Articles, books, essays, videos

Blogs and websites


Creative automation

Accountable algorithms

  • Skynet Today: Accessible and informed written critique of the AI news and trends. (
  • @algorithm_club: Twitter book club on the theme of critical algorithm studies
  • Ethical Machines: Podcast, a “series of conversations about humans, machines & ethics” (
  • Artifical Intelligence Incident Database: A collection of harms or near harms realized in the real world by the deployment of intelligent systems.
  • Concerning AI: A podcast that explores “concerns about intelligent machines” (
  • Moral Machines: A platform for gathering a human perspective on moral decisions made by machine intelligence (
  • Uncovering Algorithms: A project to FOIA algorithms that impact our lives (
  • Auditing Algorithms: Adding accountability to automated authority (
  • AI Progress Measurement: Project that collects problems and metrics/datasets from the AI research literature, and tracks progress on them (
  • Algorithm Tips: Find tips for stories on algorithms (
  • Algorithms of late capitalism: Internet, algorithms, and a global free-market economy (
  • Not Flawless: AI Confessions
  • We Need to Talk, AI: A comic essay on artificial intelligence (
  • AI, Algorithmic, and Automation Incidents and Controversies: an independent, non-partisan, public interest initiative that examines and makes the case for real AI, algorithmic, and automation transparency and openness (

Books and other literature

Written essays and videos

In order to better comprehend the possibilities, and perils, of social bots we must ask pointed questions—about their design, implementation, regulation, and ethics.

How to Think About Bots (

Automated art

Art and curation left in the hands of scripts and algorithms is fascinating …

The Art and Nonsense Poetry of Obscure Twitter Bots (

Biased algorithms

Dangers in automation

Latest from the blog

Eight years of Botwiki, and 2,000 bots

Happy birthday, Botwiki!

Cheap Bots, Done Quick suspended, this time for good

So long, and thanks for all the bots.

Twitter shutting down free access to their API on February 9

I keep saying it's an end of an era quite often these days.

How do folks get into creative botmaking?

Sharing the stories of our early botmaking days.

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