Support Botwiki

There’s a lot that goes into maintaining Botwiki, Botmakers, and all the related projects:

Donation options

If you find the content on Botwiki useful, please consider donating to these groups fighting for racial justice in the United States.

Still have money left? Here are some direct ways to support us:

If you like our work, but are not in position to provide financial support, we also appreciate giving us a shoutout on Twitter, or sending us a little note of encouragement.

We also love getting feedback!

And you are more than welcome to join Botmakers, regardless of your programming experience! The one thing we all have in common is that we just really like bots 😊

Thank you!

Latest from the blog

Eight years of Botwiki, and 2,000 bots

Happy birthday, Botwiki!

Cheap Bots, Done Quick suspended, this time for good

So long, and thanks for all the bots.

Twitter shutting down free access to their API on February 9

I keep saying it's an end of an era quite often these days.

How do folks get into creative botmaking?

Sharing the stories of our early botmaking days.

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