Open Bug 1840270 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

When clicking "manage extension" firefox fails to create a new tab if add-ons manager is already open. Instead it switches to that tab and navigates there. I tried doing the same while holding CTRL or SHIFT keys but the result is the same.


(Toolkit :: Add-ons Manager, defect, P5)

Firefox 114



Tracking Status
firefox114 --- affected
firefox115 --- affected
firefox116 --- affected


(Reporter: BartekBl, Unassigned)


The issue still persists in new Firefox and continues to disrupt my workflow and destroy my data.

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1721433 +++

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:90.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/90.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Right click on an icon of first extension (let's say Sticky Containers)
  2. Click on "Manage extension"
  3. Switch to another tab
  4. Right click on an icon of second extension (let's say Tree Style Tab)
  5. I click on "Manage extension"
  6. Repeat points 4. and 5. while holding CTRL key
  7. Repeat points 4. and 5. while holding SHIFT key

Actual results:

  1. Firefox successfully opened new tab for managing Sticky Containers extension)
  2. Firefox successfully navigated to another tab
  3. (ERROR!) Firefox switched to a tab where settings for Sticky Containers where opened and navigated there to a site for managing Tree Style Tab
  4. (ERROR!) Firefox switched to a tab where settings for Sticky Containers where opened and navigated there to a site for managing Tree Style Tab
  5. (ERROR!) Firefox switched to a tab where settings for Sticky Containers where opened and navigated there to a site for managing Tree Style Tab

Expected results:

  1. Firefox successfully opened new tab for managing Sticky Containers extension)
  2. Firefox successfully navigated to another tab
  3. Firefox successfully opened new tab for managing Tree Style Tab
  4. Firefox successfully opened new tab for managing Tree Style Tab
  5. Firefox successfully opened new tab for managing Tree Style Tab
Severity: -- → S4
Priority: -- → P5


I reproduced the issue on the latest Nightly (116.0a1/20230626215144), Beta (115.0/20230626153624) and Release (114.0.2/20230619081400) under Windows 10 x64 and macOS 11.3.1.

As per Comment 0, if Addons Manager is already opened in a tab with focus on the details page of an extension, as a results of a user clicking on “Manage extension”, doing the same for another extension will not open a new tab with the details page of the second extension, but instead the same tab with Addons Manager will switch to the details page of the second extension. Using modifiers such as CTRL or SHIFT will have the same results.

I will set the report to NEW seeing a severity and priority have been set for it, however the previous issue filed for this same behavior (Bug 1721433) has been closed as Invalid due to it being intended behavior.

Ever confirmed: true
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