nobody NEW --- 2023-11-01
1828611 Opening PiP window shows browser toolbar and web page instead of just the video. Fenix Media nobody NEW --- 2024-05-06
1829398 Streched PIP copy Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-04-24
1831290 New Bookmarks suggestions are not displayed when deleting characters for the URL pre-filled in the search bar Fenix Search nobody NEW --- 2024-03-10
1831291 The Bookmarks suggestion is no longer being displayed after being pre-filled in the search bar Fenix Search nobody NEW --- 2023-06-12
1832513 [win] Loading animation icon from the Importing Data window is not visible with HCM Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2023-06-06
1833637 Pausing on breakpoint permits tasks from other frames to run DevTools Debugger nobody NEW --- 2023-11-27
1834265 Youtube's open in app button behaves incorrectly, based on "Open links in app" pref Fenix App Links nobody NEW --- 2024-06-14
1834526 Large fetch in Web Worker in extension causes hang in Firefox extension process Core JavaScript: GC nobody NEW --- 2024-06-07
1837198 Startup Crash in [@ nsStyleAutoArray<T>::Length ] Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2024-03-28
1840363 The canvas signature reported in changes after a refresh Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2023-08-08
1841072 [Experiment] A telemetry event is wrongly generated for each click action if a button from the "Fox Doodle - Early day users" spotlights is clicked multiple times Firefox Messaging System nobody NEW --- 2023-11-21
1819968 Intermittent Android netwerk/test/unit/test_rcwn_interrupted.js | application crashed [@ mozilla::net::nsHttpChannel::ProcessResponse] Core Networking: HTTP valentin.gosu NEW --- 23:21:31
1808869 Crash in [@ mozilla::CheckedInt<T>::isValid] via ReaderProxy::OnAudioDataRequestCompleted() or mozilla::ReaderProxy::RequestVideoData() Core Audio/Video: Playbac aosmond NEW --- 2023-07-24
1828376 Source map error: Error: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. DevTools Debugger hmanilla NEW --- 2023-08-08
1837113 [Unified Search] Search settings screen compose refactoring Fenix Search mavduevskiy NEW --- 2023-07-04
558253 Proxy Auto Config (PAC) Extended functions for multi-resolution and ipv6 Core Networking: Proxy nobody NEW --- 2024-02-20
1191875 Joining 2 paragraphs loses inline styles which are specified by the right paragraph Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2023-05-30
1218607 [meta] Firefox on android crashing in [@ ...] Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2024-05-21
1400169 Crash in CallHookWithSEH External Software Af Other nobody NEW --- 2023-07-19
1508765 Firefox is very slow to render poster PDF Firefox PDF Viewer nobody NEW --- 2023-07-24
1536505 [meta] Crash in [@ android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView(] Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2024-05-14
1572243 Safebrowsing site warning bar disappears when tab is moved to new window, and stops showing future warnings Toolkit Safe Browsing nobody NEW --- 2023-05-12
1651189 Activating address bar when a new typed domain is still loading only selects the trailing slash Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2023-07-19
1671303 consider having a smaller scrollbar thumb minimum size Core Widget: Gtk nobody NEW --- 2023-07-19
1704943 firefox: src/rasterize.h:1343: int clip_side(int, Point3D *, glsl::Interpolants *, Point3D *, glsl::Interpolants *, int &) [AXIS = glsl::X]: Assertion `false' failed. Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-01
1724483 No allow button in privacy settings for Microphone Firefox Settings UI nobody NEW --- 2023-06-28
1755864 Process using 100% of the CPU on the main thread recording infinite recursion error stacks Core XPCOM nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1768038 GMP (Widevine) crashes on Amazon Prime Core Audio/Video: GMP nobody NEW --- 2024-05-08
1773870 IPC message size is too large crash from PBackgroundIDBCursorParent::SendResponse() due to Port Authority WebExtension Core Storage: IndexedDB nobody NEW --- 2023-07-04
1785608 Intermittent /html/cross-origin-embedder-policy/credentialless/script.https.window.js | single tracking bug Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2024-05-05
1788361 Intermittent transform/partial-prerender-in-svg-1.html == transform/partial-prerender-in-svg-1-ref.html | single tracking bug Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 23:23:21
1799833 LoadRequest's not being sent when Repost GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2024-05-14
1801419 [macOS 13 and 14] Crashes on macOS 13 involving Apple's Sidecar functionality Core Widget: Cocoa nobody NEW --- 2024-02-22
1802083 Youtube - Refreshing the page, the theme is switch from dark to white GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2024-05-14
1803713 Need to implement AddPendingScrollUpdateForNextTransaction Core Panning and Zooming nobody NEW --- 2024-02-19
1805134 Crash in [@ java.lang.RuntimeException: at$] "TransactionTooLargeException: data parcel size 570508 bytes" Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2024-01-11
1807134 Undo snackbar is not displayed when removing a tab from a collection Fenix Collections nobody NEW --- 2024-04-18
1807372 Improper transition for elements on homepage when changing the orientation Fenix Homepage nobody NEW --- 2024-03-22
1808031 Crash in [@ java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.webrtc.videoengine.VideoCaptureAndroid.onFrameCaptured] Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody NEW --- 2023-06-26
1809251 With Desktop mode YouTube videos go beyond the screen Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2024-05-24
1811106 Typo causes a two-word search term to be interpreted as a web address Fenix Search nobody NEW --- 2023-05-30
1811629 [a11y] Navigation bar-Touch target-"Search or enter address" search bar needs to be larger Fenix Toolbar nobody NEW --- 2024-04-25
1812065 Pocket Top Articles top site is present for locales different than EN Fenix Homepage nobody NEW --- 2024-02-22
1814792 PrivateBrowsingShortcut switch on installer does not prevent creation of the shortcut Firefox Installer nobody NEW --- 2023-07-17
1815836 Unable to login, account icon stuck in a loading loop on with Strict ETP Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- Tue 07:32
1816761 Intermittent TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /mediacapture-record/MediaRecorder-start.html | TestRunner hit external timeout (this may indicate a hang) Core Audio/Video: Recordi nobody NEW --- 2023-08-28
1817752 [win] Open with has empty dropdown option displayed if the zip download type is set to Always ask and Windows doesn't know about application/zip Firefox File Handling nobody NEW --- 2023-05-25
1818137 Crash in [@ kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: at mozilla.components.feature.qr.QrFragment.getTextureView$feature_qr_release] Fenix QR nobody NEW --- 2024-01-11
1819052 The add exception popup in Certificates can be shrinked/extended too much Firefox Settings UI nobody NEW --- 2023-04-21
1819163 Crash in [@ java.lang.IllegalStateException: at] Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2024-01-11
1823883 Unified Search menu can be opened twice Fenix Search nobody NEW --- 2023-05-03
1824273 Intermittent browser/components/firefoxview/tests/browser/browser_tab_pickup_list.js | single tracking bug Firefox Firefox View nobody NEW --- 2024-05-05
1825452 Hit MOZ_CRASH(damage: GeckoRestyleDamage(nsChangeHint(0)), hint: RESTYLE_SELF | RESTYLE_DESCENDANTS, flags: (empty) }) at servo/ports/geckolib/ (due to font-size transition affecting query container) Core CSS Transitions and nobody NEW --- 2023-04-21
1825494 There is no pressed state for intervention cards buttons Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2023-11-01
1825732 The import modal last button is misslabeled as 'next' instead of 'finish' Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2023-04-21
1825765 - The file is not shown as being uploaded Core DOM: File nobody NEW --- 2023-07-19
1826052 Low contrast on Open Link and Cancel buttons when opening a meeting when using Dark theme Toolkit Themes nobody NEW --- 2024-04-10
1826751 Remove login popup has its buttons shifted to the right Firefox about:logins nobody NEW --- 2023-05-11
1826998 DevTools console presents `new Date` in localized format, when it probably should use UTC, with privacy.resistfingerprinting = true DevTools Object Inspector nobody NEW --- 2024-06-05
1827174 The Picture-in-Picture button on videos is missing a hover tooltip with description and keyboard shortcut Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-04-10
1827210 [xwayland] Drag and drop freezes after pressing Alt+Tab to switch window focus Core Widget: Gtk nobody NEW --- 2023-04-11
1827383 - Missing text fields for login/register tabs with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1827384 - Missing CSS with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1827456 Re-enable prettier for self-hosted code Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2024-04-23
1827515 Intermittent /fetch/metadata/generated/svg-image.https.sub.html | single tracking bug Core SVG nobody NEW --- 2024-06-24
1827560 Page content does not load correctly on with Strict ETP Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-04-12
1827563 [LXQt] Client Side Decoration not available anymore because that's what LxQt wants by setting the GTK_CSD=0 env var Core Widget: Gtk nobody NEW --- 2024-04-09
1827577 Clean up the profiler old profiler panel related instrumentation code in C++ side Core Gecko Profiler nobody NEW --- 2023-04-12
1827815 - CSS missing with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1827825 - Overlapping text with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1827871 Intermittent ::: Test verification FAIL | TinderboxPrint: Per-test run of ...\streams-echo.https.any.js<br/>: FAILURE Core Networking: HTTP nobody NEW --- 2023-11-24
1827893 - CSS missing with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1827895 Sign up form is missing input fields at with ETP set to STRICT Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-04-14
1828489 "Take Screenshot" item in context menu is not available on all sections of some pages Firefox Screenshots nobody NEW --- 2023-06-01
1828597 comment widget missing on with Strict ETP Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-04-18
1828602 The page is blank on with Strict ETP Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-04-18
1828616 Twitter embedded posts are missing on with Strict ETP Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-05-14
1828657 - Blank page with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1828825 - The email/username does not get saved Toolkit Password Manager: Si nobody NEW --- 2023-08-11
1828841 - Elements/icons are not displayed correctly with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1828901 Live streaming does not play at when navigating in PRIVATE BROWSING Mode Firefox Private Browsing nobody NEW --- 2023-04-25
1828905 not supported in Private mode Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-04-19
1828916 - Results stuck loading with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1828922 - Letters/clue cards buttons do not work with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1829072 - Unable to start a new chat, buttons broken with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1829117 Unmute button does not work on Facebook Watch unless video is muted Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody NEW --- 2023-06-22
1829145 Custom DOH provider URLs are not displayed on the fallback warning page Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-08-11
1829158 - The page is blank with "Block other content trackers" enabled Focus General nobody NEW --- 2023-06-15
1829275 When context menu pops up, the highlight of the target item disappears Firefox Menus nobody NEW --- 2023-05-02
1829348 The Top Sites and Recommended by Pocket sections disappears after opening a new window and restart the browser if Sponsored tiles via Pocket and startup cache is enabled Firefox New Tab Page nobody NEW --- 2023-06-05
1829352 [Experiment] The frequency cap for the Sponsored tile via Pocket is reset if Sponsored Shortcuts are disabled and re-enabled Firefox New Tab Page nobody NEW --- 2023-06-05
1829537 Firefox 111.0 throws misleading corrupted file error when drive is full or running low Toolkit Add-ons Manager nobody NEW --- 2023-04-25
1829586 - Unable to accept cookie banner/log in with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1829802 Add subtitles support for Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-04-25
1829812 The timelapse, progress bar and seek buttons are not being displayed on DisneyPlus videos Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2024-06-17
1829853 Images do not load on with Strict ETP Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-04-25
1829884 Two PiP windows are incorrectly opened when stressing the URL bar entry point Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2024-06-17
1829886 [Linux] The Import Wizard design doesn’t adapt to the new size of the window after resizing it Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2023-05-01
1830078 URL bar PiP toggle only appears after a refresh on several media websites Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2024-06-17
1830115 Trending predictions flickers when persisted search term is present in addressbar Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2023-10-23
1830117 The PiP's URLbar entry point incorrectly appears when playing preview videos on Youtube/Netflix Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2024-06-17
1830222 - Burger menu does not work with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1830227 [macOS] Passwords are not imported from the Brave browser Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2023-07-19
1830233 Newly created Profiles/ Data are not displayed in the new migration window if created while Firefox is running until Firefox is restarted Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2023-07-19
1830249 No padding between the Import data button and description string on de locale or if the browser width is reduced Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2023-06-06
1830300 force-enabled VAAPI/X11/Nvidia driver: crash in [@ __socket] Core Security: Process Sa nobody NEW --- 2024-02-26
1830366 Frequent ANR in Fenix org.mozilla.fenix.debug:tab on Firebase Test Lab GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2023-10-16
1830447 Assertion failure: !mNextPageContentFramePageName (PageContentFrame page name was already set), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/layout/base/nsCSSFrameConstructor.h:302 Core Layout: Block and In nobody NEW --- 2024-01-19
1830462 - Page elements and the menu from the bottom of the screen does not load correctly with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1830463 Import data from another browser is accessible inside about:logins page while DisableProfileImport enterprise policy is active Firefox Enterprise Policies nobody NEW --- 2023-07-13
1830475 [Intermittent] In some cases, the Top Pick's favicon is displayed with a delay when first triggering it Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2023-09-08
1830673 Learn more link for disabling telemetry opens two tabs Firefox Settings UI nobody NEW --- 2023-11-06
1830894 Camera prompt is not displayed for the second time after selecting "Only this time" Fenix QR nobody NEW --- 2023-05-04
1831299 New tab and tabbrowser and in-content/common-shared.css disagree about in-content-page-background Firefox New Tab Page nobody NEW --- 2023-06-12
1831300 Overflow keyframe animation definition is bogus (so animation is missing) Firefox Toolbars and Customi nobody NEW --- 2023-06-05
1831327 The Address bar arrow button (go button) has a misleading tooltip pointing to a URL when it may be searching Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2023-08-31
1831351 Sign in button does not respond at with ETP set to STRICT Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-05-05
1831493 [a11y] Consider making the clickable search bar items larger Fenix Toolbar nobody NEW --- 2023-10-23
1831501 Page does not load at with ETP set to STRICT Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-05-05
1831586 Tabs appear cropped in landscape screen mode Fenix Homepage nobody NEW --- 2023-12-28
1831782 It's hard to reorder items in the extension menu WebExtensions General nobody NEW --- 2024-01-04
1831891 - CSS is broken with "Block other content tracker" option enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1831977 Intermittent browser/base/content/test/about/browser_aboutNetError_trr.js | single tracking bug Core Networking nobody NEW --- 2024-06-23
1832045 [KDE/X11/NVIDIA?] Cannot screen-share the Firefox window with Zoom's native app if not drawing the native titlebar Core Widget: Gtk nobody NEW --- 2023-06-12
1832315 With third-party management SW Firefox 113 Update Preventing 2nd, or 3rd Tabs from Loading Core Networking: HTTP nobody NEW --- 2023-05-22
1832538 Security key devices are added as passkey on Google accounts. Core DOM: Web Authenticat nobody NEW --- 2023-07-11
1832552 Some of Top Pick's favicons are not visible on light theme Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2023-09-08
1832555 Multiple history entries are registered after a Top Pick result is clicked Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2023-09-12
1832742 - Pictures/thumbnails do not load with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1832772 [Funimation] URL bar PiP toggle opens main video while ads are being played in the main player Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2024-06-17
1833077 Crash in [@ java.lang.NullPointerException: at$$ExternalSyntheticLambda3.onTouch(R8$$SyntheticClass:12)] Fenix Search nobody NEW --- 2024-01-11
1833085 File downloaded failed due to file name too long Fenix Downloads nobody NEW --- Tue 13:13
1833106 CSS file is always requested twice Core Networking nobody NEW --- 2023-05-30
1833322 - Overlapping elements when in "Print Preview" Core Print Preview nobody NEW --- 2023-06-02
1833375 - Autofill does not work Toolkit Password Manager: Si nobody NEW --- 2024-02-06
1833390 [Linux] The arrow icon indicating the collapsed menu from the Feedback menu button is barely visible with the Alpenglow Theme enabled Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2023-05-31
1833399 Imported Saved Form History data is no longer working after the station is left idle Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2023-07-03
1833564 - There's no video with cookie banner reduction enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-05-23
1833808 - The page is blank with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1833827 NativeObject::hasDynamicSlots is confusingly named Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2023-05-26
1834195 Crash:Fullscreen mozilla::BufferList<InfallibleAllocPolicy>::AllocateSegment Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2023-11-14
1834456 -The page is blank with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1834592 Graphics glitches when Firefox launched from a high DPI Windows app Core Widget: Win32 nobody NEW --- 2023-06-28
1834762 Form Autofill Data gets doubled when performing the second import Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2023-06-13
1835043 Startup Crash in [@ js::frontend::CompilationAtomCache::getExistingStringAt] Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1835058 scriting.executeScript throws when cloning DOMException WebExtensions General nobody NEW --- 2023-06-05
1835269 Enabling DOH Default Protection changes the Status to OFF, until the browser is restarted Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-05-26
1835609 - Elements on the page do not load correctly with "Advertising" trackers enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1835644 [CA][] The Address details are not properly captured in the Address Doorhanger or stored in the address management Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2024-01-09
1835650 [US][] Save Address doorhanger isn't displayed upon form submit Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2024-01-15
1835746 [CA][] The Address Doorhanger is not displayed upon address form submission Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2023-06-02
1835764 - Captcha is missing with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1835777 - Video does not play/has big delay with with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1835799 [CA][] The Address Doorhanger is not displayed upon address form submission Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2024-03-19
1836034 [US][] Save Address doorhanger is not displayed upon form submit Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2023-06-02
1836444 [US][] The eligible fields are not highlighted when using the form autofill and preview in the Address Form Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2024-03-05
1836446 [US][] The eligible fields are not highlighted when using the form autofill and preview in the CC form Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2024-03-05
1836905 - Fails to send verification code with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1836927 - Products missing/page error with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1836956 - Images are not loading with "Reading mode" active Toolkit Reader Mode nobody NEW --- 2023-06-27
1837129 - Video cannot be played with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1837611 Imported bookmarks from HTML are placed inside the Bookmarks menu and not on the Bookmarks toolbar > Imported from file as stated in the spec doc Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2023-06-15
1837738 Solid lines are shown dashed Firefox PDF Viewer nobody NEW --- 2023-07-13
1837969 StorageAllowedForDocument() shouldn't return ePartitionForeignOrDeny for top-level windows Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-07-09
1838379 - Page stuck in a loading loop with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1838798 Front Page carusel is not loaded on with strict ETP Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-06-20
1839013 Custom thumbnail for newtab pinned tiles needs to be saved twice Firefox New Tab Page nobody NEW --- 2023-06-22
1839136 - The map is blank with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1839152 - The categories below the header are broken with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1839181 - Images do not load with "Block other content trackers" enabled. Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1839238 Documentation for used_viewport_size contradicts code Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2023-07-05
1839241 Crash in [@ java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: at android.view.Surface.<init>(] "surfaceTexture must not be null" Fenix QR nobody NEW --- 2024-01-11
1839245 Crash in [@ java.lang.IllegalStateException: at] "Too many bind requests(999+) for service Intent { cmp=org.mozilla.fenix/ }" GeckoView Media nobody NEW --- 2023-06-19
1839329 [Bug]: about:crashcontent/about:crashparent not working on different devices Fenix Crash Reporting nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1839570 - The page is broken, elements are missing with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1839802 The file error is still displayed after changing from Importing from a file to a browser Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2023-06-22
1839825 Mute/Unmute and volume slider is out of sync with original video on DisneyPlus and HBOMax Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2024-06-17
1839836 The position of the volume slider in the PiP is out of sync with original video on Hulu Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2024-06-17
1839887 [macOS] Infinite loading on Firefox 115 beta while importing a .html bookmark file without read permissions Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2023-06-26
1840330 [NSFW] - Captcha error when trying to login with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-01-02
1840345 [macOS] Importing options drop-down menu is still displayed for a split second after choosing to import from files Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2023-07-06
1840531 iFrame Right Click Menu Appears in Wrong Location After Dragging Tab to Different Window Firefox Menus nobody NEW --- 2023-07-10
1840768 Crash in [@ mozilla::widget::GeckoViewSupport::Open] MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(domWindow) GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2023-06-27
1841217 Page never finish loading on until reload Core DOM: Core & HTML rjesup NEW --- 2023-08-08
1828101 Crash in [@ Resampler2::PushConvert] Core Audio/Video nobody NEW --- 2023-04-27
1833784 Crash in [@ OOM | large | mozalloc_abort | firefox_on_glean::ffi::custom_distribution::fog_custom_distribution_accumulate_samples] Toolkit Telemetry nobody NEW --- 2024-03-28
1831695 Intermittent dom/media/webrtc/tests/mochitests/test_peerConnection_simulcastAnswer_lowResFirst_oldSetParameters.html | single tracking bug Core WebRTC: Audio/Video jolin NEW --- 2024-02-27
1402631 "Open last closed tab" replaces previously created new tab and loses text typed in the url bar (shouldn't consider tabs with `userTypedValue` to be empty) Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2023-05-04
1606468 Crash loading specific content:// URI in [@ java.lang.SecurityException: at android.os.Parcel.readException( ] Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2024-01-11
1807530 The transition between Private Browsing and Normal Browsing is not smooth when a wallpaper is set Fenix Homepage nobody NEW --- 2024-05-10
1815641 Intermittent devtools/client/netmonitor/test/browser_net_domain-not-found.js | single tracking bug DevTools Netmonitor nobody NEW --- 2024-06-24
1822217 Intermittent TV browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_hidden_widget_overflow.js | single tracking bug Firefox Toolbars and Customi nobody NEW --- 2024-01-21
1822254 Intermittent browser/extensions/formautofill/test/browser/address/browser_address_doorhanger_display.js | single tracking bug Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2024-03-03
1823558 Intermittent TV [tier 2] browser/components/migration/tests/browser/browser_entrypoint_telemetry.js | single tracking bug Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1823571 Intermittent toolkit/components/pictureinpicture/tests/browser_togglePolicies.js | single tracking bug Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 23:48:02
1823704 Intermittent TV browser/components/migration/tests/chrome/test_migration_wizard.html | single tracking bug Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1823956 Intermittent browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_UrlbarInput_searchTerms_telemetry.js | single tracking bug Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 23:41:18
1824038 Perma linux shipp [tier 2] WebGPU CTS mozilla/tests/webgpu/chunked/51/cts.https.html?q=webgpu:web_platform,canvas,context_creation:return_type:* | :offscreen=false - assert_unreached: Core Graphics: WebGPU nobody NEW --- 2024-03-21
1824499 Intermittent webtransport/datagrams.https.any.html | single tracking bug Core Networking: HTTP nobody NEW --- 2023-10-23
1824707 Intermittent devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-sources-project-search.js | single tracking bug DevTools Debugger nobody NEW --- 2024-05-27
1824771 Intermittent TV TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-project-search.js | single tracking bug DevTools Debugger nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1824879 Intermittent [TV] chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/layout/xul/test/test_splitter_sibling.xhtml | changed preference: Core XUL nobody NEW --- 2023-04-11
1825155 Intermittent TV dom/media/webrtc/tests/mochitests/test_peerConnection_setParameters.html | single tracking bug Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody NEW --- 2023-08-11
1825501 Intermittent WD TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | <random_test> - webdriver.error.TimeoutException: timeout (500): Navigation timed out after xxxx ms Remote Protocol Marionette nobody NEW --- 00:24:22
1826315 [win] Icons from the permission manager are moving down a little when the panel is opened Firefox Site Permissions nobody NEW --- 2023-04-18
1827294 New user (Juno) onboarding does not always return back to original orientation Fenix Onboarding nobody NEW --- 2023-05-23
1827391 Clicking in the address bar still selects all after making an empty selection, interfering with caret insertion Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2023-10-23
1827493 Intermittent [TV] /tests/browser/components/resistfingerprinting/test/mochitest/test_bug1382499_touch_api.html | changed preference: doh-rollout.doneFirstRun Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-05-01
1827584 No error is thrown from contextMenus API where parameters does not make sense WebExtensions Compatibility nobody NEW --- 2023-04-24
1827724 Intermittent [TV] browser/components/translations/tests/browser/browser_translations_panel.js | The pages H1 is translated. - "DON QUIJOTE DE LA MANCHA [es to en, html]" == "Don Quijote de La Mancha" - Firefox Translations nobody NEW --- 2023-06-23
1827742 Intermittent [TV] devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-browser-toolbox-unselected-pause.js | A promise chain failed to handle a rejection: Actor 'SpecialPowers' destroyed before query 'Spawn' was resolved - stack: (No stack available.) DevTools Debugger nobody NEW --- 2024-01-15
1828036 Intermittent accessible/tests/browser/scroll/browser_test_scroll_substring.js | single tracking bug Core Disability Access AP nobody NEW --- 2024-05-29
1828052 Intermittent browser/components/sessionstore/test/marionette/ TestRestoreLoadingPage.test_target_blank | AssertionError: 1 != 2 : The tab opened should be restored Firefox Session Restore nobody NEW --- 2023-09-10
1828112 Intermittent browser/components/migration/tests/browser/browser_file_migration.js | single tracking bug Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2024-04-29
1828147 Intermittent browser/components/sessionstore/test/marionette/ | single tracking bug Firefox Session Restore nobody NEW --- 23:14:19
1828205 Intermittent [TV] browser/components/newtab/test/browser/browser_aboutwelcome_multistage_languageSwitcher.js | Uncaught exception in test bound test_aboutwelcome_languageSwitcher_noMatch - Should render .screen.AW_IMPORT_SETTINGS in Language selection ski Firefox New Tab Page nobody NEW --- 2024-01-22
1828572 Intermittent /tests/gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/test_group_programmatic_scroll_behavior.html | single tracking bug Core Panning and Zooming nobody NEW --- 2024-06-02
1828608 Intermittent docshell/test/chrome/test_bug301397.xhtml | single tracking bug Core DOM: Navigation nobody NEW --- 00:16:21
1828890 Intermittent ::: Test verification FAIL | TinderboxPrint: Per-test run of .../popover-light-dismiss.html<br/>: FAILURE Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2023-06-16
1829503 Intermittent TEST-UNEXPECTED-PASS | /fenced-frame/cspee.https.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2024-04-21
1829777 Intermittent Android TV-nofis remote/marionette/test/xpcshell/test_sync.js | single tracking bug Remote Protocol Marionette nobody NEW --- 2024-02-22
1829910 gecko/dom/canvas/TexUnpackBlob.cpp:615:37: runtime error: applying non-zero offset 1047552 to null pointer Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody NEW --- 2023-10-01
1829920 Intermittent accessible/tests/browser/e10s/browser_caching_hyperlink.js | single tracking bug Core Disability Access AP nobody NEW --- 2024-06-24
1830009 Intermittent TV TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | toolkit/components/telemetry/tests/unit/test_PingAPI.js | Test timed out Toolkit Telemetry nobody NEW --- 2023-06-16
1830469 Intermittent browser/components/search/test/browser/browser_search_telemetry_engagement_target.js | single tracking bug Firefox Search nobody NEW --- 2024-06-03
1830505 Intermittent toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_tree_scroll.xhtml | single tracking bug Toolkit UI Widgets nobody NEW --- 23:36:30
1830933 Intermittent toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_notificationbox.xhtml | single tracking bug Toolkit UI Widgets nobody NEW --- 23:41:02
1832844 Intermittent TV devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-features-breakpoints.js | single tracking bug DevTools Debugger nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1833166 Intermittent browser/components/urlbar/tests/quicksuggest/browser/browser_quicksuggest_addons.js | single tracking bug Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2024-05-27
1833927 Intermittent toolkit/components/translations/tests/browser/browser_about_translations_translations.js | single tracking bug Firefox Translations nobody NEW --- 2024-06-23
1833962 Intermittent browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser_panelview_bookmarks_delete.js | single tracking bug Firefox Bookmarks & History nobody NEW --- 2024-04-07
1834242 Intermittent wpt popover tests | assertion count 1 is more than expected 0 assertions | ASSERTION: Top layer element should be in doc: 'element->IsInComposedDoc()', file dom/base/Document.cpp:14947 Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2023-06-06
1834420 Intermittent TEST-UNEXPECTED-NOTRUN | /fetch/api/response/response-cancel-stream.any.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Networking nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1834810 Intermittent browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_action_searchengine.js | single tracking bug Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2024-06-02
1835018 Intermittent TVw TinderboxPrint: Per-test run of ...\<br/>: FAILURE Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2023-06-06
1835019 Intermittent TVw TinderboxPrint: Per-test run of ...\2d.layer.restore-style.w.html<br/>: FAILURE Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2023-06-06
1835042 Intermittent browser/components/search/test/browser/browser_rich_suggestions.js | single tracking bug Firefox Search nobody NEW --- 2024-06-24
1835052 Intermittent TVw TinderboxPrint: Per-test run of ...\pointerevent_click_is_a_pointerevent.html<br/>: FAILURE Core DOM: Events nobody NEW --- 2023-06-26
1835255 Intermittent devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-reducer-cleanup-on-target-removal.js | single tracking bug DevTools Debugger nobody NEW --- 23:41:54
1835488 Frequent WebRender crash in [@ <glean_core::metrics::timing_distribution::TimingDistributionMetric as core::clone::Clone>::clone ] Data Platform and To Glean: SDK nobody NEW --- 2023-08-11
1837586 Intermittent TV TinderboxPrint: Per-test run of ...\test_group_mouseevents.html<br/>: FAILURE Core Panning and Zooming nobody NEW --- 2023-06-12
1837957 Intermittent TV /tests/layout/style/test/test_shorthand_property_getters.html | single tracking bug Testing Mochitest nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1838515 Intermittent browser/components/translations/tests/browser/browser_translations_panel_never_translate_site.js | single tracking bug Firefox Translations nobody NEW --- 2024-04-01
1838572 Intermittent TV devtools/client/netmonitor/src/har/test/browser_harautomation_simple.js | single tracking bug DevTools Netmonitor nobody NEW --- 2024-02-21
1838877 Search by image Firefox add-on suggestion icon is poorly visible on Ubuntu dark theme Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2023-06-22
1838882 No "Firefox extension" suggestion displayed after removing the add-on from Add-ons Manager page Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2023-06-22
1838967 Intermittent TV toolkit/components/pdfjs/test/browser_pdfjs_editing_contextmenu.js | Test timed out - Firefox PDF Viewer nobody NEW --- 2024-03-28
1839133 Overlapping buttons when resizing the Page info panel's height Firefox Page Info Window nobody NEW --- 2023-09-11
1839225 Intermittent TV devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-preview-frame.js | single tracking bug DevTools Debugger nobody NEW --- 2023-08-06
1840006 Greek in URLs, when the URL is shown as the page title, is shown percent-encoded Firefox Bookmarks & History nobody NEW --- 2024-04-22
1840205 Intermittent Assertion failure: aCompositionEvent.mMessage == eCompositionStart, at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/widget/ContentCache.cpp:1312 Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 23:04:13
1840270 When clicking "manage extension" firefox fails to create a new tab if add-ons manager is already open. Instead it switches to that tab and navigates there. I tried doing the same while holding CTRL or SHIFT keys but the result is the same. Toolkit Add-ons Manager nobody NEW --- 2023-06-26
1840718 Intermittent browser/components/migration/tests/browser/browser_extension_migration.js | single tracking bug Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 23:19:18
1840923 Intermittent devtools/client/inspector/changes/test/browser_changes_nested_rules.js | single tracking bug DevTools Inspector: Changes nobody NEW --- 2024-06-09
1840964 Intermittent TV toolkit/components/antitracking/test/browser/browser_partitionedLockManager.js | single tracking bug Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2023-08-20
1841163 Intermittent TV devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-console-link.js | single tracking bug DevTools Debugger nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1832086 Intermittent toolkit/components/resistfingerprinting/tests/browser/browser_canvas_randomization.js | single tracking bug Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki tihuang NEW --- 00:08:24
1828354 Intermittent browser/components/preferences/tests/browser_privacy_dnsoverhttps.js | single tracking bug Firefox Settings UI valentin.gosu NEW --- 23:52:45
1807154 Desktop site option not remembered when Fenix is closed, and re-opened Fenix General avirvara NEW --- 2024-01-03
1825267 backdrop-filter: Hit MOZ_CRASH(assertion failed: `(left == right)` left: `1`, right: `0`) at gfx/wr/webrender/src/ Core Graphics: WebRender gwatson NEW --- 2024-03-26
1829186 Scroll root detection broken in presence of backdrop filter Core Graphics: WebRender gwatson NEW --- 2024-04-18
1835289 Tofu boxes are shown for some of the Miscellaneous Technical symbols if font visibility is set to 1 or 2 Core Layout: Text and Fon jfkthame NEW --- 2023-09-08
1838491 Super-blocky outgoing video in webex (regression!) Core WebRTC: Audio/Video jolin NEW --- 2023-10-04
1594371 Minimized window is restored to a smaller dimension than before it was closed, after restore previous session Core Widget: Win32 nobody NEW --- 2023-04-27
1652995 Assertion failure: applyState.mGaps.mHandled == applyState.mGaps.mCount (Unprocessed justification gaps), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/layout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp:3129 Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2023-09-27
1684074 Assertion failure: doc->IsStaticDocument() || doc->IsInitialDocument(), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/layout/printing/nsPrintJob.cpp:263 Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2023-04-21
1712860 Assertion failure: origContainer == prevChild->LocalParent() (Broken tree), at src/accessible/generic/DocAccessible.cpp:2484 Core Disability Access AP nobody NEW --- 2024-06-18
1723893 You cannot tell if a tab is selected or active Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2023-06-28
1750918 Bottom page menu does not remain stuck at the bottom of the screen on different webpages Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2024-04-29
1756669 Hit MOZ_CRASH(index out of bounds: the len is 4 but the index is 10) at gfx/wr/webrender_api/src/ Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-01
1776179 Subtitles not displayed in PiP window when enabled from the origin player on some videos Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2024-05-16
1800558 Crash in [@ nsDocShell::InternalLoad] Core DOM: Navigation nobody NEW --- 2024-05-02
1805557 Hit MOZ_CRASH(assertion failed: !(vecTangent * vecTangent < rLastTangentFuzz)) at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/third_party/rust/aa-stroke/src/ Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2024-05-21
1807595 Grey softkeys bar displayed after tapping "Go" on keyboard in Bookmarks/History menus. Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2023-05-30
1808926 2x1 search widget: Browser icon not tappable Fenix Search nobody NEW --- 2024-06-09
1809173 Toolbar is not dynamic when scrolling through PDFs GeckoView PDF Viewer nobody NEW --- 2024-06-23
1809239 [a11y] "Report site issue" option isn't selected along with the icon Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2023-11-23
1809247 Find on page make youtube menu float. Leaving gap at bottom. Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2023-05-30
1809285 Missing system media notification Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2023-05-30
1812183 When switching the system language, some items don't get translated without a restart Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2024-01-17
1812460 The Jump back in CFR overlaps the Messaging Banner Fenix Onboarding nobody NEW --- 2023-06-16
1813093 The back arrow turns black when cancelling share tab Fenix History nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1813287 The live audio/video stream is still running after the Firefox app has already been force closed Fenix Media nobody NEW --- 2024-05-07
1813644 Sponsored shortcuts icon loading are delayed Fenix Top Sites nobody NEW --- 2024-03-19
1813904 [Bug] Unable to play certain videos on the page due to unsupported video format Core Audio/Video nobody NEW --- 2023-09-13
1814137 Credit cards expired can be saved Fenix Autofill nobody NEW --- 2024-05-06
1814165 The "Select address" prompt should be displayed again after clearing the field and tapping it Fenix Autofill nobody NEW --- 2023-09-25
1815488 History: Delete history > 3 dots > history > trashcan > incomplete Fenix History nobody NEW --- 2024-05-02
1816404 The overflow menu button has no padding on the left side if the browser is resized to a minimum width while having Touch Density active Firefox Theme nobody NEW --- 2023-06-17
1816869 [Bug]: The "Select address" prompt should be displayed on the first tap on the form fields Fenix Autofill nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1818088 Firefox clips some text when printing PDF of sheet music (whether printing to PDF or to real printer) Core Printing: Output nobody NEW --- 2023-05-29
1818192 Animation runs irregularly (or stops entirely) when the animated element is out of view Core CSS Transitions and nobody NEW --- 2023-04-21
1819002 Bottom half of CSS flip clock does not render correctly Core Web Painting nobody NEW --- 2024-02-20
1819503 ThreadSanitizer: lock-order-inversion (potential deadlock) [@ mozilla::RecursiveMutex::LockInternal] Core Graphics: Text nobody NEW --- 2024-04-01
1820532 Blurry drawing in canvas Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2024-01-22
1820923 YouTube videos always play in lowest resolution Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2023-07-21
1823092 'Open link in external app' does not appear again when options are opened Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2024-04-15
1823900 Windows auto window arrangement no longer works for Firefox Core Window Management nobody NEW --- 2023-05-03
1824161 [ally] The toolbar is at the top of the page after turning on Talkback and clearing data Fenix Toolbar nobody NEW --- 2023-09-27
1824472 Timeouts not working under 150ms Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2024-02-22
1825403 4.45% perf_reftest_singletons bidi-resolution-1.html (Linux) regression on Wed March 15 2023 Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2023-06-17
1826550 The Pocket panel keeps re-stretching when opened if other language than English is used Firefox Pocket nobody NEW --- 2023-04-21
1826601 [R600] Resizing window produces hall of mirrors effect in new areas Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2023-05-02
1826983 Codepen demo makes the browser unresponsive Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1827284 Cursor jumps to end of inputs within draggable containers Core DOM: Forms nobody NEW --- 2023-06-02
1827288 html {overflow-x: hidden} DISABLES middle-click Firefox Extension Compatibil nobody NEW --- 2023-05-19
1827487 ~perma assertion hit in CI (dom/tests/browser/browser_bug1685807.js), always reported as success Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2023-04-12
1827610 WebGL2 isn't loading properly on a Windows 10 machine with RTX Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody NEW --- 2023-04-17
1827613 Intermittent /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-img-element/document-destroyed-crash.html | application crashed [@ + 0x0000000002427bf8] Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2024-03-27
1827674 [Tab] New tab background modification by user... Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2023-05-02
1827778 Errors when editing very long URLs Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2024-04-03
1827857 [meta] New Migration Wizard in Firefox Desktop - QA Tracking bug Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2024-05-14
1827879 The subtitle overlaps the PiP-first time toggle on the 800 x 600 resolution Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-05-25
1828224 Text in SVG shifts up-and-down when mouse is hovered over the interactive part of the SVG Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1828398 AX: showModal() does not include slotted content as "focusable" Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2024-03-21
1828480 No hand cursor when hovering over PiP first-time toggle for certain sites Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-05-02
1828662 The Youtube's extension overlay is triggered through the PiP toggle button and displayed over it Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-04-24
1828691 The PiP's position and size resets if the video stream changes while the PiP is positioned in-between 2 screens Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-04-18
1828705 The timelapse, progress bar and seek buttons are being displayed on Tubi Live videos Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-04-18
1828940 canvas fill is slow when direct2d1.1 Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2023-05-01
1829070 [ally] Consider increasing the "Continue to HTTP SIte" button on the "Secure site not available" error page on Xiaomi Pad5 Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2023-09-18
1829232 [meta] Experiment to display new type of sponsored content in discovery stream. Firefox New Tab Page nobody NEW --- 2023-04-20
1829265 Firefox DevTools provides incorrect hint on 'scroll-padding' properties if 'overflow' value propagated from <body> DevTools Inspector nobody NEW --- 2023-04-26
1829308 The subtitles panel should close if the subtitle settings button becomes inactive Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-04-21
1829369 The PiP toggle is not displayed on a specific Amazon video on Linux systems Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-04-21
1829500 Opening a context menu triggers a mouse-out event from focused element Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2023-04-24
1829545 Previous focus element is lost when navigating back. Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2023-05-23
1829602 focusout is not fired if focused element got removed at the same time Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2023-04-28
1829702 SonyLiv videos cannot be played on Linux systems due to a DRM error Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody NEW --- 2023-05-02
1829766 `outline-style:auto` didn't become the default focus ring if the user has toggled `browser.display.focus_ring_on_anything` Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2023-05-01
1830024 Url bar PiP toggle is only removed post page refresh after PiP gets disabled Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-04-26
1830118 [Vimeo] The PiP's URLbar entry point incorrectlyremains displayed when closing the overlay containing the main player Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-04-27
1830239 Tooltip for PIP icon from URL bar is not entirely read by NVDA/VoiceOver/Windows Narrator Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-07-17
1830250 Pop up backlogged crash report UX on rare signatures via update system Toolkit Crash Reporting nobody NEW --- Thu 13:23
1830289 The search icon is misplaced on Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2023-05-02
1830321 HTML parser doesn't reset insertion mode correctly for <div><table><svg><foreignObject><select><table><s> Core DOM: HTML Parser nobody NEW --- 2023-05-18
1830495 browser.ui.interaction.pageaction_urlbar parent process telemetry is not always incremented when opening and closing the PiP window Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-04-28
1830514 [Ubuntu18] Firefox deb can no longer open the previous profile after importing data from another browser and the PC is shut down Firefox Installer nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1830553 Attempts to fill in logins/passwords in weird places such as Discord/Add Friend Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2023-05-04
1830568 [CTRL]+[SHFT]+[t] does not restore closed newtabs Firefox Session Restore nobody NEW --- 2023-05-04
1830603 background clipping with border-radius is broken in WebRender Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-03-27
1830680 Regression rendering stroke paths when gfx.canvas.accelerated.aa-stroke is enabled Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2024-05-23
1831297 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::syncedcontext::Transaction<T>::Commit | mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext::SetHasSiblings ] (when loading browser.xhtml in a tab) Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2024-04-26
1831447 ThreadSanitizer: lock-order-inversion (potential deadlock) [@ Gecko_GetLookAndFeelInt] Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2023-12-18
1831458 Very high memory usage on Zenni Optical's website Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2023-05-26
1831522 Entering full-screen on some audio files makes the player invisible Toolkit Video/Audio Controls nobody NEW --- 2023-12-08
1831659 is not working properly Websites nobody NEW --- 2023-05-08
1831854 - Video is missing with "Block other content trackers" enabled Focus General nobody NEW --- 2023-11-07
1831861 java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to pause activity {org.mozilla.fenix.debug/org.mozilla.fenix.debug.App} Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2023-12-20
1832078 The "Follow device language" string is cutoff in Malayalam local Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2023-05-09
1832100 The "Password Import" suggestion is wrongly displayed over the "Allow cookies" Facebook modal Toolkit Password Manager nobody NEW --- 2023-05-09
1832158 [Wayland] Screesharing using xdg-desktop-portal-wlr on Sway crashes latest Nightly: wl_display@1.error(wl_surface@82, 2, "Buffer size (873x64) is not divisible by scale (2)") Core Widget: Gtk nobody NEW --- 2023-05-23
1832319 The external applications are not visible in the Select Applications for flatpak builds Core Widget: Gtk nobody NEW --- 2023-07-31
1832548 [Vimeo] URL bar PiP toggle disappears when page is scrolled down Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-05-11
1832557 [PrimeVideo] URL bar PiP toggle only opens trailer even after starting movie playback Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-05-23
1832561 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::AnimationTimeline::Tick] Core DOM: Animation nobody NEW --- 2023-08-28
1832596 URI fragment does not function properly Core DOM: Navigation nobody NEW --- 2023-05-18
1832640 Assertion failure: IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::area) || !aFrame || !mPrimaryFrame || aFrame == mPrimaryFrame (Losing track of existing primary frame), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/base/nsIContentInlines.h:33 Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2024-04-19
1832794 Custom Add-ons Collection process is not intuitive when collection's name contain spaces Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2023-05-12
1832808 [L10N] No translation or incomplete translation when language app is selected in Croatian and Arabic Language in Settings Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2023-05-12
1833007 "Open previous windows and tabs" option doesn't work when private session is active next to normal browsing session Firefox Session Restore nobody NEW --- 2024-04-22
1833044 Youtube video slightly shift when menu pops up Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1833123 css linear-gradient inconsistency across elements with different width Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1833387 Firefox Dark/Light theme and Windows high contrast theme lower address bar icons contrast in hover state Firefox Theme nobody NEW --- 2023-05-24
1833467 Crash in [@ java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: at org.mozilla.fenix.settings.quicksettings.DefaultQuickSettingsController.handleAutoplayChanged(QuickSettingsController.kt:70)] An origin is required to change a autoplay Fenix Media nobody NEW --- 2024-06-17
1833523 Assertion failure: aNewStyle.GetPseudoType() == mComputedStyle->GetPseudoType() || (mComputedStyle->GetPseudoType() == PseudoStyleType::firstLine ... at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/layout/generic/nsIFrame.cpp:1471 Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2023-07-31
1833626 [Ubuntu] Context menu items are not translated when live language switched Core Widget: Gtk nobody NEW --- 2024-06-18
1833661 The ripple effect is of-center for the OK button on alert dialogs Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2023-05-17
1834050 Alternate table rows are only visible on hover after canceling editing for Saved Addresses and Credit Cards tables Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2023-07-19
1834562 [euronews] PiP url button disappears after ad ends Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2023-05-23
1835200 quadraticCurveTo produces artifact when drawing very short lines Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2024-03-16
1835244 ALT+F then ALT+D (releasing the F key) closes the Firefox browser Firefox Keyboard Navigation nobody NEW --- 2023-06-12
1835360 Assertion failure: owned->SafeElementAt(idx) != child (Already in place!), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/accessible/generic/DocAccessible.cpp:2318 Core Disability Access AP nobody NEW --- 2023-07-04
1835370 Assertion failure: mStart == kAutoLine || mEnd > mStart (invalid line range), at /layout/generic/nsGridContainerFrame.cpp:478 (in fuzzer testcase with grid and popover) Core Layout: Grid nobody NEW --- 2024-01-07
1835654 [Intermittent] [Nightly] The Top Sites tiles are misaligned after restarting the browser while 2 Firefox windows are open in the same time Firefox Top Sites nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1836558 WPT css/css-contain/container-queries/nested-query-containers.html fails in Firefox Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2024-03-22
1836936 Option + F and Option + B Conflict with Croatian Keyboard Layout in Some Textboxes on Mac Firefox Keyboard Navigation nobody NEW --- 2023-07-06
1837205 Crash in [@ JS::Rooted<T>::~Rooted] Toolkit Crash Reporting nobody NEW --- 2023-11-20
1837359 - Left-margin of Print Preview is cropped Core Print Preview nobody NEW --- 2023-06-12
1837553 KDE X11/Mesa 23.1.1/Radeon RX 580: 5GB memory leak (heap-unclassified) in RDD process when scrolling on Youtube Shorts Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody NEW --- 2024-05-14
1838448 CPU usage in StructuredCloneHolder.deserialize starting version 115 far higher than in 114 with Dashlane extension WebExtensions Storage nobody NEW --- 2023-12-04
1838576 AMD GPU driver crash on a canvas demo with gpu-canvas enabled Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2023-07-10
1838897 Template documents shouldn't probably have script global objects Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2023-08-08
1839112 Scrolling a large flame graph in the Firefox Profiler janks a lot when gfx.canvas.accelerated is enabled Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2024-05-23
1839179 The Tabs Tray should be opened when multiple tabs are opened from Recently closed tabs Fenix Tabs nobody NEW --- 2023-06-20
1839190 The taskbar tab previews are displayed as blank on a secondary monitor Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2023-06-29
1839620 4.81 - 4.27% stylebench / stylebench (Windows) regression on Thu June 8 2023 Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2023-07-10
1840166 Difference in scroll anchoring suppression between Firefox and Chrome Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-06-05
1841281 Intermittent dom/fs/test/mochitest/test_basics.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 23:07:55
1829803 Default browser notification displayed on the screen for more then 12h Toolkit Default Browser Agen nrishel NEW --- 2023-06-15
1829839 Behaviour description for the Firefox Default Browser Agent task is outdated Toolkit Default Browser Agen nrishel NEW --- 2023-06-01
1824702 Intermittent dom/media/autoplay/test/mochitest/test_autoplay_gv_play_request.html | application crashed [@ + 0x0000000000051894] Core Audio/Video: cubeb padenot NEW --- 2024-06-02
1757003 Hit MOZ_CRASH(Content-process DrawTargetRecording can't create requested similar drawtarget) at /gfx/2d/DrawTargetRecording.cpp:554 Core Graphics tnikkel NEW --- 2023-07-17
1812136 Firefox crashes when interacting with specific page: assertion failed: mem::size_of::<T>() <= slice.len() Core Graphics tnikkel NEW --- 2024-05-14
1830016 Disable reader mode when a pdf is displayed Toolkit Reader Mode cdenizet ASSI --- 2023-06-10
1792154 Cut/Copy options from the context menu freeze the page when used in Powerpoint Web Compatibility Site Reports kberezina ASSI --- Tue 07:34
1828249 File metadata kMDItemWhereFroms is not correct when a pdf is download on Mac Firefox File Handling cdenizet ASSI --- 2023-05-24
1838555 Some requests loaded from cache are logged as `NS_BINDING_ABORTED` DevTools Netmonitor hmanilla ASSI --- 2023-11-21
1830136 addonStartup.json.lz4 grows unbounded due to nested _processedColors property Toolkit Add-ons Manager rob ASSI --- Fri 12:21
1831648 Mozbuild requires packaging module but is not listed as dependency Firefox Build System Bootstrap Configurat ahochheiden ASSI --- 2024-05-21
1833078 2.02% Base Content Heap Unclassified (Windows) regression on Mon May 8 2023 Core JavaScript Engine dothayer ASSI --- 2023-08-01
1834296 Debugger still pauses at lines which has disabled breakpoint when opening toolbox on another panel DevTools Debugger hmanilla ASSI --- 2023-07-03
1817885 Bookmarks menu icons on macOS use bright icons if OS theme isn't dark but Fx theme is (incl. private browsing windows in default theme) Firefox Menus jhirsch ASSI --- 2023-05-02
1820168 [macOS] The PDF draw pen cursor is no longer used if right click context menu is opened Core Widget: Cocoa mstange.moz ASSI --- 2023-05-05
1828735 browser/base/content/test/performance/browser_startup.js | resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.sys.mjs loaded is not allowed before first paint (due to cookie banner domain pref service) Toolkit Performance Monitori pbz ASSI --- 2024-05-15
1790526 src/toolkit/components/sessionstore/SessionStoreParent.cpp:281:47: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext' Core Storage: localStorag peterv ASSI --- 2024-06-18
1554808 Intermittent test_streams_element_capture.html | Caught exception for ambisonics.mp4-58: Error: NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_DECODE_ERR (0x806e0004) - virtual mozilla::MediaResult mozilla::FFmpegAudioDecoder<55>::DoDecode(mozilla::MediaRawData *, uint8_t * Core Audio/Video apehrson ASSI --- 2023-07-05
1834488 Intermittent devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-sourcemaps-ignorelist.js | single tracking bug DevTools Debugger hmanilla ASSI --- 2024-05-27
1835458 Intermittent browser/base/content/test/webrtc/browser_WebrtcGlobalInformation.js | After closing 13 PCs there are no more than the max closed (7) PeerConnection Ids for stats history. - Got 13, expected 7 Core WebRTC na-g ASSI --- 2024-05-15
1823606 The search icon of about:addons is missing on MacOS Core XUL emilio ASSI --- 2024-06-19
1817856 Firefox suggests opening links in apps when opening a PDF Fenix Browser Engine giorga ASSI --- 2024-05-06
1836534 Unexpectedly upscaled page (and fatal assertion for debug build), with >1 pages per sheet and very small page Core Printing: Output jwatt ASSI --- 2023-12-09
1839646 The Save button from the "Add search engine" screen is red on Android 5 device Fenix Search mavduevskiy ASSI --- 2024-02-09
1820912 Tab drop indicator can appear at the end of the tabbar when dragging into just before 1st tab Firefox Tabbed Browser oriol-bugzilla ASSI --- 2023-06-17
1704347 It's less easy to distinguish the current tab since activation of proton Firefox Theme nobody REOP --- 2024-04-19
1811061 "Suggested logins" blurs the current field and fails to fill in the selected login with more than 4 logins Fenix Autofill nobody REOP --- 2024-05-27
1826989 Intermittent netwerk/test/unit_ipc/test_dns_service_wrap.js | single tracking bug Core Networking nobody REOP --- 2024-05-24
1807268 Intermittent UI test failure - HomeActivity ANR Fenix UI Tests ajoltan REOP --- 2024-06-19
1813521 Intermittent UI test failure - < DownloadTest. pauseResumeCancelDownloadTest > Fenix UI Tests ajoltan REOP --- Thu 00:58
1816066 Intermittent UI test failure - < LoginsTest.verifyMultipleLoginsSelectionsTest > Fenix UI Tests ajoltan REOP --- 2024-06-19
1763978 Widevine DRM breaks when using a non-default profile folder in 99.0 Windows-x64 Core Audio/Video: GMP aosmond REOP --- 2024-03-24
1839425 [macOS] video isn't shown during transition to full screen Core Graphics bwerth REOP --- 2024-04-09
1838855 Pdf files are not correctly saved on PC when using the Save button. Firefox PDF Viewer cdenizet REOP --- 2023-08-25
1836968 [Experiment] Several UI elements from the Onboarding "Mobile" screen are barely visible if the OS’s High Contrast White is enabled on Windows Firefox Messaging System emcminn REOP --- 2023-09-11
1836036 [US][] The Address Doorhanger is not displayed upon address form submission Toolkit Form Autofill joschmidt REOP --- 2024-04-08
1771978 Crash in [@ java.lang.RuntimeException: at mozilla.components.browser.engine.gecko.GeckoEngine$$ExternalSyntheticLambda15.onShutdown(Unknown Source) ] GeckoView General nobody REOP --- 2024-04-04
1785619 Intermittent /mediacapture-streams/MediaStreamTrack-MediaElement-disabled-video-is-black.https.html | single tracking bug Core Audio/Video: MediaSt nobody REOP --- 23:23:35
1812076 Intermittent UI test failure - < NavigationToolbarTest. verifyClearCookiesFromQuickSettingsTest > Fenix UI Tests nobody REOP --- 2024-06-25
1817406 Intermittent UI test failure - < LocalSessionStorageTest.eraseCookiesTest > Focus UI Tests nobody REOP --- 2024-06-19
1819872 Intermittent UI test failure - HomeActivity ANR Focus UI Tests nobody REOP --- 2024-06-18
1821579 Sometimes the page title does not change from the URL. Fenix Tabs nobody REOP --- 2024-06-05
1823625 Intermittent UI test failure - < SitePermissionsTest.denyCameraPermissionsTest > Focus UI Tests nobody REOP --- 2024-06-06
1826323 Intermittent UI test failure - Legacy arm - < HistoryTest.noHistoryInPrivateBrowsingTest > Fenix UI Tests nobody REOP --- 2024-06-18
1827180 Intermittent UI test failure - < SettingsAddonsTest. verifyUBlockWorksInPrivateModeTest > Fenix UI Tests nobody REOP --- Wed 01:15
1829836 Intermittent UI test failure - Legacy arm - < CollectionTest.deleteCollectionTest > Fenix UI Tests nobody REOP --- 01:23:06
1829889 Intermittent UI test failure - < SettingsSitePermissionsTest.verifyDRMControlledContentPermissionSettingsTest > Fenix UI Tests nobody REOP --- 2024-06-20
1831095 Intermittent UI test failure - Legacy arm - < HistoryTest. verifyHistoryMenuWithHistoryItemsTest > Fenix UI Tests nobody REOP --- 00:39:58
1833164 ui.textScaleFactor does not scale the browser chrome text independently of the system and UI scale like font.size.systemfontscale on Linux. Core Widget: Gtk nobody REOP --- 2023-05-24
1834712 - Images do not load with "Block other content trackers" enabled Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody REOP --- 2024-01-02
1835659 [US][] Save Address doorhanger is not displayed upon form submit Toolkit Form Autofill nobody REOP --- 2024-01-18
1835743 [CA][] Save Address doorhanger is not displayed upon form submit Toolkit Form Autofill nobody REOP --- 2024-02-14
1835773 [US][] Save Address doorhanger isn't displayed upon form submit Toolkit Form Autofill nobody REOP --- 2024-03-20
1818183 Intermittent UI test failure - Legacy arm - < TopSitesTest. openTopSiteInANewTabTest > Fenix UI Tests ohorvath REOP --- Fri 00:03
1835275 [Intel Arc A770] rendertexturehost tab crash without crash report (Nightly: WR/EGL/fluxbox X11/Intel, VAAPI force-enabled) Core Graphics sotaro.ikeda.g REOP --- 2024-03-06
1781850 Intermittent browser/components/resistfingerprinting/test/browser/browser_cross_origin_isolated_reduce_time_precision.js | single tracking bug Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki tom REOP --- 2024-06-16
1612312 Poor quality audio input/output for Android on a call with 3+ OS's Core Audio/Video: MediaSt padenot REOP --- 2024-02-13
1840479 Frequent toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_preselect_login.js | single tracking bug Toolkit Password Manager imani REOP --- 00:07:45
1829499 Intermittent TV android debug-isolated-process toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_videocontrols_scrubber_position_nopreload.html | single tracking bug Toolkit Video/Audio Controls jmaher REOP --- 2023-10-29
1824044 Intermittent devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-pretty-print-inline-scripts.js | single tracking bug DevTools Debugger nchevobbe REOP --- 23:03:39
1349774 Safe browsing notification bar is only shown once when a warning is ignored Toolkit Safe Browsing nobody REOP --- 2023-05-12
1754363 Intermittent Mn | after FATAL ERROR: Non-local network connections [...] ( was made. Remote Protocol Agent nobody REOP --- 2024-06-24
1805227 Intermittent /css/css-writing-modes/forms/text-input-vertical-overflow-no-scroll.html | single tracking bug Core Layout nobody REOP --- 23:38:04
1813353 Intermittent Assertion failure: false (Try to init HttpHandler after shutdown), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpHandler.cpp:333 Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- 2024-06-16
1824967 Intermittent 'mach build -v' did not run successfully. Please check log for errors. | After sccache: error: Server startup failed: cache storage failed to read: Unexpected (temporary) at read => send async request Firefox Build System General nobody REOP --- 2024-06-09
1832222 Intermittent browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser_bookmarkProperties_folderSelection.js | single tracking bug Firefox Bookmarks & History nobody REOP --- 2024-05-12
1833639 Perma [MSIX] browser/base/content/test/performance/browser_startup_mainthreadio.js | unexpected stat on <extensions\> before opening first browser window Toolkit Performance Monitori nobody REOP --- 2023-05-21
1817999 Crash in [@ java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.fenix.library.bookmarks.BookmarkFragment.getBookmarkInteractor] Fenix Bookmarks royang REOP --- 2024-05-06
1819529 Add a test for cookie clearing in time span Toolkit Data Sanitization h.sofie.p REOP --- 2023-04-29
1835070 Frequent /html/semantics/popovers/popover-hover-hide-<smth>.tentative.html | The popover-hide-delay causes a popover to be hidden after a delay[..] Core DOM: Core & HTML nbeleuzu REOP --- 2023-06-06
1724336 Startup Crash in [@ mozilla::URLPreloader::ReadCache] after "MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(key.mPath.Length() > 0) (Path should be non-empty)" Core XPConnect nobody REOP --- 2024-05-19
1797655 Crash in [@ servo_arc::thin_to_thick] Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody REOP --- 2023-07-09
1806401 Intermittent UI test failure - < MediaPlaybackTest.testAudioPlayback > Focus UI Tests nobody REOP --- 2024-03-28
1823249 [Wayland] Developer Tools 3-dot menu popup displayed in the wrong place for maximized window when Ubuntu dock on left/right side Core Widget: Gtk nobody REOP --- 2023-07-19
1828622 Intermittent dom/tests/mochitest/chrome/test_focus.xhtml, test-focus.xul | single tracking bug Core DOM: Core & HTML peterv REOP --- 2024-06-23
1816969 MOZ_SERVICES_SYNC is still used in the code Firefox Sync pierov REOP --- 2023-04-21
1820045 Intermittent [Tier 2] dom/canvas/test/webgl-mochitest/ensure-exts/test_<random_test>.html | application crashed [@ NDXGI::CDevice::Deallocate2CB] Core Graphics: CanvasWebG sotaro.ikeda.g REOP --- 2024-06-23
1824187 Support custom browser to client messages Remote Protocol WebDriver BiDi aborovova RESO FIXE 2023-06-01
1824953 Make RemoteValue serialization more flexible Remote Protocol WebDriver BiDi aborovova RESO FIXE 2023-06-01
1832433 Intermittent testing/marionette/harness/marionette_harness/tests/unit/ TestQuitRestart.test_in_app_quit_with_callback_that_raises_an_exception | AssertionError: "foo" does not match "TypeError: can't access property "port", this.socket Testing Marionette Client an aborovova RESO FIXE 2023-05-14
1827943 Implement the weather suggestion result menu UI Firefox Address Bar adw RESO FIXE 2023-04-19
1828960 The "open" attribute on the result menu button is cleared when a submenu closes Firefox Address Bar adw RESO FIXE 2023-04-20
1832927 Move sponsored/nonsponsored checks back to UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest Firefox Address Bar adw RESO FIXE 2023-05-16
1812092 Update startup tests to use a fixed current date Testing mozperftest aglavic RESO FIXE 2023-04-12
1825736 Update chromedriver to 113 Testing Raptor aglavic RESO FIXE 2023-05-04
1826440 Enable all the performance tests on android chrome Testing Performance aglavic RESO FIXE 2023-04-14
1836851 Perma UV OS X TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL: [99.0 en-US complete] check_updates returned unknown error for Darwin_x86_64-gcc3-u-i386-x86_64 downloads/Firefox 99.0b8.dmg vs. downloads/Firefox 115.0b1.dmg: 3 Release Engineering General ahal RESO FIXE 2023-06-11
1824310 Migrate unittests to browsertime Testing Raptor aionescu RESO FIXE 2023-08-31
1834053 Shorten task metadata name for side-by-side job Testing mozperftest aionescu RESO FIXE 2023-05-29
1833786 Crash in [@ mozilla::detail::nsTStringRepr<T>::BeginReading | nsTSubstring<T>::operator Span | NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8::NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 | mozilla::EMEDecoderModule::SupportsMimeType] Core Audio/Video: Playbac alwu RESO FIXE 2023-07-24
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.