Home - Black Lives Matter
The Evolution of a Movement
Together, we can ensure that Black lives not only matter but thrive.… Read more
  • “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.” – Assata Shakur

We envision a future fully divested from police, prisons, and all punishment paradigms, a future which invests in justice, joy, and culture.

Our Work

Engage With Us

A world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted by police, prisons, and all forms of state punishment.

Our Impact So Far

$90 Million

raised in 2020


in grants given to more than 33 organizations—23 of which are led by LGBTQ+ folks; and money given directly to black folks

23% of assets

while the industry average for grant-giving foundations is 5-8%, BLM Foundation committed 23% of total assets in 2020


Draft Your Own Local Community Safety Policy

The Joy Experience

Hear Directly from Our BLM Foundation Board Members!

Imagine Abolition Ep. 3 The Abolitionist Pod

Learn about our Six pillars

Go to About Page

Official Black Lives Matter Adornment

Explore our Black Lives Matter Global Foundation store. All proceeds/profit from sales go to supporting the work we do in our communities.

Image collage displaying three merch items: tote bag with logo, mug that reads J"ustice Joy Culture" and a model wearing a tan t-shirt that says "Black Lives Matter."


  • The Evolution of a Movement

    The Evolution of a Movement

    Below you’ll find an editorial from the Black Lives Matter Foundation board on the moment we find ourselves in. A moment of rebuilding, reimagining, and working toward a future where Black people can thrive. We could not be prouder to announce our evolution on Juneteenth, a day of joy, justice, and healing for Black folks.…


  • WATCH: Oakland’s KTVU2 on What Elaine Brown’s Visionary Black Panther Building Is All About

    WATCH: Oakland’s KTVU2 on What Elaine Brown’s Visionary Black Panther Building Is All About

    Watch the video on Instagram, spread the word, and consider donating to directly support the local Black-owned businesses at the Black Panther Building and more innovative solutions for us and by us.


Stay Connected @blklivesmatter